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Ancient Man and His First Civilizations


Modern Palestine-Israel-Lebanon




Throughout the pages of Realhistoryww we rail against the lies of Albinos as relates to history and Race. We offer proof of our claims and hope to shame Albinos into better behavior. But alas, it has all been for naught, Albinos haven’t gotten better, they have gotten even worst! Note these latest examples.


This is the authentic face mask of King Tut found in his tomb   This is the forensic mockup of King Tut created by a French artist named Élisabeth Daynès. This mockup is displayed in National Geographic and many academic venues.



Élisabeth Daynès

Élisabeth Daynès is a French sculptor (self-taught, without formal education). In 1981 she worked with the Théâtre de la Salamandre in Lille creating masks for the theatre. In 1984, she founded her own studio, Atelier Daynès, in Paris. A few years later the Thot Museum in Montignac, close to the Lascaux caves, asked her to sculpt a life size woolly mammoth with a group of hominids. She has since specialized in reconstructing hominids from remaining bones. Her work is present at museums all over the world, like Musée des Merveilles in Tende, Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Transvaal Museum in Pretoria, Sangiran Museum in Indonesia, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet in Stockholm and Museum of Human Evolution in Burgos (Spain). One of her most notable sculptures is at the Krapina Neanderthal Museum in northern Croatia where she made a reconstruction of an entire seventeen member Neanderthal family. In 2005 she created a life like model of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in a project with National Geographic. In 2010 Daynes won the John J. Lazendorf Paleoart prize, widely regarded as the most prestigious reward given to artists in science art related to paleontology, in the 3-Dimensional Art category.



Just look at that, the Albinos are so desperate to get their lies out, with at least some support, that they are now taking UNEDUCATED hacks and commissioning them to make forensic mockups of ancient Blacks.

And then Albinos had the nerve to give them prizes, as if they had done something worthwhile: when in fact all they had done was to do great injury to truth, and hopes for Brotherhood and understanding.



Here is what it takes to actually do "REAL" forensic mockups

Google search: Requirements to Become a Forensics Anthropologist

This is a career requiring extensive education. You will need a bachelor’s degree in anatomy, biology, chemistry, physiology or anthropology as well as a graduate degree in human biology or anthropology. Though a degree at the Master’s level may qualify you to begin your investigative career, most forensic anthropologists have a Ph.D. degree.




Here is more of Élisabeth Daynès lying handiwork.



Magdalenian Girl is the common name for a skeleton dated ca. 15,000 to 13,000 years ago, in the Magdalenian period. The remains were discovered in 1911 in the Dordogne region of southwestern France in a limestone cave known as the Cap Blanc rock shelter.

Below is how the racist, lying, Élisabeth Daynès made that Black woman look!


The "Pataud woman" is the name given to the remains of a young woman, about 20 years old, deposited with the body of a newborn child in the Abri Pataud shelter in southwestern France. The remains are about 21,000 years old.

Below is how the racist, lying, Élisabeth Daynès made that Black woman look!


The Chancelade man was discovered in 1888 in the cave of Raymonden Chancelade in Dordogne France. The skeleton was that of an adult man, estimated to have been between 55 and 65 at death. The man had been intentionally buried and liberally coated with ochre. The grave also contained Magdalenian tools, dating from 17,000 to 12,000 years before present.

Below is how the racist, lying, Élisabeth Daynès made that Black Man look!



These "REAL" people, not the silly Albino mockups of Albino imagination above: were of course Africans settling Europe at the end of the last "Ice Age". In all pages in Realhistoryww relating to Europe, you will find the scientific proof of that. We are particularly fond of the scientific Study "Cranial Discrete Traits in a Byzantine Population and Eastern Mediterranean Population Movements": but for those wanting more, there are many other scientific studies cited and displayed on our pages.



So why are we making so much fuss about a simple Albino lie, one of so many? Because it feeds into the overall Albino lie methodology used to keep Blacks ignorant and powerless. We have said that Albino media, Academia, and Institutions, are all a part of the Albino lie infrastructure. Here is a nice example of Albino Newspapers promoting the lies.









Now here is the "REAL" story



Quote above: Strikingly, the mummies were more closely related to

ancient Europeans and Anatolians than to modern Egyptians.



Well here are the ancient Europeans!




And here are the ancient Egyptians!



There are TWO kinds of MODERN Egyptians,

Anatolians (Turkey), Arabians, and Middle Easterners generally:

The White and Mulatto ones are Turks!





The others are the Black ones

that Albino media never show you!




Modern Egyptians



Modern Persians aka Iranians





Modern Arabs



Now do you see how the Albino Lie Machine Works?





The Nonsense that White People are Cold Adapted Humans

One of the Albinos most outrageous lies is that they are “WHITE SKINNED” because they are a “COLD ADAPTED” People who EVOLVED light Skin to better absorb Sunlight for vitamin “D” synthesis. That is a ridiculous lie, and it is thoroughly and scientifically debunked Here: << Click here >>






On to the subject at hand..







It was not that long ago when Albino and Mulatto media told us that those "Half-White" and White people in North Africa, the Middle-East, and Arabia, were Berbers, Arabs, Egyptians or Persians. But now, with the conflict between them and European Albinos heating up, it appears that a crack has developed in their common anti-Black armor. Some European Albinos no longer feel the need to continue those parts of Albino Race and History lies, which served to legitimize them as descendants of the aforementioned ancient Black people.

