A note to avoid confusion: It is a common misconception that Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon were the forerunners of Modern Man. Actually Modern Man is much older than both of them. Accordingly, Modern man and the Humanoids are presented here, in the correct chronological order. |
In mankind's evolutionary journey to the present, there were many starts and stops, most attempts didn't work out all that well, but with each try, we got a little better and we moved a little closer to whatever it is that we are to be. {The process is on-going}.
We will begin with Homo-habilis because habilis is the one that we believe was the first of the "great Ape" type creatures to have evolved to the point where he could be called "Homo" (MAN).
Homo- habilis is now extinct, but he inhabited parts of sub-Saharan Africa about 2 million to 1.5 million years ago. Homo-habilis is generally accepted as the earliest member of the genus Homo. He is following Australopithecus and preceding Homo-erectus. He was given the name Homo habilis, meaning 'handy man', because he made tools. We think that he was the first creature to make tools for specific purposes. Like if he needed a sharp edge to cut meat, he would strike two pieces of flint against each other, and the pieces that broke away would usually have a sharp edge, instant Knife.
Next we have Homo-erectus, he seems to have been restricted to the African tropics for the first several hundred thousand years of his existence, but eventually, By about 500,000 years ago, he began to gradually migrate into Asia and parts of Europe. Homo erectus or 'upright man', was the first creature to stand fully upright. He was probably also the first to use fire. We think that Homo erectus built campfires and may have made simple ovens with hot stones.
Homo-erectus appears to have ranged widely over the Earth. Erectus fossils were first found at Trinil on the island of Java; other finds were near Peking in China, at Ternifine in Algeria, and at Olduvai Gorge and Koobi Fora in eastern Africa. In northwestern Africa at Salé, Sidi 'Abd ar-Rahman, and Rabat, all in Morocco. Specimens from Europe were discovered at Bilzingsleben and Mauer (both in Germany), and Petralona (Greece).
There are other fossils, that seem to represent subspecies of Homo-sapiens (the next in line) dating from the late Middle or early Late Pleistocene, and these are found in Africa at Kabwe (Broken Hill), Elandsfontein - the Cave of Hearths, Lake Ndutu, Omo, and Bodo, and in Europe at Swanscombe, Steinheim, Biache, Ehringsdorf, La Chaise, and Vértesszollos. It is among these that the line of distinction between Homo-erectus and Homo-sapiens becomes dim, for it seems that these are the creatures that represent the gradual progression from Homo-erectus to Homo-sapien.
It is not known exactly when Homo-erectus became extinct, but a site called Terra Amata, located on the French Riviera, and which lies on an ancient beach. Seems to have been occupied by Homo-erectus, it contains the earliest "least disputed" evidence of controlled fire, dated at around 300,000 years B.C.
Note: It should be understood, that no Humanoid existed on the Earth "Exclusively". When a child is born, the parents do not automatically die. As Humanoids produced new species, either through evolution or crossbreeding. The original species remained, until they became extinct through further crossbreeding, or because of their inability to compete for food and/or mates; and perhaps even because of physical conflict.
Note: Pleistocene: means the “Great Ice Age.” which began about 1,600,000 years ago and ended roughly 10,000 years ago.
Please note: This racist depiction of the evolution of man below, was never really believed to be true, even by the people who produced it. It has long been known that Man evolved in Africa, and was of course "Black or Brown Skinned" depending on location relative to the Equator. But as often happens when dealing with racial issues; social considerations, often act to obscure accurate and truthful science. |
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The Genus and species to which all modern human beings (Homo-sapien-sapien), belong and to which are attributable fossil remains of humans in Africa, from 400,000 years ago or more. (In Qesem Cave near Rosh Haayin, in central Israel, human teeth were found indicating the existence of modern man (Homo sapiens) in Israel as early as about 400,000 years ago; thus proving that modern man is much older than 400,000 years). Homo sapiens are distinguished from other animals and from earlier humanoid species by characteristics and habits such as bipedal stance and gait, brain capacity averaging about 82 cubic inches, high forehead, small teeth and jaw, defined chin, construction and use of tools, and the ability to make use of symbols such as used in language and writing. Some of these features were possessed by the immediate ancestor, Homo erectus; but in the aggregate they are characteristic only of Homo sapiens.
