Achaemenid Persian Empire |
Alexanders Empire |
Seleucid Empire |
Parthian Empire |
Sassanian Persian Empire |
Ottoman Empire |
Ottoman Empire-2 |
As is obvious, the purpose of this site is to counter the absurd assertions (just plain lies really), of Whites that they (Whites = Central Asian Albinos) played any part in the creation of Mans original Civilizations; much less, were the actual founders of those civilizations. Throughout this site we used original Artifacts and ancient documents, as well as scientific studies of skeletons, to refute Albino falsehoods and their freshly made Fake artifacts. For Anatolia (now called Turkey) we begin with establishing the race of the original people: Africans - original man, and the race of the LAST real civilization of the area - the Black Byzantine (also called the Eastern Roman Empire). As a corollary, this starting study also proves that the "Western Roman Empire" was also Black. Not to mention the Ancient Egyptians and "Middle Easterners". Which are probably the most absurd and delusional Albino claims of all: (That Egyptians and Levantine's were White).These objectives are attained with the following study: "Cranial Discrete Traits in a Byzantine Population and Eastern Mediterranean Population Movements," Ricaut, F. X. and Waelkens, M (2008). Human Biology: Vol. 80: Iss. 5, Article 5.
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Update:Apologies for not explaining how eye color can be determined by DNA. Of course Genetics and a whole host of other things are explained in the Special Subjects Pages, but then again we don't want to overtax our readers. Under the heading of "Why reinvent the wheel" The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - U.S. National Library of Medicine: has a reasonably race neutral (for Albinos) page on the subject - they still "IMPLY" lies.
Is eye color determined by genetics?A person’s eye color results from pigmentation of a structure called the iris, which surrounds the small black hole in the center of the eye (the pupil) and helps control how much light can enter the eye. The color of the iris ranges on a continuum from very light blue to dark brown. Most of the time eye color is categorized as blue, green/hazel, or brown. Brown is the most frequent eye color worldwide. Lighter eye colors, such as blue and green, are found almost exclusively among people of European ancestry. Eye color is determined by variations in a person’s genes. Most of the genes associated with eye color are involved in the production, transport, or storage of a pigment called Melanin. Eye color is directly related to the amount and quality of Melanin in the front layers of the iris. People with brown eyes have a large amount of Melanin in the iris, while people with blue eyes have much less of this pigment. A particular region on chromosome 15 plays a major role in eye color. Within this region, there are two genes located very close together: OCA2 and HERC2. The protein produced from the OCA2 gene, known as the P protein, is involved in the maturation of melanosomes, which are cellular structures that produce and store Melanin. The P protein therefore plays a crucial role in the amount and quality of Melanin that is present in the iris. Several common variations (polymorphisms) in the OCA2 gene reduce the amount of functional P protein that is produced. Less P protein means that less Melanin is present in the iris, leading to blue eyes instead of brown in people with a polymorphism in this gene. A region of the nearby HERC2 gene known as intron 86 contains a segment of DNA that controls the activity (expression) of the OCA2 gene, turning it on or off as needed. At least one polymorphism in this area of the HERC2 gene has been shown to reduce the expression of OCA2, which leads to less Melanin in the iris and lighter-colored eyes. Several other genes play smaller roles in determining eye color. Some of these genes are also involved in skin and hair coloring. Genes with reported roles in eye color include ASIP, IRF4, SLC24A4, SLC24A5, SLC45A2, TPCN2, TYR, and TYRP1. The effects of these genes likely combine with those of OCA2 and HERC2 to produce a continuum of eye colors in different people. (THE ABOVE ARE ALL ALBINISM GENES!).
TYPES OF ALBINISM (There is currently seven identified).
Researchers used to think that eye color was determined by a single gene and followed a simple inheritance pattern in which brown eyes were dominant to blue eyes. Under this model, it was believed that parents who both had blue eyes could not have a child with brown eyes. However, later studies showed that this model was too simplistic. Although it is uncommon, parents with blue eyes can have children with brown eyes. The inheritance of eye color is more complex than originally suspected because multiple genes are involved. While a child’s eye color can often be predicted by the eye colors of his or her parents and other relatives, genetic variations sometimes produce unexpected results. Several disorders that affect eye color have been described. Ocular Albinism
is characterized by severely reduced pigmentation of the iris, which
causes very light-colored eyes and significant problems with vision.
Another condition called Oculocutaneous Albinism
affects the pigmentation of the skin and hair in addition to the eyes.
