On the matter of credibility: On first reading, readers of these pages generally feel amazement, the concept of Blacks being the original settlers, and builders of the first civilizations everywhere, including Europe, is particularly unsettling to them. Both Black and White, because they were taught that there were no Blacks in Europe until the Romans brought them. Then some Blacks correctly say: Uh huh, I knew the Whites were lying, and then go on to enjoy their edification. But Whites remain incredulous, they say: this is simply Blacks with no accomplishments, trying to steal White accomplishment and history! They say, if this was true, my Teachers and Professors would have taught it to me. So either this is lies, or the information is so new that my Teachers and Professors don't know about it yet!
Update 2016: for reasons unknown, the British have decided to break with the Albino pact: and agreed to teach that Blacks were the original settlers of Europe.Click here for the NewsPaper Announcements: << Click >> |
For reasons unknown, after years of the usual racist nonsense, Wikipedia has allowed articles indicating the true origin (Asia) of Europe's White people (Albinos):Click here for the article titled: "Migration Period".Click here for the article titled: The Kurgan hypothesis or the Steppe hypothesis. |
Well No, though it may be comforting to believe that your Teachers and Professors are of sufficient character that they would not lie to you, the facts do not support that conclusion. The fact is that European scientists had evidence, and knew from earlier that the 19th century, of the Black mans central role in settling and establishing civilization in Europe and everywhere else. The exhibits below attest to the fact that this knowledge was known over a hundred years ago. So either your Teachers and Professors are indeed liars, or they were very poorly educated.
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Neolithic = 10,200 B.C. to 4,500 B.C.
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At this time we do not know what the Invading Turks and Slavsdid to the Black people of Eastern Europe: after the destruction of theBlack Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) in 1453. |
By David Derbyshire
5th May 2009
Click here, for Link to the story at the Daily Mail U.K.
Face of the first European: The Newspaper story...
Quote: This clay sculpture portrays the face of the earliest known modern European - a man or woman who hunted deer and gathered fruit and herbs in ancient forests more than 35,000 years ago. It was created by Richard Neave; one of Britain's leading forensic scientists, using fossilized fragments of skull and jawbone found in a cave seven years ago.
His recreation offers a tantalizing glimpse into life before the dawn of civilization. It also shows the close links between the first European settlers and their immediate African ancestors. It was made for the BBC2 series The Incredible Human Journey. This will follow the evolution of humans from the cradle of Africa to the waves of migrations that saw Homo sapiens colonize the globe. (The program will be shown on BBC2 at 9.30pm on May 10).
The head is based on remains of one of the earliest known
anatomically modern Europeans. The lower jawbone was discovered by
potholers in Pestera cu Oase, the "cave with bones", located in the
southwestern Carpathian Mountains of Romania in 2002. The rest of the
fragments were found the following year. The bones were carbon-dated to
between 34,000 and 36,000 years ago when Europe was occupied by two
species of human. They were the Neanderthals, who had arrived from
Africa tens of thousands of years earlier, and the more recent modern
humans, also known as Cro-Magnons. Although the skull is similar to
a modern human head, it has a larger cranium, is more robust and has
larger molars. Fossil experts are also unsure if the skull was male or
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A subsequent DNA study by David Reich & Svante Pääbo titled: "An early modern human from Romania with a recent Neanderthal ancestor:" Terms the specimen "Oase-1" and re-dates it to 37,000–42,000-years-old. Oase-1 belongs to the Y-dna haplogroup F, which is carried by most males in Eurasia today. The Mtdna = N. Study quote: We then find that the Oase 1 individual shares equally as many alleles with early Europeans, as with present-day East Asians and Native Americans. |
is always the case with White people, and information regarding race;
there is always the likelihood of falsehood or misinformation. In this
case the Romanian bones are not even close to being the oldest found in
Europe. That honor goes to the Skeletons that were found in the caverns
of Grimaldi (Baousse-Rousse), between Mentone and Ventimiglia and on
the Italian side of the international boundary. These caverns form one
of the most compact groups of Paleolithic caverns in all Europe - these
skeletons are "COMPLETE" and date to 43,000 B.C. More on the Grimaldi
skeletons: Click here >>>
So why all of the fuss over a few "skull bones" when there are complete skeletons available, which are much older? Simple, the underlined text above tells the story. The Bust above provides White "deniability". It can be claimed that these were not truly modern Humans, but rather, a link in the chain to White people as Modern Humans: The Humanoid "Cro-Magnon" is often used to make this bogus case. (Some Whites still cling to the myth that they evolved in Europe, and some White writers and media are intent on perpetuating this ignorance). Click here for more on Cro-Magnon: Click here >>>
The reason that nobody mentions the Grimaldi skeletons is that they destroy all "deniability". They are undeniably "Modern Humans" and are of close resemblance to the San (khoi-san) of South Africa - end of story! So to use them, would preclude any possibility of falsehood or misinformation - therefore they are simply ignored.
Of course, some might say that the Russians have been making Busts of the original Black Europeans for years - and the Russians are White. Which is true, but the Russians do not have the same "investment" in racism and "racial superiority" that Europeans and their descendants in the Americas have. But of course, that may change as Russia moves closer to Europe culturally and politically. See Russian busts below.
about 45,000 B.C. The Great Glacial Ice Sheets that covered most of
Europe started to melt and a group, or groups, of these Khoisan type
peoples walked across the Gibraltar straits and entered Europe. This
marks the first time in Human History that modern Humans have crossed
over into the formally frozen wilderness of Europe. Once in Europe,
Grimaldi Man continued his migrations, and came to eventually inhabit
all of Europe and Northern Asia. The Easternmost limit of his range,
appears to have been the settlement known as Mal'ta in Siberia Russia,
just north of Mongolia.
