This is what McGraw-Hill Education textbooks teach students:
A note to avoid confusion: It is a common misconception that Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon were the forerunners of Modern Man. Actually Modern Man is much older than both of them. Accordingly, Modern man and the Humanoids are presented here, in the correct chronological order. |
A note on the confusing terminology that follows:
Originally Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon were not classed as Sapien (Wise). This designation was reserved for "us" Modern man. However, subsequent re-thinking by some - perhaps with other than scientific agendas, caused these two early Humanoids to be re-classed as Sapien. Thus they became Homo-sapien neanderthalensis, and Homo-sapien Cro-Magnonensis, that leaves Modern Man with the really screwy name "Homo-sapien-sapien" (Man the Wise Wise?). Though we do understand that the elevation of Cro-magnon and Neanderthal to Sapien status, does solve a great many problems - none related to science though. However, the current move to place Cro-magnon with modern man as "Homo-sapien-sapien", is really taking it too far, and it is pointless, as science proves, Caucasians did NOT evolve from Cro-Magnons in Europe.
lets look at Neanderthal, he was an "in-between" form of
Homo-sapien - less advanced than Modern man, but more advanced than
Homo-Erectus. He inhabited much of Europe and the Mediterranean lands
during the late Pleistocene Epoch, (about 100,000 to 30,000 years ago).
Neanderthal remains have also been found in the Middle East, North
Africa, and Central Asia. The name Neanderthal, derives from the
discovery in 1856 of the remains of this Humanoid in a cave above the
Neander Valley in Germany, not far from Düsseldorf.
The last Glacial Ice stage in Europe was about 10,000 to 70,000 years ago, and it is from those times that the most numerous skeletal remains of Neanderthals have been found. These have given us some idea of Neanderthals body-type and habits. Neanderthals were short, stout, and powerful in build. Cranial capacity equaled or surpassed that of modern humans, though their braincases were long, low, and wide and flattened behind. Their faces had heavy brow ridges, large teeth, and small cheekbones. The chest was broad, and the limbs were heavy, with large feet and hands. The Neanderthals appear to have walked in a more irregular, side-to-side fashion than do modern humans.
Neanderthals were the first human group to survive in northern latitudes during the cold (glacial) phases of the Pleistocene. They had domesticated fire, as indicated by concentrations of charcoal and reddened earth in their sites. Yet, their hearths were simple and shallow and must have cooled off quickly, giving little warmth throughout the night. Not surprisingly, they exhibit anatomic adaptations to cold, especially in Europe, such as large body cores and relatively short limbs, which maximize heat production and minimize heat loss.
Neanderthals were cave dwellers, although they occasionally built camps out in the open. They wore clothing, used fire, hunted small and medium-sized animals (like goats and small deer), and they scavenged from the kills of large carnivores. They made and used a variety of stone tools and wooden spears. Neanderthals intentionally buried their dead, both individually and in groups, and they also cared for sick or injured individuals. Evidence of ritualistic treatment of animals, which is sometimes found with their skeletons, may indicate that they practiced a primitive form of religion. Evidence from a few sites indicate that Neanderthals coexisted for several thousand years with Modern Humans; who arrived in Europe at about 45,000 B.C, and Cro-Magnons, who arrived in Europe by 35,000 B.C.
The origins of Neanderthals cannot be established with any certainty. The forerunners of Neanderthal humanoids may date to some 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. Some skull fragments found in France are of that age, but they have characteristics more like modern Homo sapiens. And so it may be, that this is where we see the first evidence of modern man (modern man first shows up at about 400,000 years ago, and is much older than Neanderthal); cross-breeding with Humanoids, in this case Homo-Erectus - who still existed as late as 300,000 B.C. Thus producing the hybrid "Neanderthal".
Please take special note: The proclivity of ALL Humans to mate with whoever is available, is ingrained and pervasive. The activity of cross-breeding will eventually account for the introduction of all the modern worlds races and ethnicity's.