Affected individuals tend to have very light-colored irises, fair skin,
and white or light-colored hair. Both Ocular Albinism and Oculocutaneous Albinism result from mutations in genes involved in the production and storage of Melanin.
Another condition called heterochromia is characterized by
different-colored eyes in the same individual. Heterochromia can be
caused by genetic changes or by a problem during eye development, or it
can be acquired as a result of a disease or injury to the eye. End
How it all WorksMelanin is the substance that makes Black People Black. All Earth's creatures who live in Sunshine, produce it in their bodies to protect them against the harmful effects of the Suns Rays. Creatures who don't produce Melanin are called Albinos: from Latin albus (White), from Spanish albo (White) - "Hence White People".
Even White Polar Bears have BLACK SKIN!
Though ALL White people were originally Black People, not all Black people with damaged color genes turn completely into White people. Sometimes ONLY their Eye-Color or Hair-Color genes are effected, in which case THIS is what happens to them.
The Nonsense that White People are Cold Adapted HumansOne of the Albinos most outrageous lies is that they are “WHITE SKINNED” because they are a “COLD ADAPTED” People who EVOLVED light Skin to better absorb Sunlight for vitamin “D” synthesis. That is a ridiculous lie, and it is thoroughly and scientifically debunked Here: << Click here >> |
was not that long ago when Albino and Mulatto media told us that those
"Half-White" and White people in North Africa, the Middle-East, and
Arabia, were Berbers, Arabs, Egyptians or Persians.
But now, with the conflict between them and European Albinos heating
up, it appears that a crack has developed in their common anti-Black
armor. Some European Albinos no longer feel the need to continue those
parts of Albino Race and History lies, which served to legitimize them
as descendants of the aforementioned ancient Black people. Oghuz Turks From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Comment -
Why this Albino source fails to include the residents of Arabia, Egypt,
Lebanon, Israel (Jews are Khazar Turks), Palestine, etc. as also being
Turks, is unknown and incorrect. |
Sometime during the 19th century, the Albino people decided to revise Mans history. In their new history: they (the Albinos) became the native peoples of Europe, and in a totally mindless example of intellectual Greed, they also declared that they were also the creators of mans original civilizations - including Egypt.
This revising of history lasted through the 19th. and twentieth centuries. Now in the 21st. century, some institutions are trying to undo that two centuries of lies (perhaps in an effort to lessen the shock of publications like this one). In this case, it is one of the formerly foremost purveyors of Albino lie History - National Geographic. In April of 2013, National Geographic published a study which "Admits" that Africans were the Original settlers of Europe. And Also "Admits" that MODERN Europeans are newcomers. But in "Normal" Albino lie fashion, they refuse to admit that modern Europeans are Central Asian Albinos. But because many people, including some Blacks, won't believe anything unless a White person says so, we include it in our presentation.
On the matter of credibility: On first reading, readers of these pages generally feel amazement, the concept of Blacks being the original settlers, and builders of the first civilizations everywhere, including Europe, is particularly unsettling to them. Both Black and White, because they were taught that there were no Blacks in Europe until the Romans brought them. Then some Blacks correctly say: Uh huh, I knew the Whites were lying, and then go on to enjoy their edification. But Whites remain incredulous, they say: this is simply Blacks with no accomplishments, trying to steal White accomplishment and history! They say, if this was true, my Teachers and Professors would have taught it to me. So either this is lies, or the information is so new that my Teachers and Professors don't know about it yet!
Well No, though it may be comforting to believe that your Teachers and Professors are of sufficient character that they would not lie to you, the facts do not support that conclusion. The fact is that European scientists had evidence, and knew from earlier that the 19th century, of the Black mans central role in settling and establishing civilization in Europe and everywhere else. The exhibits below attest to the fact that this knowledge was known over a hundred years ago. So either your Teachers and Professors are indeed liars, or they were very poorly educated.
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PREHISTORIC MAN AND HIS STORY.By Professor G. F. SCOTT ELLIOT, M.A., B.Sc., F.L.S., F.R.G.S. With Seventy Illustrations and Diagrams. Demy 8vo. 7/6 net. THE NEGROID OF GRIMALDI The Aurignacians found the Moustierian or Neander-thaler in France, and during all the changes sketched above, the former seem to have held their own in that country. After the Wurm Ice Age the Aurignacians modified their weapons and mode of life, and, after the theory which we have adopted, became the men of La Madeleine. These Aurignacians and their Magdalenian descendants pervaded all Central and Southern Europe.
