Our admonishment has always been "Albinos Lie", as a matter of fact, they are degenerate liars! So common sense dictates that everything Albinos say or write must be VETED as a coming lie. It is with this knowledge that for many years Realhistoryww has scoured all available sources to gather evidence which proves the duplicity of Albinos. Each year, and with each history we have gotten closer to our goal, but not until this history of Belize do we think we have the Albinos "Red Handed" to where we can cut-off every one of their lies.
Let us now recap the Basic lies of the Albinos.
1) They refuse to admit that they are the Albinos of Black people. Instead they claim that as they moved to Europe from Africa, they lost their pigmentation so as to better absorb Sunlight to make Vitamin D.
2) They claim that they are native to Europe, instead of Central Asia.
3) They claim that ALL Blacks, EVERYWHERE in the World - except Africa - but especially in the Americas, are in those places as a result of Black Slavery.
Naturally these lies are debunked throughout the pages of Realhistoryww: but it's never enough for the dumbest Negroes in the world, who else would believe such nonsense? And there sure is a lot of them, many college educated (we have theories as to their linage). We feel that in every Black person, there should be a little place in the Brain which asks the logical question: these White people have shown themselves to be the enemies of my people since many years ago, they kill us, they enslave us, they oppress us, the impoverish us, so why should I believe anything they tell me about themselves or us? On the other hand, there should be a little voice in each Black head which says: I don't believe their bullshit, I know that I am better than that, and so is my kind! We believe there is only one kind of Negro who would be with those mental safeguards. So the efforts continue to educate even them - perhaps this page on Belize will do the trick. From time to time we visit the website "Quora.com": the ignorance and stupidity of some Negroes is "Chilling".
Belize is the new name of a Caribbean country located on the northeastern coast of Central America. Belize was known as British Honduras until 1973, it achieved independence on September 21, 1981. It has an area of 22,970 square kilometres (8,867 sq mi) and a population of 408,487 (2019). It has the lowest population and population density in Central America. The country's population growth rate of 1.87% per year (2018 estimate) is the second highest in the region and one of the highest in the Western Hemisphere.
Belize has a diverse society that is composed of many cultures and languages that reflect its rich history. English is the official language of Belize, while Belizean Creole is the most widely spoken national language, being the native language of over a third of the population. Over half the population is multilingual, with Spanish being the second most common spoken language. It is known for its September Celebrations, its extensive barrier reef coral reefs and punta music.
The Garinagu (singular Garifuna), at around 4.5% of the population, are a mix of West/Central African, Arawak, and Island Carib ancestry. Though they were captives removed from their homelands, these people were never documented as slaves. The two prevailing theories are that, in 1635, they were either the survivors of two recorded shipwrecks or somehow took over the ship they came on.
Throughout history they have been incorrectly labelled as Black Caribs. When the British took over Saint Vincent and the Grenadines after the Treaty of Paris in 1763, they were opposed by French settlers and their Garinagu allies. The Garinagu eventually surrendered to the British in 1796. The British separated the more African-looking Garifunas from the more indigenous-looking ones. 5,000 Garinagu were exiled from the Grenadine island of Baliceaux. However, only about 2,500 of them survived the voyage to Roatán, an island off the coast of Honduras. The Garifuna language belongs to the Arawakan language family, but has a large number of loanwords from Carib languages and from English.
Because Roatán was too small and infertile to support their population, the Garinagu petitioned the Spanish authorities of Honduras to be allowed to settle on the mainland coast. The Spanish employed them as soldiers, and they spread along the Caribbean coast of Central America. The Garinagu settled in Seine Bight, Punta Gorda and Punta Negra, Belize, by way of Honduras as early as 1802. However, in Belize, 19 November 1832 is the date officially recognized as "Garifuna Settlement Day" in Dangriga.
Roatan = Area: 32.05 mi², Max length: 37.28 mi, Population: 50,000 (2008), Highest point: 1011 feet. Exports - The economy is based on agriculture; bananas and coffee are the most important exports. The vast banana plantations, established by U.S. companies, are mainly along the northern coast...Seafood, gold and other minerals, palm oil, fruit, lumber, and beef are also exported. Other important food crops include corn, beans, rice, and citrus. WHERE THE HELL DO THESE ALBINOS FIND THE NONSENSE THEY SPEW? |
According to one genetic study, their ancestry is on average 76% Sub Saharan African, 20% Arawak/Island Carib and 4% European.
