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Blacks Were First Britain's


Admittedly these "Revelations" (laughing); are a meager start to full restoration of Black history. But when we consider that before this, there was only lies and denials, it is indeed a step forward.



This agreement to stop lying by the British, was probably precipitated by News and Studies by other Albinos who had themselves decided to stop lying, and denying the OBVIOUS: (You can WALK from Africa to Europe)!

N.Y. Times story: In Neanderthal DNA, Signs of a Mysterious Human Migration <<click>>



The Telegraph Media Group. - 10 Jan 2016
HEADLINE - New history GCSE course (U.K. - General Certificate of Secondary Education: a public examination in specified subjects for 16-year-old schoolchildren), on migration is branded 'disturbing' and ‘dangerous’ the course suggests that Africans arrived in Britain before the English.

A new GCSE history course, said to teach students that Africans arrived in Britain before the English, has caused uproar among academics. The module, which will be offered by the Oxford and Cambridge examination board (OCR) from September, was created with academics from the Black and Asian Studies Association. It will cover new arrivals to the UK from the Romans up to modern day migrants such as those from Syria and Eastern Europe and assess the reasons for immigration, the experience of new entrants and the impact on the indigenous population. The course is called Migration To Britain c. 1,000 to c. 2010. Its literature states: "This course will enable students to learn how the movement of people – European, African, Asian – to and from these islands has shaped the story of this nation for thousands of years. The history of migration is the story of Britain: in 1984, Peter Fryer wrote, 'There were Africans in Britain before the English came.'"




The Daily Mail - 9 January 2016
GCSE (U.K. - General Certificate of Secondary Education: a public examination in specified subjects for 16-year-old schoolchildren): Pupils to be taught that the nation's earliest inhabitants were Africans who were in Britain before the English. GCSE students are to be taught that some of our nation’s earliest inhabitants were Africans who arrived here long before the English.

The Mail on Sunday has discovered that the extraordinary rewriting of our island’s history – the politically correct work of a Marxist academic – will be offered to thousands of history students throughout England from September. Its creators claim the course addresses the ‘white male-dominated’ view of history – but it has outraged some of Britain’s most eminent thinkers.

V.S. Naipaul, the Booker and Nobel prize-winning novelist, told the Mail on Sunday: "Once again political correctness is distorting our history and the education of our children."

Historian Sir Roy Strong, author of The Story Of Britain, said: "This stands history on its head, projecting back on to the past something that isn’t true. "The only Africans who came here were a few with the Romans who came and then left. I find it disturbing that our children should be taught something that is clearly designed to feed into contemporary problems rather than tell our island’s story properly."

Prof Alan Smithers, of Buckingham University, a specialist adviser to the Commons Education Committee, said: "This seems to be aimed more at indoctrination than education. It is dangerous because a cohesive society depends on an authentic shared view of history."

However, Prof Mark Ormrod, of York University, one of the historians researching the new topic, told the newspaper: "It is an outstanding example of how a long view of history helps us to understand and to find a place for ourselves in contemporary society."Our research project shows how, for example, in the late Middle Ages, no one was more than ten miles from an immigrant." Mike Goddard, head of history at OCR, said: "There is no political bias. The GCSE will present facts. It is not pushing any particular argument."





The Critics


Historian Sir Roy Strong, author of The Story Of Britain, said: "This stands history on its head, projecting back on to the past something that isn’t true.

Sir Roy Colin Strong, CH, FRSL (born 23 August 1935) is an English art historian, museum curator, writer, broadcaster and landscape designer. He has served as director of both the National Portrait Gallery and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Strong was knighted in 1982.

Strong is an 80 year-old "ART HISTORIAN", what would he know about Anthropology?


















V.S. Naipaul, the Booker and Nobel prize-winning novelist, told the Mail on Sunday: "Once again political correctness is distorting our history and the education of our children."

Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, TC born 17 August 1932), is a Trinidadian Nobel Prize-winning British writer known for his comic early novels set in Trinidad and Tobago, his bleaker later novels of the wider world, and his autobiographical chronicles of life and travels. He has published more than 30 books, both of fiction and nonfiction, over some 50 years.

Naipaul was married to Patricia Ann Hale from 1955 until her death in 1996. She served as first reader, editor, and critic of his writings. He dedicated his A House for Mr Biswas to her. In 1996 Naipaul married Nadira Naipaul, a Pakistani former journalist. Naipaul was knighted in 1989.

He is of Nepalese Brahmin Bahun ancestry and his great-grandfathers migrated to India. In the 1880s, his grandparents emigrated from India to work as indentured servants in Trinidad's sugar plantations. In the largely peasant Indian immigrant community in Trinidad, Naipaul's father became an English-language journalist, and in 1929 began contributing articles to the Trinidad Guardian. In 1932, the year Naipaul was born, his father joined the staff as the Chaguanas correspondent. In "A prologue to an autobiography" (1983), Naipaul describes how his father's reverence for writers and for the writing life spawned his own dreams and aspirations to become a writer.
The Naipauls believed themselves to be the descendants of Hindu Brahmins, though they did not observe many of the practices and restrictions common to Brahmins in India. The family gradually stopped speaking Indian languages and spoke English at home.

Naipaul is an Indian born on the sovereign Island of Trinidad: yet he refers to "Our history" and "Our children." This man is obviously a pandering "Wannabe" with no knowledge of the facts. Here again: what would he know about Anthropology?








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