As earlier stated, many Anthropologists, Researchers and Academics, still refuse to acknowledge that Africans were the first Human colonizers of Europe. To hide this fact, they prefer to use the terms Aurignacian and Gravettian cultures; which is fine, it still means Grimaldi. However, the current fad of attributing Grimaldi artifacts (such as the Cave paintings at Chauvet France, not far from where Grimaldi entered Europe; picture on the left), to the Humanoid Cro-Magnon is in all ways mystifying. Firstly, Cro-Magnon was not a "Fully Modern Human": Whites themselves describe Cro-Magnon as an "archaic" Human - meaning characteristic of an earlier or more primitive Human. (He was actually a later "Hybrid" Human: Modern man is much older than the Hybrids Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal).
So then, the White myth goes like this: The "Fully Modern Human" Grimaldi; enters Europe at about 45,000 B.C. He then sits around doing nothing for 10,000 years. Then at about 35,000 B.C, the "archaic" Humanoid Cro-Magnon enters Europe; he then immediately sets about creating the most magnificent art known to ancient man - all the while - "modern Man" Grimaldi (he's Black you know); sits around doing nothing. And it is from these magnificent Cro-Magnons, that White people later evolve. Wanting to be agreeable: Okay that could work - providing Cro-Magnons were "Idiot Savants" (a person affected with a mental disability - such as autism or mental retardation - who exhibits exceptional skill or brilliance in some limited field (such as art, mathematics or music). But of course, that still doesn't settle the racial issue: because thought different, Cro-Magnon like Grimaldi, was a Black African - and as we shall see, they didn't turn into "White Europeans" as some laughably suggest. But here is how White people handle that minor little detail - Note headline below.
Click here for Newspaper story
Click here for study at ScienceMag.
Tracking Grimaldi - Steatopygia, is a high degree of fat accumulation in and around the buttocks extending to the outside and front of the thighs, forming a thick layer reaching sometimes to the knee. This constitutes a genetic characteristic of some Khoisan females. It has also been noted among the Pygmies of Central Africa and the Andamanese Negritos of the Andaman Islands. Among the Khoisan, it is regarded as a sign of beauty: it begins in infancy and is fully developed by the time of the first pregnancy. While the Khoisan afford the most noticeable examples of its development, it is by no means rare in other parts of Africa, and occurs even more frequently among male Basters than among Khoikhoi women. The Grimaldi/Khoisans admiration for steatopygia females, together with their great artistic ability, will provide artifacts that are a great aid in tracking their migrations across Europe and Asia. (Note: not all Grimaldi figures are Steatopygia, some are of normal proportions, and some are of ample proportions, but not truly Steatopygia). The Khoisan are the worlds "oldest" people, and possess an astonishing variety of phenotypes - including Mongol! Note: Click the Grimaldi link above for pictures of Grimaldi artifacts.
reading through this page, and the subsequent pages on this site: the
thought must come; where are the life-like images of these “Supposedly”
Black, prehistoric ancient people. Logically, if they could paint
life-like images of Bulls – such as the Cave paintings in Chauvet
France, from as early as 32,000 B.C, then certainly they could have
painted life-like images of themselves, and made life-like figures too,
so where are they?
That brings us to the crux of the matter - White racism. It is not known exactly when racism became institutionalized in White people. Because though carefully hidden, the founding White civilizations – the Hellenes continuation of the Black Greek civilization, and the Latin continuation of the Black Etruscan and Black Celtic/Gaul civilizations, were extremely “Bi-Racial”. And the “Bi-Racial” nature of European society continued well into the middle ages – and beyond. At which times, many of the Noble families of Europe were still Black or “Mixed Race”. Click here for mixed-race Tomb paintings from early White Rome >>> Click here for mixed Etruscan artifacts >>> Click here for mixed-race White Greece >>> Click here for mixed-race White Greece -2 >>> Some speculate that White racism developed because of resentment on the part of the White peasantry, to the wealth and privilege enjoyed by the Black elite. Some speculate that White racism developed because of a need to salve a wounded conscience because of the atrocities committed in the Americas, and the subsequent trade in sub-Saharan slaves. The contrived logic being, that since those people weren’t White, they weren’t really full-fledge Humans, so treating them in the most inhuman ways, was not really systematic of a barbarian people. Therefore Whites could continue the fantasy of thinking of themselves as an enlighten and advanced people. And it was indeed a fantasy; contrary to the contrivances of modern White historians: Whites in Europe had failed miserably at building upon the advanced civilizations that they had taken, by force, from the original Black inhabitants. No device, no science, and no art, of the Classical Greek or Roman Empires, can be shown to have not existed elsewhere first. Previous to the wealth taken from the Americas, and the industrial revolution of the 1700s: Europe was a decease ravaged and laggard land; comprised of kingdoms made up mostly of destitute peasantry. Up until the time of the industrial revolution, White Europe had produced absolutely no advancement of any kind. As examples: The first steam engine, called the “Aeolipile” was invented by a Black Egyptian “Heron of Alexandria” in 60 A.D, (Egypt was under Greek control at that time). He also invented the first “Wind-wheel” which led to the Windmill. Gunpowder seems to have been co-invented by the Chinese and the Indians – around 800 A.D; with the Indians being the first to use it with projectiles. The first actual “Gun” was likely invented by Black Egyptians, but certainly, first used by Egyptians against the Mongols, at the battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 A.D. (Egypt was then under Turkish control). And the list goes on! Most grievous perhaps, is the last arriving White Turks, circa 200 A.D. Who because of admixture with the indigenous Blacks in the territories that they conquered, felt justified in assuming the identities of those ancient Blacks: now Turks claim to be Arabs, Egyptians, Sumerians, Berbers, Persians, etc.