The study they cite is a MEDICAL STUDY, and it does no DNA testing! The study is Biocultural Adaptation To Disease In The Caribbean: Case Study Of A Migrant Population by M.H. Crawford.
But it turned out that it's really just more nonsense.
American Red CrossThere are four major blood groups determined by the presence or absence of two antigens – A and B – on the surface of red blood cells. In addition to the A and B antigens, there is a protein called the Rh factor, which can be either present (+) or absent (–), creating the 8 most common blood types (A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB-).
The here cited Study: "Biocultural Adaptation to Disease In The Caribbean: Case Study Of A Migrant Population M.H. Crawford" As we see now, is mostly Albino Bullshit. But google it to see how often it is used in support of other Albino lies and bullshit. That's how they do it, one Albino comes up with a good lie, then they all repeat it, and build upon it. |
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From the Study: Where are the Caribs? Ancient DNA from ceramic period human remains in the Lesser Antilles (2015).
From the study: Reconstructing the Population Genetic History of the Caribbean (2013) Population structure of the Caribbean To characterize population structure across the Antilles and neighboring mainland populations, we combined our genotype data for the six Latino populations with continental population samples from western Africa, Europe, and the Americas, as well as additional admixed Latino populations. To maximize SNP density, we initially restricted our reference panels to representative subsets of populations with available Affymetrix SNP array data. Using a common set of 390 K SNPs, we applied both principal component analysis (PCA) and an unsupervised clustering algorithm, ADMIXTURE, to explore patterns of population structure. Figure 1B shows the distribution in PCA space of each individual, recapitulating clustering patterns previously observed in Hispanic/Latino populations: Mexicans cluster largely between European and Native American components, Colombians and Puerto Ricans show three-way admixture, and Dominicans principally cluster between the African and European components. Ours is the first study to characterize genomic patterns of variation from (1) Hondurans, which we show have a higher proportion of African ancestry than Mexicans, (2) Cubans, which show extreme variation in ancestry proportions ranging from 2% to 78% West African ancestry, and (3) Haitians, which showed the largest average proportion of West African ancestry (84%). |
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The Maya Civilization emerged at least three millennia ago in the lowland area of the Yucatán Peninsula and the highlands to the south, in the area of present-day southeastern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and western Honduras. Many aspects of this culture persist in the area, despite nearly 500 years of European domination. Prior to about 2500 B.C, some hunting and foraging bands settled in small farming villages; they domesticated crops such as corn, beans, squash, and chilli peppers.
A profusion of languages and subcultures developed within the Maya core culture. Between about 2500 B.C. and 250 A.D, the basic institutions of Maya civilization emerged. The Maya civilization spread across what is now Belize around 1500 B.C. and flourished there until about AD 900. The recorded history of the middle and southern regions is dominated by Caracol, an urban political centre that may have supported over 140,000 people. North of the Maya Mountains, the most important political centre was Lamanai. In the late Classic Era of Maya civilization (600–1000 A.D.), it is estimated that between 400,000 and 1,000,000 people inhabited the area that is now Belize.
The Maya Civilization spread into the area of Belize between 1500 B.C. and A.D. 300, and flourished until about 1200. When Spanish explorers arrived in the 16th century, the area that is now Belize included three distinct Maya territories: Chetumal province, which encompassed the area around Corozal Bay; Dzuluinicob province, which encompassed the area between the New River and the Sibun River, west to Tipu; and a southern territory controlled by the Manche Ch'ol Maya, encompassing the area between the Monkey River and the Sarstoon River.
Note vessel above: Located just above the man with the deer-head headdress is the glyph for cacao, which we know as chocolate, an important food that originated in the Americas. The Maya used the pulp that surrounds the cacao seeds in the pod to make a beverage. They also roasted and ground the cacao seeds, which they mixed with water, ground corn, and flavorings like chili and honey to produce a beverage for the elite. A head of foam, or froth, on the Maya chocolate drink was created by pouring the chocolate-based beverage back and forth between two cylindrical vessels like this one. They drank the chocolate beverage from smaller ceramic vessels or from gourd containers. Maya kings sometimes presented ceramic vessels as gifts to other rulers or important nobles. Since the cacao glyph is present on this vessel, this indicates that it was used to hold a cacao beverage.