It was thought that Neanderthals anatomic adaptations to cold had brought about a lightning of the skin, and thus played a part in the evolution of White people. But scientific studies indicate that modern White people show no genetic evidence of admixture with Neanderthals that relates to their skin color. Though they do show admixture with Neanderthal, as does the Billions of Black people outside of Africa. It now appears that White peoples evolution was much simpler and more direct. Click here for the working theory on the evolution of White people >>>
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<< One is a Black woman, the other is a White woman. They both can't be Neanderthal, therefore one is a lie. >>
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The underlined sentence above was meant with great joy by Albinos desperate to find something special about being Albino. And soon they to expand on the real results, they started lie and create false facts and false scenarios. First they contrived to make "Eurasian" mean "White and near-White Mongols". But the fact is that Asia was Entirely Black in the beginning, at the time of Neanderthal, and is still substantially Black, both Negroid and Caucasoid Black. Additionally, South Asia and Oceania are Majority Black, so as usual with the nonsense of Albinos, it doesn't hold water.
From the study: "An X-Linked Haplotype of Neanderthal Origin Is Present Among All Non-African Populations" which produced this map. Apparently someone finally told them that the Horn and North Africa is inhabited by Africans.
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Another interesting lie (by absence of
truth) is that they made no effort to show these second set of facts:
In May 2010, researchers were able to get enough nuclear DNA from three
female Neanderthals who lived in a cave in Croatia 38,000 to 44,000
years ago to splice together and publish the first draft of a
Neanderthal genome. When they compared that draft genome with DNA from
modern humans in Europe, Asia, and Africa, paleogeneticist Svante Pääbo
of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig,
Germany, and his colleagues found that modern Europeans and Asians—but
not Africans—have inherited between 1 percent and 4 percent of their
genes from Neanderthals. {As reported in Slate} Click for link:
In follow-up studies, researchers identified people who had inherited about 3 percent of their DNA from the Denisovans, as well as 4 percent to 6 percent of their DNA from Neanderthals. These people are found in a patchwork quilt of populations on islands of Southeast Asia, including Melanesians in Papua New Guinea, aboriginals in Australia, and Negritos in the Philippines.
So then if 1-4% Neanderthal makes Albinos Special, one can only assume that having 4-6% Neanderthal makes these people "SUPER SPECIAL" and "SUPER ADVANCED".
Negrito |
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Quote: Admixture mapping is a method of gene mapping that uses a population of mixed ancestry (an admixed population) to find the genetic loci that contribute to differences in diseases or other phenotypes found between the different ancestral populations. The method is best applied to populations with recent admixture from two populations that were previously genetically isolated for tens of thousands of years, such as African Americans (admixture of African and European populations). The method attempts to correlate the degree of ancestry near a genetic locus with the phenotype or disease of interest. Genetic markers that differ in frequency between the ancestral populations are needed across the genome.
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Unfortunately, no discussion of Man's evolution or even Ancient History, is possible without the interjection of Race. Simply put, Whites have sought to make their own version of history, and in their history, they are the original humans, and the creators of the subsequent civilizations. This is of course, a blatant lie. But since Whites control most major centers of knowledge, and the media too, these lies have become de facto truth. The purpose of this site then, is to provide the truth - as best modern science knows it. Please click here for some thoughts on racism, and it's probable causes >>> |
Cro-Magnon is the name of a rock
shelter near Dordogne France. Here several prehistoric skeletons were
found in 1868, these human remains are of the Upper Paleolithic period,
40,000 –10,000 years ago. Among these bones is the cranium and mandible
of a male about 50 years old. This male is considered representative of
the Cro-Magnon type, and this particular specimen is known as the “Old
Man of Cro-Magnon.”
The skull is longheaded, the forehead is straight, the brow ridges only slightly projecting, the cranial vault noticeably flattened, and the occipital bone (at the back of the head) projects backward. The cranial capacity is large, about 100 cubic inches. Although the skull is relatively long and narrow, the face appears quite short and wide. This combination is often regarded as a common feature of the Cro-Magnon race.