But many consider as the most offensive, the Turkish tribe “the Khazars” assumption of the Hebrew identity – they not even having much in the way of admixture with Blacks. Now they are no longer Turkic Khazars, but rather, they are now Jews: This of course; was made easy by earlier Whites, who had taken to portraying the Hebrew Jesus Christ as a White man. It must also be mentioned, that not all Whites subscribe to this bogus and wickedly racist contrivance, that Whites call history. C. Loring Brace, an anthropologist at the University of Michigan, in his study: “The questionable contribution of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age to European craniofacial form”. Does say that the original Europeans were Black people, but honestly, he is so mealy-mouthed in saying it, as to make it of little use for those seeking the truth. (The mealy-mouthed title of the study, says it all)! Click here for link to study: << click >> There is also the study titled: "HLA genes in Macedonians and the sub-Saharan origin of the Greeks", by A. Arnaiz-Villena, K. Dimitroski, A. Pacho, J. Moscoso, E. Gomez-Casado et. al. Surprisingly, this study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education. Click here for a link to the study: << Click >> But the study above, and the others scattered throughout this site, should not be construed to mean that the bulk of modern White researchers and historians, are any less racist than the former were; they are not! Today's researchers and historians are just more subtle in their racism. One of the favorite tools of the modern racist is the term "Indo-European". Anyone who has ever opened an encyclopedia, has seen people from India to Anatolia, and all over Europe, described as "Indo-European". From previous programming we have been taught to think "White" when we hear European, so then "Indo-European" must mean something with Whites and Asian Indians, right? And since we know that Asian Indians are in India, then that MUST mean that all the others are White, right? As you can see from that one example, modern Whites are just as vile and petty in their racism as those before, just more subtle. But what does that term really mean? See the Aryan/Arian section below for an explanation. In studies of the Americas, "Indo-European" wouldn't work, so there, modern White researchers and historians often use the ancient Ainu people of Japan, to hide the vileness of their racism. We shall use the "Spirit Cave mummy" as an example. The Spirit Cave mummy is the oldest human mummy found in North America. It was discovered in 1940 in Spirit Cave, thirteen miles east of Fallon, Nevada by the husband-and-wife archaeological team of Sydney and Georgia Wheeler. In 1994 University of California, Riverside anthropologist R. Erv Taylor examined seventeen of the Spirit Cave artifacts using mass spectrometry. (This is a direct quote): The results indicated that the mummy was approximately 9,400 years old — older than any previously known North American mummy. Further study determined that the mummy exhibits Caucasoid characteristics resembling the Ainu, although a definitive affiliation has not been established. There is also a possible link to Polynesians and Australians that is stronger than to any Native American culture.
So just who are these Ainu that they use to indicate Whiteness? The Ainu are an ancient Black people, who were part of the second out of Africa (OOA) migration event that went to China (circa 50,000 B.C.). Another people who were a part of that event: the Jomon, immigrated to Japan at about 35,000 B.C, the Ainu followed at about 13,000 B.C. (By then, the Ainu might have been admixed to some degree - see below). Today, the Ainu have been admixed with modern Japanese (who arrived in Japan at about 350 B.C.), to the point of extinction. (See anything White about the Ainu man below?).
Of course, the average person has no idea of what an Ainu looks like, nor their genetic make-up or their history. So that "Caucasoid" tag sticks. Different methods, but the intent is the same - vile racism. Similar tactics are used with the ancient Mississippi people in central United States. Here there ARE life-like artifacts which clearly show the people to be Black, but as with the Olmecs in Mexico, modern White researchers and historians are so deeply racist, that they just can't bring themselves to admit it - proving that racism, in all it's vileness, is a sickness. Perhaps embarrassed by comments, SIX years later, this update was published. Update (Year 2000 research findings) - Craniometric Analysis Suggests Mummy Closest to Norse Europeans, followed by Ainu A complete reading of the final report on Spirit Cave Mummy's cultural/racial affiliation (via craniometric analysis - Jantz and Owsley) suggested, "Their analysis showed the Spirit Cave cranium closest to “Norse” and “Ainu". It should be noted that the probability for Norse was 0.00084, with Ainu an even lower probability.”" (pg 39 from BLM document sourced below). Anyone doubting the racist sickness afflicting these people; should read and read the above paragraph a hundred times or more, perhaps then it would sink in. "Norse Europeans" with a probability of 0.00084: For the uninformed, that number means that there was NO probability for Norse European or Ainu, but they did manage to get you thinking in that direction - see how it works? To summarize: the mummies weren't American Indian, they weren't Ainu, and they weren't White! But you will notice "that they just couldn't bring themselves to admit that they were Black people" - sick, really sick! Also note: All ancient skeletons and Mummies are DNA tested, but the results are rarely published, and the very few that are published, give only MtDNA data, which is not very useful without the Y-DNA of the males; that withholding of information, gives them free rein to make these racist analyses and comments.