"Rollout" of vessel for frothing Chocolate. i.e. Flattened image of the entire vessels circular images. |
In their royal courts, the Maya served beverages made from corn or chocolate in cylindrical ceramic vessels. The hieroglyphic texts on this vessel indicate that it was used for a drink made from sweet cacao pulp. The texts also name two rulers who were associated with kingdoms in what is today the Petén region of Guatemala. The painted scene depicts a Maya game played in a masonry court with a solid rubber ball the size and weight of a bowling ball. Rules required that players hit the ball primarily with their hips, not their hands. In the scene on this vessel, the player on his knees is trying to hit the ball back into play with the big padded belt around his waist. Distinguished by water lily, deer, and bird headdresses, each of the four players wears a hip protector, a hide apron, a padded guard on one forearm, and a knee pad on one knee, all for protection from the blows of the ball during play. We have few eyewitness accounts of the Maya game, which was still played in the highlands of Guatemala when the Spanish arrived, and for that reason, we know little of the rules for scoring and winning. We presume from the sheer number of ball courts in Maya cities that the Maya played the sport on many occasions and that most Maya played or watched the game. However, for the Maya of the Classic period, the ball game was a deeply sacred ritual, and not only a popular sport but a political event that had many levels of meaning and often involved human sacrifice. Significantly, there is no warfare or sacrifice depicted on the vessel.
The hieroglyphic text reveals the vessel is from Hix Witz (Jaguar Hill) and its owner was Spark Mouth K’awil, a “young warrior from Hix-wits.” Hix Witz was centered on the sites of Pajaral, Zapote Bobal, and the smaller La Joyanca in the Petén department of Guatemala. According to archaeologist and epigrapher David Stuart, these sites shared the Hix Witz toponym. In a situation analogous to the sites of Dos Pilas and Aguateca, local power and ritual importance may have shifted back and forth between the two larger centers over time. A caption in the vertical column refers to another royal person, probably one of the ball players: “this is his self (image) in the ball game, strong youth, Sak Muwaan (white bird), holy (divine) king of Ik’ (Motul de San José).” Motul de San José was an ancient Maya site located just north of Lake Petén Itzá in the Petén Basin region of the southern Maya lowlands. It can be supposed that the vessel was dedicated to commemorate Sak Muwaan’s visit to Hixwits or the game played by that “young warrior” in the court of the king of Motul de San José (Ik’). Because the text names two rulers and two kingdoms, this scene may represent an inter-kingdom contest and a reenactment of the primordial ball game. The ball game was often a reenactment of this mythical ball game in which the Hero Twins played ball against the lords of the underworld, and it was ultimately a metaphor for life, death, and regeneration.
Scientific Study, 8 November 2019: Genetic Overview of the Maya Populations: Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups
We identified mitochondrial DNA haplogroups A, B, C, and D in 75 present-day Maya individuals, 24 Maya individuals of the colonial period, and 1 pre-Columbian Maya individual from Quintana Roo, Mexico. We examined these data together with those of 21 Maya populations reported in the literature, comprising 647 present-day Maya individuals and 71 ancient Maya individuals. A demographic study based on analysis of fertility and endogamy was carried out in two modern Maya populations to identify cultural factors that influence the mitochondrial haplogroup genetic diversity. Most present-day and ancient Maya populations show a distribution pattern of mitochondrial haplogroup frequencies A, C, B, and D in decreasing order, with haplogroup D absent in several populations.