Their remains have also been discovered in Valetta (Malta), in
Phoenicia (Nahr Antelias), and elsewhere, as we shall try to show
later. But during this long period of time two other races also
succeeded in entering France and Italy. These were a “ negroid,”
perhaps pygmy, folk and the men of Solutrean. We have seen that the Aurignacian was originally an African, and if he traversed North Africa on his way from Egypt and Mesopotamia, it would have been a very remarkable fact if he had not come in contact with the African pygmy or his ancestors, for the Bushman, Wam-battu, and the other pygmies are the oldest African race known to us. The “ negroids ” discovered by Dr. Verneau in the Grotte du Grimaldi, though differing greatly from modern Bushmen, show that the Aurignacians were acquainted with a negroid stock, which may perhaps be assumed to be an ancestor of, or allied to, the pygmy. It is difficult to say exactly what was the relation between the Aurignacian and this “ negroid ” race. Moreover, since the discovery of this burial, characteristic
skulls of the same negroid affinity have been found in Spain, in
Brittany (of Neolithic date), at Sierra (not earlier than the
thirteenth century), in Sardinia, at Ostorf, and perhaps in Caithness. |
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Modern Indo-European languages - which include English - originated in Turkey about 9,000 years ago, researchers say.
A language family is a group of languages that arose from a common ancestor, known as the proto-language. Linguists identify these families by trawling through modern languages for words of similar sound that often describe the same thing, like water and wasser (German). These shared words - or cognates - represent our language inheritance. According to the Ethnologue database, more than 100 language families exist. The Indo-European family is one of the largest families - more than 400 languages spoken in at least 60 countries - and its origins are unclear. The Steppes, or Kurgan theorists hold that the proto-language originated in the Steppes of Russia, north of the Caspian Sea, about 5,000 years ago. The Anatolia hypothesis - first proposed in the late 1980s by Prof Colin Renfrew (now Lord Renfrew) - suggests an origin in the Anatolian region of Turkey about 3,000 years earlier. To determine which competing theory was the most likely, Dr Quentin Atkinson from the University of Auckland and his team interrogated language evolution using phylogenetic analyses - more usually used to trace virus epidemics. Commenting on the paper, Prof Mark Pagel, a Fellow of the Royal Society from the University of Reading who was involved in earlier published phylogenetic studies, said: "This is a superb application of methods taken from evolutionary biology to understand a problem in cultural evolution - the origin and expansion of the Indo-European languages. "This paper conclusively shows that the Indo-European languages are at least 8-9,500 years old, and arose, as has long been speculated, in the Anatolian region of what is modern-day Turkey and spread outwards from there." Their study is reported in Science. Mapping the Origins and Expansion of the Indo-European Language Family |
Egyptians, Sumerians, Mohenjo-daroans, Harappans, and Cretans, Elamites, Anatolians, and Nubians, were literate 3,000 years, 4,000 years, who knows how many thousands of years, before the world ever heard of Greeks or Romans. And there is ample evidence of their literacy.Yet there is not one single entry: describing any of the people of their times, whether it be friends, foes, or invaders: or even more incredulously, there is not one single entry describing invading Whites in any of their literature.Contrast that with Greek and Roman writings, in which these NEWLY literate people, describe EVERYTHING and EVERYONE!The discrepancy is of course, not accidental, nor for lack of material.Hopefully, the White man has simply withheld this material, and not destroyed it. |
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Did Anatolians invent STEEL?The earliest known production of steel is seen in pieces of ironware excavated from an archaeological site in Anatolia (Kaman-Kalehöyük) and are nearly 4,000 years old, dating from 1800 BC. It is a “tell” or “mound site” that was occupied during the Bronze Age - Iron Age - and Ottoman periods. In 2005, metallurgical analysis of iron fragments found at Kaman-Kalehöyük in 1994 and dating to 1800 B.C. revealed that some of these fragments were composed of carbon steel; they currently form the world's earliest known evidence for steel manufacture. Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon containing less than 2% carbon and 1% manganese and small amounts of silicon, phosphorus, sulphur and oxygen. Steel is the world's most important engineering and construction material. In a newscast relating to Bessemer Alabama, it was reported that the town was named after the inventor of "Steel", which of course is NOT true.
In Anatolia there are signs of human habitation in caves from at least the stone age. there are also rock paintings and engravings of people and animals on the walls of these caves, such as those near Antalya and elsewhere.