Here is what they were Hiding!
Getting back to our primary subject: One might then ask; if Blacks were so great that Whites have to hide their true history, what about the Blacks in sub-Sahara Africa, they are a mess! Quite so, and the reasons seem to go much deeper than White colonization. Blacks in the sub-Sahara have long had rich and powerful kingdoms, with writing, art, and the sciences: agriculture, advanced boat building, and metallurgy. What they have never had, and show no inclination to have, are the things that we normally associate with great civilizations: large stone Temples, Palaces or other such structures: Great Zimbabwe being something of an exception, and a mystery. Perhaps it was because the climate made such structures impractical, we don’t know. But perhaps a clue can be gleaned about the African psyche, from their behavior after they had finally driven the White invaders from their lands. In all the former colonies, Europeans left behind serviceable infrastructure, which in many cases, the Africans simply ignored, as they went back to their old way of life, they had no use for it. So when you think about it: “Modern Humans” have lived in Sub-Saharan Africa, many, many, times longer than anywhere else on Earth, giving them ample opportunities to create whatever lifestyles that they might prefer. Yet by our modern standards, Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the most backward places on Earth – despite the efforts of White educated leaders, White indoctrinated elites, and White nations. So, could it be that the Sub Saharan's, in the depths of their very old souls, really don't want the inhumanity of what we call civilization – after all, it really is just things. Note: The Rwandan
genocide, and other modern calamities are traceable to artificial
borders created by Whites, and subsequent White interference. But that
is not to suggest that pre-colonial Africa was idyllic by any means. |
The Albinos always lie, Just as the Albinos were lying BEFORE with their first mock-up of Cheddar Man man which showed him as an Albino, they are lying again with their assertion that Cheddar Man had "Straight Hair and Blue Eyes": these two attributes were falsely added to indicate some commonality with European Albinos. Note the list of Genes below which the scientists looked at. None of them are indicators of STRAIGHT HAIR OR BLUE EYES! Though Blue eyes and Blonde hair are COMMON with (OCA2 - Oculocutaneous albinism type 2), Cheddar man is negative for them. Btw - ALL of the genes they looked at were "Oculocutaneous Albinism" genes. That is how scientists know whether or not a Skeleton is Black or White: Simply put, if they are NOT Albino: {i.e. they do not have those Albino mutations}, then they are Black (White people are merely the Albinos of Black people). Note also the lying nonsense about Vitamin D, and People in the Arctic being Pale. Those lies are debunked below. |
The redactions below are of footnote links which made the page visually confusing and hard to read.
The part underlined in Green above is their way of saying that Albino Europeans CHOSE to mate among themselves because they are preferable to Blacks: this from SCIENTISTS! Which is all typical of European Albinos, they can't help but lie about themselves, to build themselves up. |
The Kostenki - Borshevo sites (34,000 B.C.) are a group of more than twenty settlements from the same culture, on the right bank of the Don River, south of Voronezh. The basic excavations were conducted in the 1920s - 1930s by P. Yefimenko, and in the 1940s - 1960s by A. N. Rogachev. Kostenki Man has since been genotyped as Y-dna haplogroup "C". It seems possible that humans of Haplogroups C1a2, F, and E may be those with the oldest presence in Europe. They have been found in some very old human remains in Europe. However, other haplogroups are far more common among (Current) European males: (The Central Asian R1 & R2).
villages of Kostenki and Borshevo contained five cultural layers. In
the upper layer were preserved the remains of dwellings with hearths
located along the central longitudinal axis of the dwellings, together
with storage pits. Flint tools and hoes made from mammoth tusks, bone
digging implements, a baton from deer horn, and about forty female
statuettes made from both ivory and marl/limestone, figurines of a
bear, cavelion and anthropomorphous marl heads. Triangular flint tools
are found in the lowermost layer with a concave base, retouched with a
pressure process.
At Kostenki II (Zamyatnina site) were found the remains of a round dwelling made of mammoth bones, seven or eight metres across, with the fireplace in the center.
At Kostenki IV (Aleksandrovka site) there was preserved in the upper of two cultural layers, the remainders of two round dwellings approximately six meters in diameter with the hearth at the center of each. Among the findings here were ground, drilled disks of slate. In the bottom layer there were two long dwellings, with a length of 34m and 23m, and a width of 5.5m, in which were found flint leaf-like tips processed by pressure retouching. In the second layer were found fragments of human bones, partially burnt, as well as flint miniature plates (microliths?) and needle shaped points (burins?).
Kostenki XI contained not less than five cultural layers. In the upper layer the remains of a round dwelling 9 metres in diameter made from large mammoth bones were discovered. In the lower layers there were interesting findings of triangular flint tips, analogous to those found in the lower layer of Kostenki I.
Kostenki XIV (Markina Mountain, Markina Gora), contained four cultural layers.
At Kostenki XV (Gordocovskaja site) the ochred burial of a child of about six years was found. With this burial were flint and bone tools, and over 150 drilled teeth of the Arctic Fox.
Borshevo II contained three cultural layers, dated from the end of the late Palaeolithic through to the Mesolithic. In the top layer, the camp of a temporary settlement of horse hunters, mammoth bones were absent, but there were reindeer bones. The flint tools were of the microlith type, which could have been used for arrow heads.
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(This study: in passing, acknowledges that Blacks were the "First" Scandinavians).