Scientific Study, 2015: Genomic insights on the ethno-history of the Maya and the ‘Ladinos’ from Guatemala
Y-chromosomal SNP variation
Haplogroup Q is the major branch on the Y-chromosome tree (89%) in the male Maya population set. Q1a3a1 represents the most common haplogroup (81%), and 8% of the Y-haplotypes fall within Q (×Q1a3a1). The remaining subjects belong to the European haplogroups R1 (9%) and J2 (2%). ALBINO LIE – neither haplogroup R1 nor J2 are European haplogroups. R1 is the main haplogroup in western Europe, it likely evolved in east or central Africa. J2 is the main ARAB haplogroup.) The R1 sub-clades detected in Guatemalans were R1b1a2 represented by three samples (two Q’eqchi’ and one ‘Ladino’), and one R1a1 member observed in one single K’iche’ individual. The J2 carrier self-describes as ‘Ladino’ and also reported two generations of ‘Ladino’ ancestry interrupted by a Q’eqchi’ maternal grandmother. The individual described above (#GT24) bearing the mtDNA Sub-Saharan haplotype L3b1a carries a Y-chromosomal haplogroup R1*(×R1a, R1b1) of European ancestry.
Spanish conquistadors explored the land and declared it part of the Spanish empire but failed to settle it because of its lack of resources and the hostile tribes of the Yucatán. English pirates sporadically visited the coast of what is now Belize, seeking a sheltered region from which they could attack Spanish ships and cut logwood (Haematoxylum campechianum) trees. The first British permanent settlement was founded around 1716 in what became the Belize District, and during the 18th century, established a system using Black slaves to cut logwood trees. This yielded a valuable fixing agent for clothing dyes, and was one of the first ways to achieve a fast black dye before the advent of artificial dyes. The Spanish granted the British settlers the right to occupy the area and cut logwood in exchange for their help suppressing piracy. NOTE THE TOTAL NUMBER OF AFRICAN SLAVES IMPORTED TO BELIZE.
European contact began in 1502 when Christopher Columbus sailed along the Gulf of Honduras. European exploration was begun by English settlers in 1638. This period was also marked by Spain and Britain both laying claim to the land until Britain defeated the Spanish in the Battle of St. George's Caye (1798). It became a British colony in 1840, known as British Honduras, and a Crown colony in 1862.
The British first appointed a superintendent over the Belize area in 1786. Before then the British government had not recognized the settlement as a colony for fear of provoking a Spanish attack. The delay in government oversight allowed the settlers to establish their own laws and forms of government. During this period, a few successful settlers gained control of the local legislature, known as the Public Meeting, as well as of most of the settlement's land and timber.
Throughout the 18th century, the Spanish attacked Belize every time war broke out with Britain. The Battle of St. George's Caye was the last of such military engagements: it was in 1798, between a Spanish fleet and a small force of Baymen and their slaves. From 3 to 5 September, the Spaniards tried to force their way through Montego Caye shoal, but were blocked by defenders. Spain's last attempt occurred on 10 September, when the Baymen repelled the Spanish fleet in a short engagement with no known casualties on either side. The anniversary of the battle has been declared a national holiday in Belize and is celebrated to commemorate the "first Belizeans" and the defence of their territory. (It is much more likely that the defenders were Native people).
In the early 19th century, the British sought to reform the settlers, threatening to suspend the Public Meeting unless it observed the government's instructions to eliminate slavery outright. After a generation of wrangling, slavery was abolished in the British Empire in 1833. As a result of their slaves' abilities in the work of mahogany extraction, owners in British Honduras were compensated at £53.69 per slave on average, the highest amount paid in any British territory.
However, the end of slavery did little to change the former slaves' working conditions if they stayed at their trade. A series of institutions restricted the ability of individuals to buy land, in a debt-peonage system. Former "extra special" mahogany or logwood cutters undergirded the early ascription of the capacities (and consequently the limitations) of people of African descent in the colony. Because a small elite controlled the settlement's land and commerce, former slaves had little choice but to continue to work in timber cutting.
In 1836, after the emancipation of Central America from Spanish rule, the British claimed the right to administer the region. In 1862, Great Britain formally declared it a British Crown Colony, subordinate to Jamaica, and named it British Honduras. As a colony, Belize began to attract British investors. Among the British firms that dominated the colony in the late 19th century was the Belize Estate and Produce Company, which eventually acquired half of all privately held land and eventually eliminated peonage. Belize Estate's influence accounts in part for the colony's reliance on the mahogany trade throughout the rest of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.