The Albino people have been playing games with the age of modern man and his illegitimate children, Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon, for many years now. Some claiming that modern man was as little as 150,000 years old. The purpose was to obfuscate modern mans linage so as to allow for a unique evolution for White people - they obviously don't like being merely just Albinos. The following study makes it clear that modern mans age is indeed 400,000 years old or more.
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Click here for a Link to the Study
Homo sapiens, “man the wise,” is the only currently existing species of the genus Homo. It is difficult, if not impossible, to follow the evolutionary steps that led to modern man in the fossil record. Charles Darwin himself defined the problem. “In a series of forms graduating insensibly from some ape-like creatures to man as he now exists, he wrote in The Descent of Man, it would be impossible to fix on any definite point when the term "man" ought to be used.”
One of the things that makes discovery of a point of distinction so difficult, is that Homo-sapien is the product of an evolutionary process called mosaic evolution. Which postulates that humans did not evolve smoothly as a species, but that various populations evolved at different rates, according to environmental and genetic circumstances. And because fossils are the remains of individuals, who may differ even within populations, one fossil alone or even a few do not adequately describe how a population may have evolved. So even though we are not exactly sure how we made it here - We're Here!
The roots of modern humans has long been a puzzle to students of human evolution. However several new discoveries and developments in genetics and genetic testing have caused renewed interest in the problem from different perspectives.
Genetic data shows that the biochemical systems of Asian and European populations, appear to be more similar to each other, than they are to African populations. thus, Asians (Mongols) and Europeans (Caucasians) may have shared a common ancestry with each other, some 40,000 years ago and a common ancestry with African populations, some 120,000 years ago.
Moreover, investigations of human mitochondrial DNA reveal two facts: that the variation among modern human populations is small compared with for example, that between apes and monkeys. Which points to the recency of human origin; and that there is a distinction between African and other human mitochondrial DNA types, suggesting that African peoples are very old, and that Asians (Mongols) and Europeans (Caucasians) are relatively young.
Note: We now know that the separation time of 120,000 years ago, is wildly incorrect. The earliest separation was at about 60,000 B.C, when the out-of-Africa (OOA) migrations began.
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The Albinos, so used to lying, think it perfectly plausible that they, the most imperfect of Humans, should represent Humans to the rest of the Universe. Consider this: starting from the top of their heads: their Straight Hair is the result of a Recessive Gene, their Blonde or Red hair is the result of a Recessive Gene, their Blue/Green/Gray Eyes are a result of a Recessive Gene, their Pale Skin (Albinism) is caused by a Recessive Gene. Yet they delusionally think they should represent the Human Race. Perhaps the last 400 years of being in power has been intoxicating to them, and now they can't remember the previous millennias.
Our GenesEach gene resides at a specific locus (location on a chromosome) in two copies, one copy of the gene inherited from each parent. As a simplistic example: When two Chinese mate, the child will look Chinese because all the genes are healthy and all the genes are the same. But if a Chinese and a White European mate, the children will look like some combination of the two, because the "Appearance" genes are not all the same. Gene copies, however, are not always healthy. When the copies of a gene differ from each other, as through deleterious mutation or failure: Then in this heterozygous condition, we call the two parts “Alleles” and the undamaged or un-mutated allele is dominant, and the organism’s appearance and function is normal. The damaged "other" allele has no noticeable effect on the organism’s appearance, and is called the “Recessive” allele. When BOTH alleles of a gene become recessive, then the gene cannot complete its assignment. As an example: many Black people have alleles of their “P” gene which are heterozygous and they look normal in every way: (The “P” gene controls the production of Melanin in the skin for protection from the Sun). But if TWO of these people with heterozygous alleles in their “P” gene MATE, then one or more, of their children will be an Albino. If two Albinos mate, there is only damaged or recessive “P” genes to inherit; therefore ALL of their children will be White. The trait for curly hair follows the same rules, two damaged or recessive allele’s means straight hair, same for eye color and hair color. |
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Those wishing to pursue a more General understanding of the Human Journey, and Specifics of the ancient East African migrations, which led to Modern Man's colonization of the entire world; please visit the National Geographic – Genographic Project – Atlas of the Human Journey. Though as one would expect, when it comes to European and Anatolian (Turkey) settlement, it is not only inaccurate, it is downright Racist. But what would you expect? https://genographic.nationalgeographic.com/genographic/lan/en/atlas.html
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