Here we are providing definitions of certain words which the Albinos use to camouflage their foul lying.Definition of Ubiquitous: present, appearing, or found everywhere. Definition of Extant:
Here is a cute Albino word play to confuse people: the "Usual"
definition of Extant is: still in existence, surviving. Example in
sentence: "the original manuscript is no longer extant". Synonyms:
still existing, in existence, existent, surviving, remaining,
undestroyed. Using the above definition of "EXTANT" doesn't it sound like they're saying that Whites/Albinos were there FIRST? But
being Albinos, they just couldn't resist the urge to stick-in just a
word or two that would suggest that there were Whites/Albinos in Europe
before the modern era. See the Migration period of Germanics, Slavs,
and Turks: in other sections. |
Kostenki 14:
Oldest Human Genome Sequenced Reveals Neanderthal Mixing.October 22, 2014 | by Janet Fang.
2008, a relatively complete left femur from an adult male was
discovered on the banks of the river Irtysh near the settlement of
Ust’-Ishim in western Siberia.
A large international team led by Harvard and Max Planck researchers retrieved, sequenced, and analyzed his genome, which represent the oldest directly radiocarbon-dated modern human outside Africa and the Middle East. His diet consisted mostly of plants or plant-eating fish, and his genetic code suggests that he has no living descendants today. Ust’-Ishim inferred to be Y-dna haplogroup K(xLT), Mtdna = (R). [Haplogroup K2, formerly known as K(xLT), also known as M526, and MNOPS. Haplogroup NO (K2a) includes most males among Southeast Asian, East Asian and Finno-Ugric populations]. The descendants of K2b include the major haplogroups M; S, P, Q, and R. These are now numerically dominant in: Oceania, Central Asia, Siberia, among Native American populations, Europe, and South Asia. The Ust’-Ishim man is more related to people living outside Africa today than to Africans -- making him a member of one of the most ancient non-African populations. They also compared him to other ancient skeletons -- a 24,000-year-old boy from Mal’ta in Siberia and an 8,000-year-old man from La Braña, Spain, Science reports -- and found that he’s equally related to both. That means he lived just before or around the time human populations in western and eastern Eurasia split from each other. “The ancient Siberian was related equally to West European hunter-gatherers (Comment - the Khoisan-like Grimaldi man), North Asian hunter-gatherers (Comment - Sungir and Mal'ta people), East Asians (Comment - Jomon and pure Ainu - NOT Chinese), and the indigenous people of the Andaman Islands off South Asia,” Harvard’s Qiaomei Fu tells the Harvard Gazette.
Among present-day populations, however, he’s more closely related to East Asians than to Europeans -- suggesting that Europeans today inherited some of their genes from a different, unknown source, likely a population that left Africa in a later wave. Neanderthals were still present in Eurasia while he was alive, and sure enough, he carried a similar level of Neanderthal ancestry as present-day Europeans and Asians: 2.3 percent of his genome. Just about everyone living outside of Africa today carry between 1.7 and 2.1 percent Neanderthal DNA. But because the segments in the Ust’-Ishim man are much longer, Neanderthal gene flow into his ancestors must have occurred 7,000 to 13,000 years before his time. That means his ancestors mixed with Neanderthals “about 50,000 to 60,000 years ago, which is close to the time of the major expansion of modern humans out of Africa and the Middle East,” Janet Kelso of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology says in a news release. Previous estimates of the timing of interbreeding between modern humans and Neanderthals ranged wildly from 37,000 and 86,000 years ago. "This new paper definitively says it was modern humans with modern human behavior that interbred with Neanderthals," Harvard’s David Reich tells New Scientist. Furthermore, by measuring the number of
mutations missing in this individual and comparing them with people
now, the team found that between one and two mutations per year have
accumulated in the genomes of European and Asian populations since the
Ust’-Ishim man lived. This slow mutation rate might push back the
human-Neanderthal split by hundreds of thousands of years. |
The site of Sungir (26,000 B.C.), discovered during clay extraction operations in 1956, was excavated by Otto Bader from 1956 to 1977. Excavations were re-opened by Bader's assistant Ludmilla Mikhailova and Bader's son Nicolai in 1986, and continue today. Sungir is an enormous early Upper Paleolithic living site located on the outskirts of the city of Vladimir, 192 km from Moscow in the Russian Republic.
inhabiting Sungir, at least five of the site's occupants perished.
According to Russian physical anthropologists, these consisted of a 60
year-old man, a 7 to 9 year-old girl, a 13 year-old boy, an unsexed
headless adult and an adult female skull.
The two adolescents and the adult male were buried in two shallow graves three metres apart, dug into the permafrost beneath the living surface of the site. All three of the corpses were laid on their backs with their hands folded across their pelvises. The fourth individual was represented by an isolated and poorly preserved female skull placed beside a stone slab in an area stained with red ochre, and was found overlying the man's burial (a person sacrificed to serve as a protector in the afterlife?). The fifth skeleton, that of a headless adult, was so poorly preserved as to be practically unrecoverable. It was found immediately on top of the two adolescents, (a person sacrificed to serve as a protector in the afterlife?), who were buried together in a head-to-head fashion in the middle of an apparently abandoned circular dwelling structure.
Each of the three intact individuals were lavishly decorated with thousands of painstakingly prepared ivory beads arranged in dozens of strands, perhaps basted to their clothing. Although it is almost certain that the three individuals buried intact at Sungir were members of the same social group, there are remarkable differences among them in details of body decoration and grave offerings. The man was adorned with 2,936 beads and fragments arranged in strands found on all parts of his body including his head, which was apparently covered with a beaded cap that also bore several fox teeth.