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To date, the most astonishing find is at Göbekli Tepe (Turkish for "Hill with a Tummy"), which is a hilltop sanctuary built on the highest point of an elongated mountain ridge about 15km northeast of the town of Şanlıurfa (Urfa) in southeast Turkey. This site, currently undergoing excavation by German and Turkish archaeologists, is said to have been erected by hunter-gatherers at perhaps 11,500 B.C. This is believed to be before the advent of sedentism (permanent year-round settlement). That claim however, does not seem logical. Note the finely carved pillars to support the roof, it doesn't seem like Hunter Gatherer Nomads would have acquired the skills to do such work. What use would Hunter Gatherer Nomads have for such a structure? Hunter Gatherer Nomads did not store food, they moved to find food, how would Hunter Gatherer Nomads feed themselves while building the site? In any event, it is currently considered the oldest known shrine or temple complex in the world. And the planet's oldest known example of monumental architecture.
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Together with the site of Nevalı Çori, (which has since been inundated by the waters of a Dam across the Euphrates), it has revolutionized our understanding of the Anatolian stone age. At the oldest level, the buildings at Göbekli Tepe contain monolithic “T” shaped pillars, which link coarsely built walls, which form circular or oval buildings. So far four such buildings, with diameters between 33 ft. and 100 ft. have been uncovered. Geophysical studies suggest 16 more structures exist there.
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The later Stratum II, dated to Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period (7,500 - 6,000 B.C.), revealed houses or temples that are round megalithic (large stone) buildings . The walls are made of unworked dry stone and include numerous T-shaped monolithic pillars of limestone that are up to 10 ft. high. Another bigger pair of pillars is placed in the center of the structure. The floors are made of terrazzo (burnt lime), and there is a low Bench running along the whole of the outside wall. The relief’s (carvings) on the pillars include foxes, lions, cattle, wild boars, herons, ducks, scorpions, ants and snakes. Some of the relief’s had been deliberately erased, maybe in preparation for new pictures. There are freestanding sculptures as well, that may represent wild boars or foxes. Comparable statues have been discovered in Nevalı Çori and Nahal Hemar.
At Nevali Cori, the local limestone was carved into
numerous statues and stele, including a more than life-sized bare human
head with a snake or sikha-like tuft, (sikha- a long tuft, or lock of
hair left on top or on the back of the shaven head). There is also a
statue of a bird. Some of the pillars also have carved relief's,
including human hands. The free-standing anthropomorphic figures
(attribution of human characteristics to non-human creatures), which
are made of limestone, are Comparable to sculptures found at Göbekli
Tepe; together they are the oldest known life-sized sculptures.
Also found at Nevali Cori, (pictures have not been released), were several hundred small clay figurines (about 2 in. high), most of them depicting humans, these have been interpreted as votive offerings. These figures were fired at temperatures between 500-600° C, which suggests the development of ceramic technology before the advent of pottery proper.
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Mythological considerations
The excavator of the
site, Klaus Schmidt, has engaged in some speculation regarding the
belief systems of the people that created Göbekli Tepe. Based on
comparisons with other shrines and settlements, he assumes that they
had shamanic practices, and suggests that the T-shaped pillars may
represent mythical creatures, perhaps ancestors. Whereas he sees a
fully articulated belief in gods, only developing later in Mesopotamia,
which has the associated extensive temples and palaces.
This corresponds with the old Sumerian belief that agriculture, animal husbandry and weaving had been brought to humankind from the sacred mountain of Duku (Dulkug), which was inhabited by Annuna-deities, which were very ancient gods without individual names. Klaus Schmidt identifies this story as a primeval myth that preserves a partial memory of the Neolithic. It is also apparent that the animal and other images are peaceful in character and give no indications of organized violence.
Interestingly; the complex was not gradually abandoned and simply forgotten. Instead, it was deliberately covered over with soil. The builders obviously wanted it preserved for posterity. |
Other Sites like Hacilar near Lake Burdur, have some
of the earliest actual settlements, these from about 8,000 B.C. The
people here were living in mud-brick houses with plastered walls and
floors. Their homes were painted and burnished, like those in
contemporary Jericho in Canaan. These earliest settlements were
characterized by the planting of barley and sometimes wheat. But they
produced no pottery, and the only domestic animal was the dog.
Afterward, the site seems to have been abandoned for nearly a thousand years. But was then re-occupied in the late phase of the Stone Age, by villagers of a far more sophisticated culture. These people had advanced agriculture and pottery. Their houses were symmetrically arranged, and these people produced human-looking and large sized, fertility and goddess figures.