<<Here again we see the White mans "Loose" use of fact, to portray "His" concepts of reality. The fact is that neither of these Busts accurately depict Cro-Magnon, as he is described by skeletal analysis. It's just that one "Alludes" to Blackness, and thus shows some attempt at accuracy, and the one from the "West" does not even do that.>>
The forward projection of the upper jaw is also distinctive. The eye sockets are low-set, wide, and rather square in shape; and the nasal aperture of the skull is narrow and strongly projecting. The mandible is robust, with massive ascending ramus (the upward projection of the lower jaw, where it attaches to the skull), has strongly developed points of muscular attachment, and a quite prominent chin. The stature of Cro-Magnon is from five feet five inches to five feet seven inches. Though in some areas they are taller.
The question of the relation of Cro-Magnons to the earliest forms of Homo-sapiens (like Neanderthal) is still unclear. It does appear however, that Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals are closer in affinity than was once believed. Though Cro-Magnon is found all over Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean, The tendency now is to locate the origin of the Cro-Magnon type Humanoid in the Middle-east: as typified by the remains found at the Jebel Qafzeh and Skhul sites in what is now Israel. Though the inescapable logical conclusion, is that Cro-Magnon is the product of Modern man cross-breeding with Neanderthal. Like all the other theory's relating to early man, it has not yet been proven. But just as complex as the origin of Cro-Magnons, is the duration of Cro-Magnons. It appears that they only flourished during the Upper Paleolithic (old stone age 40,000 - 4,000 years ago).
Modern type individuals with at least some Cro-Magnon characteristics (these are called Cro-Magnoids), are found during the stone age in Europe, roughly from 5,000 to about 2,000 B.C. At the same time, remains have also been found for individuals who were quite different, often broad-headed, (as opposed to narrow headed).
There are still some modern human groups that are thought to have retained a close relationship to Cro-Magnon types, at least in their cranial morphology. Particularly noteworthy of these are the Dal people from Dalecarlia (now Dalarna, Sweden.) and the Guanches of the Canary Islands, who are thought to represent a relatively pure Cro-Magnon stock.
Lets pursue the Guanches "Cro-Magnoids" a little further: these aboriginal peoples inhabited the western and eastern Canary Islands. They were first encountered by the conquering Spaniards at the beginning of the 15th century. Both populations are thought to have been of Cro-Magnon origin, and may possibly have come from central and southern Europe via north Africa, in some distant age. Both aboriginal groups had brown complexion skin, blue or gray eyes, and blondish hair. These characteristics still persist in a large number of present day inhabitants of the islands, but otherwise they are scarcely distinguishable in appearance or culture, from the current people of Spain. Neither original group now exists as a separate race. [Note: the Solomon Island Boy on the left, is a fully modern Human, NOT a "Cro-Magnoid". The picture is for the purpose of depicting coloration ONLY.]
When discovered by the Spaniards, these aborigines belonged to a stone age culture, though they were advanced enough to have pottery. Their food staples consisted mainly of milk, butter, goat flesh, pork, and some fruits; and their clothing was comprised of leather tunics or vests made of plaited rushes. They left alphabet-like engravings and characters whose meanings are obscure.
Eventually ancient Homo-sapien-sapiens (Modern Man), began to leave Africa: There were two great migrations East. The first of these occurred about 60,000 B.C. This group followed a coastal route across Southern Arabia and Southern Asia, then "Island Hopped" to Australia. The second wave of migration occurred about 50,000 B.C. These may have been big game hunters who after crossing Southern Arabia, followed an inland route in search of game; they reached China by about 45,000 B.C.