His forearms and biceps were each decorated with a series of polished mammoth-ivory bracelets (25 in all), some showing traces of black paint. They were thin, flat strips of mammoth-ivory, cut longitudinally along the tusk. They were pierced at each end, some with one hole, others with two, apparently to keep the ivory bent into a circle. What appear to be brush strokes from the application of pigment are visible on at least one specimen. Around the man's neck, he wore a small, flat schist pendant, painted red, but with a small black dot on one side.
In the book "The Mind in the Cave" David Lewis-Williams cites Sungir as evidence that humanity's natural state is subject to a ruler. He cites this as one of the cognitive "advantages" we enjoyed over Neanderthals, leading to our success and their failure. But if the human condition is so amenable to rulership, why is the royal burial at Sungir so exceptional? Why have we not found more burials like it?
Lewis-Williams himself unwittingly offers us the reason why. Sungir was situated along the mammoth migratory routes. There was such a glut of mammoth meat once a year, that these foragers could afford to remain stationary. Thus they developed a complex society, including royalty.
vast territory of North and Central Asia represents a poorly understood
region in the prehistoric era, despite intensive excavations that have
been conducted during the past century. The earliest human occupation
in this region, probably began sometime around 40,000 years ago. Small
groups of big-game hunters likely migrated into this region, as a
result of the second out of Africa (OOA) migration. They confronted a
harsh climate and long, dry winters. By about 20,000 B.C., two
principal cultural traditions had developed in Siberia and northeastern
Asia: the Mal'ta and the Afontova Gora-Oshurkovo cultures.
The Mal'ta tradition is known from a vast area spanning west of Lake Baikal and the Yenisey River. The site of Mal'ta, for which the culture is named, is composed of a series of subterranean houses made of large animal bones and reindeer antler, which had likely been covered with animal skins and sod to protect inhabitants from the severe, prevailing northerly winds. Among the artistic accomplishments evident at Mal'ta are remains of expertly carved bone, ivory, and antler objects. Figurines of birds and human females are the most commonly found items.
Note: It should be noted that the Mal'ta Culture may more correctly be associated with the "Eastward" second wave of migration out of southern Africa that occurred about 55-50,000 B.C. However, lacking similar type figures from China, we associate the Mal'ta Culture with Grimaldi.
Note: The Paleolithic art of Europe and Asia, falls into two broad categories: mural art and portable art. Mural art is concentrated in southwest France, Spain, and northern Italy. The tradition of portable art, predominantly carvings in ivory and antler, spans the distance across western Europe into North and Central Asia. It is suggested that the broad territory in which the tradition of carving and imagery is shared, is evidence of cultural contact and common religious beliefs. Some of the most well known examples are the so-called Venus figurines. One such figurine, illustrated here, is from the site of Mal'ta and dates to around 22,000 B.C. It is carved from the ivory of a mammoth, an extinct type of elephant highly prized in hunting that migrated in herds across the Ice Age tundra of Europe and Asia. Like most Paleolithic figurine carving, the image is carved in the round in a highly stylized manner. Typically, there are exaggerated characteristics such as breasts and (steatopygia) buttocks, which may have been symbols of fertility.
For those who doubt the obvious: that Blacks were the original people in the Arctic:(who else could it have been but original man), we offer these scientific proofs. |
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of Epicanthic folds, Mongol eyes (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) appear
"Slanted" or Almond shaped. While Non-Mongol Blacks and European
Albinos have what are commonly termed "Round" eyes.
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Click here for link to the original New York Times article
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Dobruja or Dobrudja, is a historical region shared by Bulgaria and Romania, located between the lower Danube River and the Black Sea, including the Danube Delta, Romanian coast and the northernmost part of the Bulgarian coast. The Hamangia, was a Middle Neolithic culture in Dobruja on the right bank of the Danube, in Muntenia Romania it is the site of Baia-Hamangia. The Hamangia culture is connected to the Neolithic of the Danube River Delta and Dobruja. It includes the Vinca, Dudeşti and Karanovo III culture elements.
Cernavodă, is the name of the necropolis where the famous statues “The Thinker” and “The Sitting Woman” were discovered at the eponymous site of Baia-Hamangia in Romania. It was discovered in 1953 along Lake Goloviţa, close to the Black Sea coast, in the Romanian province of Dobruja.
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Hasotti has divided the Hamangia-culture into three phases. The culture begins in the middle of the 6th Millennium (6,000 B.C.), with Painted vessels of complex geometrical patterns based on spiral-motifs. The shapes include pots and wide bowls.
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Figurines - Pottery figurines are normally extremely stylized and show standing naked faceless women with emphasized breasts and buttocks. The Two figurines known as “The Thinker” and “The Sitting woman” are considered masterpieces of Neolithic art.
Settlements - Settlements consist of rectangular houses with one or two rooms, built of wattle and daub, sometimes with stone foundations (Durankulak). They are normally arranged on a rectangular grid and may form small tells. Settlements are located along the coast, on the coast of lakes, on the lower and middle river-terraces, and sometimes in caves.
Inhumation - People are in crouched or extended positions in cemeteries. Grave-gifts tend to be without pottery in Hamangia I. Grave-gifts include flint, worked shells, bone tools and shell-ornaments.
The Hamangia culture developed into the succeeding Gumelnitsa, Boian and Varna cultures of the late Eneolithic (aka. Chalcolithic - Copper/Stone or Copper Age), without noticeable break.