The Great Depression of the 1930s caused a near-collapse of the colony's economy as British demand for timber plummeted. The effects of widespread unemployment were worsened by a devastating hurricane that struck the colony in 1931. Perceptions of the government's relief effort as inadequate were aggravated by its refusal to legalize labour unions or introduce a minimum wage. Economic conditions improved during World War II, as many Belizean men entered the armed forces or otherwise contributed to the war effort.
Following the war, the colony's economy stagnated. Britain's decision to devalue the British Honduras dollar in 1949 worsened economic conditions and led to the creation of the People's Committee, which demanded independence. The People's Committee's successor, the People's United Party (PUP), sought constitutional reforms that expanded voting rights to all adults. The first election under universal suffrage was held in 1954 and was decisively won by the PUP, beginning a three-decade period in which the PUP dominated the country's politics. Pro-independence activist George Cadle Price became PUP's leader in 1956 and the effective head of government in 1961, a post he would hold under various titles until 1984.
Under a new constitution, Britain granted British Honduras self-government in 1964. On 1 June 1973, British Honduras was officially renamed Belize. Progress toward independence, however, was hampered by a Guatemalan claim to sovereignty over Belizean territory.
Belize is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The structure of government is based on the British parliamentary system, and the legal system is modelled on the common law of England. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, who holds the title Queen of Belize. The Queen lives in the United Kingdom, and is represented in Belize by the Governor-General. Executive authority is exercised by the cabinet, which advises the Governor-General and is led by the Prime Minister of Belize, who is head of government. Cabinet ministers are members of the majority political party in parliament and usually hold elected seats within it concurrent with their cabinet positions.
Since 1974, the party system in Belize has been dominated by the centre-left People's United Party and the centre-right United Democratic Party, although other small parties took part in all levels of elections in the past. Though none of these small political parties has ever won any significant number of seats and/or offices, their challenge has been growing over the years.
Dean Oliver Barrow, SC, PC has been Prime Minister of Belize since 2008.
He is also the leader of the United Democratic Party since 1998.
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Black Belizean’s (the Maya) have broken a centuries old,World Wide string of Black defeat and usurpation by Albinos.
(CNN)Archaeologists in Mexico have confirmed that a shipwreck discovered off the coast of the Yucatan peninsula once carried captured Mayans who were sold into slavery.
It is the first Mayan slave ship ever discovered, according to Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), which made the announcement on Tuesday.
The paddle wheel steamboat, known as "La Unión," was discovered by archaeologists in the Gulf of Mexico two nautical miles from Sisal in 2017. But it took three years of research to confirm that it was a Mayan slave ship. La Unión illegally captured and transported about 25 to 30 Mayans monthly to Cuba, where they were forced to work in sugarcane fields between 1855 and 1861. This was during the rebellion known as the Caste War, according to INAH. "Each slave was sold to middlemen for 25 pesos, and they resold them in Havana for as much as 160 pesos, for men, and 120 pesos for women," INAH archaeologist Helena Barba Meinecke said in a press release.
The ship sunk on September 19, 1861 while en route to Cuba, proving that slavery continued despite having been abolished in Mexico in 1829 and a decree issued banning the forced extraction of Mayan people that same year."For researchers ... the discovery is highly relevant," INAH said in the release. "Beyond the difficulty in identifying a wreck by name, it also speaks to an ominous past for Mexico that should be acknowledged and studied in terms of its context and time."
Archaeologists confirmed the identity of the ship from its boilers, which exploded and caused the boat to catch fire, as well as the wooden hulled side wheeler which had been preserved. They also found artifacts, including fragments of glass from bottles, ceramics, and eight brass cutlery used by first-class passengers on board.
The accident killed half of the 80 crew members and 60 passengers on board. It is unclear how many of the dead included Mayan slaves, as they were listed as cargo and merchandise, not passengers.