Oghuz Turks

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Oghuz, Oguz or Ghuzz Turks were a western Turkic people who spoke the Oghuz languages from the Common branch of Turkic language family. In the 8th century, they formed a tribal confederation conventionally named the Oghuz Yabgu State in Central Asia. The name Oghuz is a Common Turkic word for "tribe". Byzantine sources called the Oghuz the Uzes. By the 10th century, Islamic sources were calling the Muslim, as opposed to shamanist or Christian Oghuz, the Turkmens. By the 12th century this term had passed into Byzantine usage, and the Oghuzes were now overwhelmingly Muslim.

The Oghuz confederation migrated westward from the Jeti-su area after a conflict with the Karluk branch of Uigurs, (Jeti-su/Zhetysu: is the historical name of a part of Central Asia, corresponding to the southeastern part of modern Kazakhstan). The founders of the Ottoman Empire were descendants of the Oghuzes.

Today the residents of Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Khorezm, Turkmens of Afghanistan, Balkans, Iraq and Syria are descendants of Oghuz Turks and their language belongs to the Oghuz (also known as southwestern Turkic) group of the Turkic languages family.

Comment - Why this Albino source fails to include the residents of Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Israel (Jews are Khazar Turks), Palestine, etc. as also being Turks, is unknown and incorrect.




The Natufian culture

Canaan is often refereed to as the "Natufian" culture, which was an Epipaleolithic culture of Africans who migrated into the area thousands of year earlier. The Natufian existed from 13,000 to 9,800 years ago, it was unusual in that it was sedentary, or semi-sedentary, before the introduction of agriculture. The Natufian communities are possibly the ancestors of the builders of the first Neolithic settlements of the region, which may have been the earliest in the world. There is some evidence for the deliberate cultivation of cereals, specifically rye, by the Natufian culture. Generally though, Natufians made use of wild cereals, hunted animals like gazelles, and fished. The term "Natufian" was coined by Dorothy Garrod (1892-1968) who studied the Shuqba cave in Wadi an-Natuf, Palestinian Territories.



Concerning Literature

Egyptians, Sumerians, Mohenjo-daroans, Harappans, and Cretans, Elamites, and Nubians, were literate 3,000 years, 4,000 years, who knows how many thousands of years, before the world ever heard of Greeks or Romans. And there is ample evidence of their literacy.

Yet there is not one single entry: describing any of the people of their times, whether it be friends, foes, or invaders: or even more incredulously, there is not one single entry describing invading Whites in any of their literature.

Contrast that with Greek and Roman writings, in which these NEWLY literate people, describe EVERYTHING and EVERYONE!

The discrepancy is of course, not accidental, nor for lack of material.

Hopefully, the White man has simply withheld this material, and not destroyed it.




Ancient Canaan was probably the first place, outside of Africa, where ancient man first became "settled" (Agricultural). Archeological excavations have shown evidence of human habitation in Canaan, from Paleolithic and Mesolithic times. At the site of the ancient city of Jericho, evidence reveals a settled community and an agricultural way of life had existed there, since about 9,000 B.C.

By about 7000 B.C. Jericho had developed into a large settlement which may have contained as many as two thousand individuals, and was defended by a substantial wall. The dead were often buried beneath the floors of houses. In some instances the bodies were complete, but in others the skull was removed and treated separately, with the facial features reconstructed in plaster.

The removal of the skull from the body and its separate burial was widely practised in the Levant during the seventh millennium B.C. the skull was remodelled with plaster to build up the facial features. Shells, either cowries or bivalves, were set into the empty sockets to represent the eyes. The skull was decorated with red and black paint to depict individual characteristics such as hair and even moustaches. It is possible that this practice was part of an ancestor cult. Similarly plastered skulls have been found at sites in Palestine, Syria and Jordan.


Jericho Plaster Skulls



By about 4,000 B.C, there existed small settlements of farming people who built mud-brick houses and some underground dwellings. In the Early Bronze Age, the inhabitants of Canaan, built the first walled towns. These towns were small with walls of rough stones or unbaked mud brick. The town were surrounded by peasant farmers growing a range of local horticultural products, along with commercial growing of olives, grapes for wine, and pistachios, surrounded by extensive grain cropping, predominantly wheat and barley. Harvest in early summer was a season when transhumance nomadism was practiced — shepherds staying with their flocks during the wet season and returning to graze them on the harvested stubble, closer to water supplies in the summer.

As time progressed, the fortifications in these early towns grew more complex. By the end of the Early Bronze Age, some towns were surrounded by double and triple walls, for defense. Families lived within these city walls, in houses clustered around courtyards. The existence of these heavily fortified city walls, is evidence that this was not a peaceful period. Evidence seems to indicate that they buried their dead in stone dolmens.





By the Middle Bronze Age (2,000 B.C.) Canaan was an Egyptian province, but there was apparently great wealth and strong self-government for each individual city-state. The wealthy aristocratic rulers embellished their cities with large-scale, public buildings, temples and palaces. They also decorated their palaces and temples with beautiful wall paintings. Their pottery was now elaborate in style, and beautifully painted or sculptured. They also smelted copper.

Later, town planning was also in effect, evidenced by paved streets that were built in a grid pattern. Cities were now surrounded by huge fortifications, with ramparts built to defend against battering rams. By now people buried their dead with elaborate rituals, in caves, with several generations of family members placed in the same tomb. Rich goods were found with these burials, including pottery vessels, wooden containers, weapons, tools and jewelry.

The Levant refers to the area which includes modern Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Jordan and northern Arabia.





Ceramic tiles depicting Levant people: from the temple of Ramesses III ( Reign 1186–1155 B.C.) 20th Dynasty.













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