At the end of the fifth millennium B.C, under the influence of some Aegean Sea/Mediterranean Sea tribes and cultures, the Gumelniţa culture appeared in the region. In the Eneolithic (aka. Chalcolithic - Copper/Stone or Copper Age), White populations migrating from North Asia, of the Kurgan culture (see definition below), mixed with the previous population, creating the Cernavodă I culture. Under Kurgan II influence, the Cernavodă II culture emerged, and then, through the combination of the Cernavodă I and Ezero cultures, developed the Cernavodă III culture. The region had commercial contacts with the Mediterranean world since the 14th century B.C, as a Mycenaean sword discovered at Medgidia proves.
In the 6th century B.C, the first Scythian groups began to enter the region. Two Getae tribes, the Crobyzi and Terizi. In 514 B.C, King Darius I of Persia, subdued the Getae living in the region during his expedition against Scythians living north of the Danube. At about 430 B.C, the Odrysian kingdom under Sitalkes extended its rule to the mouths of the Danube. In 429 B.C, Getae from the region participated in an Odrysian campaign in Macedonia. In the 4th century B.C, the Scythians brought Dobruja under their sway. In 341 B.C, one of their kings, Atheas fought against Histria, which was supported by a Histrianorum rex (probably a local Getic ruler). In 339 B.C, King Atheas was defeated by the Macedonians under King Philip II, who afterwards extended his rule over Dobruja.
In 313 B.C, and again in 310–309 B.C, the Greek colonies led by Callatis, revolted against Macedonian rule. The revolts were suppressed by Lysimachus, the diadochus of Thracia, who also began a military expedition against Dromichaetes, the ruler of the Getae north of the Danube, in 300 BC. In the 3rd century B.C, colonies on the Dobrujan coast paid tribute to the basilei Zalmodegikos and Moskon, who probably ruled also northern Dobruja. In the same century, Celts settled in the north of the region. In 260 B.C, Byzantion lost the war with Callatis and Histria for the control of Tomis. At the end of the 3rd century B.C, and the beginning of the 2nd century B.C, the Bastarnae settled in the area of the Danube Delta. Around 200 B.C, the Thracian king Zoltes invaded the province several times, but was defeated by Rhemaxos, who became the protector of the Greek colonies. Around 100 B.C, King Mithridates VI of Pontus (in Anatolia) extended his authority over the Greek cities in Dobruja. Mithridates/Mithradates is reported to have been of "mixed race" Greek and Persian origin, for he claimed descent from Alexander the Great and King Darius I of Persia.
The Vinča culture was an early culture (between the 6th and 3rd millennium B.C.), stretching around the course of the Danube in what is today Serbia, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Bulgaria, and the Republic of Macedonia - although traces of it can be found all around the Balkans, as well as parts of Central Europe and Asia Minor (Anatolia).
the older Starčevo settlement, located in the deepest layers of Vinča
sites; mud huts with tent roofs were discovered in which the settlers
of the Starčevo-culture lived and were also buried. During the period
of the Vinča Culture, houses were erected above ground, with complex
architectural layouts, and several rooms built of wood that were
covered in mud. The houses in the settlement are facing northeast and
southwest, with streets between them. Other settlements include
Divostin, Potporanj, Selevac, Pločnik, Predionica Liobcova and Ujvar.
Recent excavations at the site of the Pločnik settlement, have shed considerable light on the Vinča culture. The Pločnik settlement flourished from 5,500 B.C. until it was destroyed by a fire in 4700 B.C. The findings suggest an advanced division of labor and central organization.
Vinča houses had stoves, and special holes specifically for rubbish. The dead were buried in cemeteries. People slept on woolen and fur mats, and made clothes of wool, flax and leather. The figurines found not only represent deities but many show the daily life of the inhabitants. Women are depicted in short tops and skirts and wearing jewelry. A thermal well found near the settlement might be evidence of Europe's oldest spa.
The preliminary dating of a Pločnik metal workshop, with a furnace and copper tools, date to 5,500 B.C. If correct, that indicates that the Copper Age, could have started in Europe, 500 years or more earlier than previously thought. The sophisticated furnace and smelter, featured earthen pipe-like air vents, with hundreds of tiny holes in them and a chimney to ensure air goes into the furnace to feed the fire, and smoke comes out away from the workers. Copper workshops found elsewhere, and from later periods, once thought to indicate the beginnings of the Copper Age, were less advanced, and didn't have chimneys, and workers there, had to blow air on the fire with bellows.
The Vinča people left little signs of their languages, which may be isolated from any languages existing today. Their writings, the Vinča symbols, might be pictograms.
Vinča symbols, or signs, also known as the Vinča alphabet, Vinča-Turdaş
script, or Old European script, are a set of symbols found on
prehistoric artifacts from southeastern Europe. A few scholars believe
they constitute a writing system of the Vinča culture.
In 1875, archaeological excavations led by the archeologist Zsófia Torma (1840–1899) at Tordos (today Turdaş, Romania) unearthed a cache of objects inscribed with previously unknown symbols. In 1908, a similar cache was found during excavations conducted by Miloje Vasich (1869-1956) in Vinča, a suburb of Belgrade (Serbia), some 120 km from Tordos. Later, more such fragments were found in Banjica, another part of Belgrade. Since then, over one hundred and fifty Vinča sites have been identified in Serbia alone, but many, including Vinča itself, have not been fully excavated. Thus, the culture of the whole area is called the Vinča culture, and the script is often called the Vinča-Tordos script.