Slave Voyages - the Emory DatabaseThis new revamped Voyages database is the product of three years of redevelopment by a multi-disciplinary team of historians, librarians, curriculum specialists, cartographers, computer programmers, and web designers, in consultation with scholars of the slave trade from Universities in Europe, Africa, South America, and North America. The Unites States National Endowment for the Humanities was the principal sponsor of this work, which was carried out at Emory University Center for Digital Scholarship. The University of California at Irvine, the University of California at Santa Cruz, and the Hutchins Center for African & African American Research at Harvard University has also provided support. |
Replacement rate is the number of children that a couple would have to have over the course of their reproductive years, in order to replace themselves. The UN states that this replacement rate worldwide is 2.1 children per couple. In contrast, if the total fertility rate is lower than the replacement rate there will eventually be a negative population growth - the people will die out. A population decline is a reduction in a human population caused by events such as; long-term sub-replacement fertility (infant mortality), food resource decline or high death rates due to violence, disease, or other catastrophes. Sounds like a Slaves life, doesn't it?
Quote: Slaves suffered extremely high mortality. Half of all slave infants died during their first year of life, twice the rate of white babies. And while the death rate declined for those who survived their first year, it remained twice the white rate through age 14. As a result of this high infant and childhood death rate, the average life expectancy of a slave at birth was just 21 or 22 years, compared to 40 to 43 years for antebellum whites. Compared to whites, relatively few slaves lived into old age.
A major contributor to the high infant and child death rate was chronic undernourishment. Slaveowners showed surprisingly little concern for slave mothers' health or diet during pregnancy, providing pregnant women with no extra rations and employing them in intensive field work even in the last week before they gave birth. Not surprisingly, slave mothers suffered high rates of spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, and deaths shortly after birth. Half of all slave infants weighed less than 5.5 pounds at birth, or what we would today consider to be severely underweight.
Infants and children were badly malnourished. Most infants were weaned early, within three or four months of birth, and then fed gruel or porridge made of cornmeal. Around the age of three, they began to eat vegetables, soups, potatoes, molasses, grits, hominy, and cornbread. This diet lacked protein, thiamine, niacin, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D, and as a result, slave children often suffered from night blindness, abdominal swellings, swollen muscles, bowed legs, skin lesions, and convulsions.
We can find no trustworthy figures for how many children of a typical U.S. Slave Woman, survived to adulthood and produced children. But perhaps the experience of the people of Angola, under the degenerate Portuguese colonizers is instructive. The Portuguese arrived in 1407, later the Dutch and Spanish showed up. Only part of the Angolan population was enslaved, and some native Rulers retained power.
Figuring projected population figures requires knowing population mathematics“Replacement level fertility” is the total fertility rate—the average number of children born per woman—at which a population exactly replaces itself from one generation to the next, without migration. This rate is roughly 2.1 children per woman for most countries, although it may modestly vary with mortality rates. Population Growth Rate - Basic Information: if births exceed deaths, the population grows, if deaths exceed births, the population shrinks, only when births equal deaths does the population stay the same.
Expressing Population Changes as a Percentage: Suppose we had a population of 100,000 individuals. Suppose in one year there were 1000 births, and 500 deaths. What percentage of the population were births? 1000/100,000 = 0.01, or in percentage terms, this is 1% of the population. What percentage of the population were deaths? 500/100,000 = 0.005, or in percentage terms, this is 0.5% of the population. Exponential Growth: If a population grows by a constant percentage per year, this eventually adds up to what we call exponential growth. In other words, the larger the population grows, the faster it grows!! Doubling time - is the amount of time it takes for a given quantity to double in size or value at a constant growth rate. We can find the doubling time for a population undergoing exponential growth by using the Rule of 70. To do this, we divide 70 by the growth rate (r).
Note: growth rate (r) must be entered as a whole number and not a decimal. For example 5% must be entered as 5 instead of 0.05.
dt = 70/r | For example, a population with a 2% annual growth would have a doubling time of 35 years. 70/2 = 35. |
Europe. The average total fertility rate in the European Union is calculated at 1.59 children per woman in 2017. France had the highest in 2017 among EU countries at 1.90, followed by Sweden (1.78), Ireland (1.77), Denmark (1.77), the UK (1.74) and Romania (1.71).Notice that All European countries have a birth rate BELOW the replacement value of 2.1. That's why they are accepting all of those African and Asian Immigrants. BACK TO THE U.S. So where did those 251,103,235 White people come from?? It's all "PURE ALBINO LIE"! |
The is the actual 1790 Census
This is an easier to read Wikipedia transcription of the 1790 census
Repeat: "How did today's Albino population numbers get so high? (Not that we really know the actual number, but you can bet that it's nowhere near the 76.5% claimed for Anglo and Hispanic Albinos combined: 251,103,235 of the total 328,239,523). Now you know why we don't just call them liars, we call them "Degenerate Liars". Since the first census taking, approximately 75 million Europeans migrated to the United States: an unknown number of WHITE (Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian), Latin Americans also migrated to the United States. So maybe we could give them 100 million or so, but 251,103,235? What friggin liars!"