The housetops were mud-plastered terraces, which also acted as the communal outdoor space for the family. The houses were mostly of the same size and arrangement; each house had a rectangular room with a narrow storage space or a compartmentalized space along one side. The large rectangular living room would also have a built-in platform, used for a variety of activities in the house. The houses were built of a timber frame of posts and beams, which divided the walls into a series of horizontal and vertical panels, which were then filled with mudbrick and plastered over. Though the houses are built one against each other, they almost never share walls; each room has its own walls independent of the adjoining structure.
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Some of the more elaborately decorated rooms were shrine
rooms, which have plaster reliefs on the walls: these were made on a
framework of reeds. A goddess figure giving birth is the most famous
one; Rams and Stags were also common. There were also pillars with
plaster bull’s heads and horns, as well as some paintings that depict
the daily life and the religious beliefs of the Catal Huyuk
inhabitants. The walls and platforms were plastered with fine white mud
plaster over and over again, in some cases 120 layers of plaster were
found on a single wall. So re-plastering the walls and floors annually
or seasonally must have had some symbolic value for the society. Some
of the walls were painted with hunting scenes, dominated by a huge red
bull, and a series of small male figures.
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Another painted scene is of large stylized vulture-like
birds depicted with small headless human beings; this is interpreted as
a funerary ritual. When people died in Catal Huyuk they took the body
out of the settlement and left it out in the open for birds to consume
the flesh: and only after that, the bones were brought back to the
house and buried under the platforms. [This is the exact funerary
practice of later Persians in Elam, and Hebrews in Canaan, see below].
One of the most significant aspects of Çatal Huyük houses is the practice of burial under the floor of living spaces, usually with elaborate grave goods and sometimes, organic materials. At times, the burials are so intense that in one building, a total of 67 individuals were buried under one room, in a space of less than 30 square meters. Many fertility goddess figurines were also found, made of clay, and very fragile, (fired at low temperature), representing an obese female with exaggerated sexual organs: some depicted in the state of giving birth and accompanied by lions.
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The ancient Anatolian Burial Practice of de-fleshing the body, and then placing the bones in a container for burial: is unique and practiced by only two later cultures. Principal among them are the Persians of the Zoroastrian religion. Their practice was to place the body where it may be eaten by scavenging birds and animals or weathered to its bare bones, and then placed in a container for burial.
In Bombay India, the Parsis (as the Indian
descendants of the Persian refugees from the Arab/Turk invasion are
called) maintain “towers of silence” which are high circular towers.
The dead are carried to the top, and funeral servants place them on
stone beds surrounding a central pit. After the hovering vultures have
stripped the flesh from the bones, the bones are gathered and placed
into the central pit.
Hebrews - Around two thousand years ago, during the time that Jesus
Christ lived, Hebrew burial tradition shifted to include a secondary
burial in Ossuaries. This burial practice involved collecting the
deceased’s bones after the flesh had been left to decompose and
desiccate, and then placing them inside an Ossuary. The Ossuary was
then placed into a loculus – a type of satchel.
These precise burial practices are unique to
those mentioned people, and to no other people of the world. Logically
then, the question must be asked: are they related? It is no stretch to
connect the Hebrews with these ancient Anatolians: From the time of the
less ancient Sumerians, the Hebrews (formally called Amorites), were
known to be a nomadic people inhabiting the area formed by the
conjunction of the borders of modern day Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. The
Bible suggests that the city of Harran (which is in the center of that
area) is in the homeland of the Hebrews, and referrers to it by name.
Genesis 11:31
"And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Harran, and dwelt there".
Less sure is the connection with the ancient Persians (Medes
(Mada) and Persians (Parsua), who appeared in ancient Elam around 900
B.C. In favor of their connection: aside from their unique burial
practice, is Persia’s close proximity to Anatolia, and the great
Persian King Cyrus’s benevolent treatment of the Hebrew captives when
he took power: (He freed them and instructed them to return to their
homeland and rebuild their temple – and paid for their journey). These
things, combined with the fact that the origin of the Persians has
never been ascertained – they had to come from somewhere - suggest an
ancestral connection.
Those wishing to pursue an understanding of the Human Journey, and Specifics of the ancient East African migrations, which led to Modern Man's colonization of the entire world; please visit the National Geographic – Genographic Project – Atlas of the Human Journey. Though as one would expect, when it comes to European and Anatolian (Turkey) settlement, it is not only inaccurate, it is downright Racist. But what would you expect?
Please visit the "Additional Material Area" for many more photographs of each civilization, and related material <Click> |
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