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BBC ArticleEarly humans' route out of Africa 'confirmed'
A six-year effort to map the genetic patterns of humankind appears to confirm that early people first left Africa by crossing into Arabia. Ancestors of modern people in Europe, Asia and Oceania migrated along a southern route, not a northern route through Egypt as some had supposed. The results from the Genographic Project are published in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution. It suggests an important role for South Asia in the peopling of the world. The ancestors of present-day non-African people left their ancestral homeland some 70,000 years ago. The researchers found that Indian populations had more genetic diversity - which gives an indication of the age of a population - than either Europeans or East Asians. This supports the idea that pioneering settlers followed a southern coastal route as they populated east Asia and continued into Oceania. "This suggests that other fields of research such as archaeology and anthropology should look for additional evidence on the migration route of early humans," said co-author Ajay Royyuru, senior manager at IBM's Computational Biology Center, which was involved in analysing the study data. A route out of Africa via the Arabian Peninsula, along the southern coast of Asia, explained the observed patterns in genetic diversity much better than a route through Egypt's Sinai desert. This agrees with other evidence showing that sea levels might have been low enough around 60-70,000 years ago for humans to cross from the horn of Africa into Arabia via the Bab-el-Mandeb straits in the Red Sea. |
Click for link to original BBC article
In each new land that they found, some stayed behind and made it their home. In India they created the Indus Valley Civilization, in Burma and Thailand they eventually created the Ban Chiang and Mon civilizations. In Cambodia, they created the Khmer kingdoms of Funan and Angkor. In Vietnam, they created the Champa civilization. In Indonesia, they created civilizations in Malaya and the Indonesian archipelago. In Japan, they created the Jomon and Ainu cultures. In China, they were the creators of the first civilizations, the Xia and Shang civilizations.
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time, the last obstacle to Modern Mans Migrations started to disappear:
The Great Glacial Ice Sheets that once covered most of Europe, started
to melt. The first Modern Human to enter Europe, at about
45,000 B.C. was the Khoisan type African, commonly called "Grimaldi
Man". One known entry point into Europe for Grimaldi Man, was the
straits of Gibraltar, which were passable because of the lowered Sea
level caused by the "Ice Age". Once in Europe, Grimaldi Man
continued his migrations, and came to eventually inhabit all of Europe
and Northern Asia. The Easternmost limit of his range, appears to have
been the settlement known as Mal'ta in Siberia Russia, just north of
Thought Grimaldi Man is known to have established settlements as far south as Catal Huyuk in Anatolia. There is uncertainty as to whether it was Grimaldi descendants, or a different group, such as those who settled North Africa and the Middle East, that can be credited with the creation of the original Southern European civilizations, especially those in Italy and Greece. Likewise, there is uncertainty as to what part, if any, Grimaldi people played in the creation of the founding Xia and Shang civilizations of China. However, by virtue of their settlements at Mal'ta Siberia, it is certain that they were neighbors of the Africans who created those civilizations.
Click here for the History of the first Humans in Europe: The Grimaldi. Click >>> |
Click here for examples of the Pre-Historic Art of the ancient Africans of Europe. Click >>> |
Thought the migrations of Modern Man into Europe, Asia, and the Americas, (and the civilizations created in those places), is covered here. The bulk of our presentation deals with Man's migration into North Africa and the Middle East. Where he creates great civilizations in Nubia, Egypt, Canaan, Mesopotamia, Iran, and India. Links at the bottom of the page, guide you through the presentation.
Specifics of these ancient East African migrations, which led to Modern Man's colonization of the entire world can be found here. Though as one would expect, when it comes to European and Anatolian (Turkey) settlement, it is not only inaccurate, it is downright Racist. But what would you expect?
EurasiaEurasia is the largest continental area on Earth, comprising all of Europe and Asia. Primarily in the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres, it spans from the British Isles and the Iberian Peninsula in the west to the Japanese archipelago in the east. |
MARCH 14, 2011
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Genetic data shows that the biochemical systems of Asian and European populations, appear to be more similar to each other, than they are to African populations. thus, Asians (Mongols) and Europeans (Caucasians) may have shared a common ancestry with each other, some 40,000 years ago and a common ancestry with African populations before that. The Out of Africa (OOA) migration, which took Africans into Asia, occurred at about 50,000 B.C. The modern Mongol shows great affiliation with San Africans in body type and facial features, thus the presumed genesis below. |
San |
+ |
Albino |
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Chinese |
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