Note: Hispanics may be Black, White, but Mostly Mulatto/Mestizo: we have seen "Jet Black" Hispanics declare themselves "White". Accordingly we will NOT use the White WITH Hispanics number, but instead use the "White alone, not hispanic number (186,482,304): which we assume to be purely European. |
In all the years doing reserch, we always knew that the Albinos were lying about the Black population of the United States. It just made sense to lie, after all the atrocities commited against Blacks in the United States, how could they then admit to Blacks who had just won their "Democratic Rights", that by virtue of their numbers, they had the "Political Power" to challenge, and possibly usurp Albino power.
The Worlds Population - Explained
Anyone familiar with American "Race-Speak" knows that their favorite words of condescension are "Minority" and "Diversity" both of which the Mongols are mimicking . Both imply that Blacks are out of the mainstream, outliers, or the "Others". Of course that only proves what we always say: the less Melanin they have, the more delusional they become. Clearly what they need is the "Cold Water" in the face of "Facts and Figures" aka reality. Do this: Google – “White World Population” Being very care with the syntax, remember you are asking an Albino source for truth. Naturally they will find any number of ways to lie to you if you use the wrong search words. Answer from Wikipedia section titled “White People”: 850,000,000+ (which is about) 11.5% of the total world population (world population of 7.5 - 7.7 billion). The current population of Japan is 126,766,566 as of 2019, based on Worldometers elaboration of the latest United Nations data. The current world population is 7.7 billion as of September 2019 according to the most recent United Nations estimates elaborated by Worldometers. Assuming about 540,000,000 (0.54 billion) Mulattoes world-wide, that means the "Pure-Black" population of the world is about 4.65 Billion.
Addendum – the Southeast Asia countries of Cambodia, Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia are a 645 million person part of the World population. These are all formerly Black countries (like Hawaii) which were invaded by Mongols (sometimes by war, sometimes by migration). They are all ruled now by “Light-skinned” Mongols (who are of course Mulattoes themselves). But “Unlike Hawaii”: populations of native Blacks still survive, and then there are the descendants of the “Light-skinned” Mongol invaders, plus the Mulattoes produced by the two. In Vietnam and the Philippine’s, French and Spanish colonizers also added to the gene pool, making it impossible to categorize these countries as Black, Mongol, Albino, or Mulatto. |
Knowing the above; when we read the Wiki article, we realized the Albinos at Wiki were in "FULL FANTASY MODE". Meaning that there was no choice but to dig into the morass of the Census bureau. Our strategy was to find an early period in American history, where the White population was small and unambiguous, and then add on the number of European Immigrants for each subsequent Census Period. We decided to start with the 1830 Census.
Initially we tried using this Census (below), but for some strange reason, the Census Bureau does not seem to provide the Immigration numbers for 1980-1990: we didn't learn that until we had finished calculating the totals - Bummer!
In 1830 the White population of the United States was 10,530,044: between 1830 and 1909: 24,334,996 (assumed White) Europeans entered the United States. Between 1910 and 1999: 13,846,335 (assumed White) Europeans entered the United States. Between 2000 and 2009: 1,349,609 (assumed White) Europeans entered the United States.
The TOTAL for the years 1830 to 2010, is 39,530,940. ADD the 10,530,044 from the 1830 Census, and the TOTAL NUMBER OF EUROPEAN ALBINOS TO ENTER THE UNITED STATES SINCE IT'S FOUNDING IS 50,060,984!!! Remember, they say that there are 186,482,304 European Albinos in the United States today. Btw - please remember that the Albino BIRTH RATE IN THE U.S. IS 1.77 births per woman (2017), which is BELOW the replacement rate! If it wasn't for IMMIGRANTS, the U.S. population would be going DOWN! Clearly, the chances are that Blacks OUTNUMBER Albinos in the U.S.
Knowing that the Albino hold on the Negro mind is indeed strong - very strong. After all, in a time when Black Men are being shot down in the streets, and Black Voters are being purged from voting roles, and Black voter participation is being "Suppressed" at every turn: we have a Negro (Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas), channeling Stephen from "Django Unchained" instead of standing up for Black People.
June 25, 2013 - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday gutted a core part of the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act and challenged Congress to come up with a replacement plan to protect blacks and other minorities in places where discrimination still persists rather than target former slaveholding states in the South. The ruling upended legal protections for minority voters that were a key achievement of the U.S. civil rights movement of the 1960s led by Martin Luther King Jr. President Barack Obama expressed disappointment with the ruling and asked Congress to pass legislation “to ensure every American has equal access to the polls.”
The vote to strike down the law = Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Alito | The vote to save the law = Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, Kagan. As we all know, the true Negro is NOT happy just matching his Albino master in cruelty, he feels it necessary to "EXCEED" his Albino master in cruelty: so Stephen, we mean Clarence, did this: Justice Thomas wrote a concurring opinion expressing his view that Section 5 is also unconstitutional for the same reasons the Court held Section 4(b) unconstitutional. Now how is that for good Negrohood?
They even look alike...
Hmm, wonder if Clarence "Inspired" the Stephen character?
Clarence |
Stephen |
With all of that in mind, we know that we must really "Pile-up" the evidences if we want certain people to go against Albino teachings, and believe that few Blacks in the Americas came as African Slaves. So we offer the raw data on U.S. fertility in the table below. Above we provided the mathematical equations to use to make those calculations. Notice that even in periods when the Birthrate was high, so was the infant mortality. So that for both Blacks and Whites, there was barely enough Births to maintain their separate populations. Which gives lie to the idiots who declared the modern Black population to be the result of Black fertility. Though it's good, it ain't that good.
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By Harry C. Alford
I am writing this article from the beautiful nation of Costa Rica (Rich Coast in English). It is our mission to connect the dots of the African diaspora and this dot is pretty key to accomplishing that mission.
The seven nations of Central America (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua and Panama) are all heavily populated with descendants of Africa. A group of Black Costa Ricans were referred to us by the U.S. State Department. They informed them that we just organized a chapter of ours in nearby Colombia and would have an interest in working with them.
Most of the Blacks in Central America are second stage immigrants. They were first kidnapped and sold into slavery and sent to the Caribbean islands. Soon after emancipation in Jamaica, many of the freedmen journeyed to Central America to work the Panama Canal and to join in the plantation farming industry.
Costa Rica is a prime example of that. Most of the Blacks in the nation have English surnames and are bilingual (perfect Spanish and English). Culturally, their Jamaican roots trump any other culture to which they had to adapt. Also, many of the Black entrepreneurs now living in Costa Rica have spent a considerable amount of time living throughout America for educational and career purposes. They now want to bring their skills and talents back home to Costa Rica.
Edit: BLA BLA BLA BLA -- Then we saw who signed it.
Somehow the Black segment of Costa Rica must be incorporated into the plan along with everyone else. First, they should organize and draw up their own strategic plan to be interfaced with the official one when it is publicized. We are going to work with them on this.
Costa Rica, prepare for a viable Black middle class and viable Black entrepreneurship.
Harry C. Alford is the co-founder, president/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. Email: halford@nationalbcc.org
Btw - Slavery was abolished in Jamaica in 1834. The Canal was not begun until 1882.
Panama Canal, built by 75,000
On August 15, 1914, the Panama Canal officially opened, after 32 years of construction and an estimated 28,000 worker deaths. More than 75,000 men and women worked on the canal in total. At the height of construction, there were 40,000 workers working there. The canal was originally a French project, and Panama was originally part of Colombia. Construction began on January 1, 1882. By 1888 the labor force numbered about 20,000, nine-tenths of them Afro-Caribbean workers from the West Indies. There were also French engineers and others. Additional workers were recruited from the West Indies, Italy and Spain, as well as the U.S. According to hospital records, 5,609 workers died from disease and accidents during the U.S. construction era.
Scharllete Allen Moses - Miss Nicaragua 2010 |
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