The discovery of the Tartaria tablets in Romania by Nicolae Vlassa in 1961 reignited the debate. Vlassa believed the inscriptions to be pictograms and the finds were subsequently carbon-dated to before 4000 B.C, thirteen hundred years earlier than the date he expected, and earlier even, than the writing systems of the Sumerians and Minoan's. To date, more than a thousand fragments with similar inscriptions have been found on various archaeological sites throughout south-eastern Europe, notably in Greece (Dispilio Tablet), Bulgaria, former Yugoslavia, Romania, eastern Hungary, Moldova, and southern Ukraine.
Chinese scholars have suggested that such signs were produced by a convergent development, of what might be called a precursor to writing, which evolved independently in a number of societies. Indeed, there are some similarities between Sumerian cuneiform script, and stone markings from Çatalhöyük in Turkey, and Kamyana Mohyla in Southern Ukraine: both predating the Vinča culture by several millennia.
These people are likely Haplogroup I (Celts/Gauls), who may also have formed the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture. They were conquered and kurganized (see definition below), by the horse riding Indo-European (White Nomadic) tribes.
The Cucuteni-Trypillian culture, also known as Cucuteni culture (Romanian), Trypillian culture (from Ukrainian) or Tripolie culture (from Russian), is a late Neolithic archaeological culture that flourished between 5,500 B.C. and 2,750 B.C. in the Dniester-Dnieper region of modern-day Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine. The Trypilians built the largest towns in Europe, each of them with from 10,000 to 15,000 people. The culture was initially named after Cucuteni, Iaşi county Romania, where the first objects associated with this culture were discovered.
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1884, Archaeologist Vicenty Khvoika uncovered the first, of close to
one hundred Trypillian settlements. In 1897, similar objects were
excavated in Trypillia, Kiev, and Governorate, Ukraine. As a result,
the culture has been known in Soviet, Russian, and Ukrainian
publications as Tripolie, Tripolian or Trypillian culture. A compromise
currently exists in the English name: Cucuteni-Trypillia.
As of 2003, about 2000 sites of Cucuteni-Trypillian culture have been identified in Romania, Ukraine, and Moldova. Archaeologist J.P. Mallory reports that the culture is attested from well over a thousand sites, in the form of everything from small villages to vast settlements consisting of hundreds of dwellings surrounded by multiple ditches. The culture was centered on the middle to upper Dniester River, (in the present-day Republic of Moldova), with an extension to the northeast as far as the Dnieper.
The Largest cities:
Talianki - with up to 15,000 inhabitants, and which covered an area of 450 hectares and included 2,700 houses - circa 3,700 B.C.
Dobrovody - up to 10,000 inhabitants and covered an area of 250 hectares, and it was also fortified - circa 3,800 B.C.
Maydanets - up to 10,000 inhabitants, area 250 hectares, 1,575 houses - circa 3,700 B.C.
The creators of this culture, were tribes who stretched from the Balkans and Danube basin, to the Carpathian mountains; encompassing territories in contemporary Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine. Scholars categorize the culture into three distinct periods
Early - 5300-4600 B.C.
Middle - 4600-3200 B.C.
Late - 3200-2750/2600 B.C.
The Early period:
In the second half of the 6th millennium B.C. and in the first half of the 5th millennium, the tribes settled in the basin of the Dnieper and Buh rivers. The settlements were located close to rivers, however a number of settlements have been discovered on the plateaus. Dwellings were made in the ground or half dug into the ground. The floors and fireplaces were made of clay, walls were made of wood or reeds covered in clay. Roofing was made of straw or reeds.
The inhabitants were involved with animal husbandry, agriculture, fishing and gathering. Wheat, rye and peas were grown. Tools included ploughs made of antlers, stone, bone and sharpened sticks. The harvest was collected with scythes made of flint inlaid blades. The grain was milled by stone wheels. Women were involved in pottery and clothing making, and played a leading role in community life. Men hunted, looked after cattle, made tools from flint, bone and stone. Cattle were most important, and pigs, sheep and goats took a secondary place - they had domesticated horses. Female statues and amulets were made of clay. Rarely one comes across copper items, primarily bracelets, rings and hooks. One settlement in Korbuni Moldova, had a large number of copper items, primarily jewelry which was dated back to the beginning of the 5th millennium B.C.
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The Middle period
In the middle era, the Trypillian culture spread over a wide area from Eastern Transylvania in the West, to the Dniper river in the East. The population settled on the banks of the Upper and Middle bank of the Dniper river. The population grew considerably and they lived on plateaus near major rivers and springs. Their dwellings were built on poles in the form of circles or ovals. Dwellings were built on log floors covered in clay. Walls were woven from wood covered in clay and a clay stove was situated in the centre of the dwelling. With the growth in population in the area, agriculture also grew. Animal husbandry was popular, however hunting also continued. Tools made of flint, rock and bones were used for cultivation. Axes made of copper have been discovered mined in Volyn, and in the areas around the Dniper river. Pottery making was sophisticated. Characteristic were a mono-chromal spiral ornament, painted with black paint on a yellow and red base. There were large pear-shaped pottery for the saving of grain, plates etc. and statues of female figures. Figures of animals and models of houses have also been found. It is thought that the tribes were matrilineal.
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Late period
In the late period, the territory expanded to include Volyn
to the rivers Sluch and Horyn, and both banks of the Dnieper river near
Kyiv. In the area near the Black sea, the inhabitants communicated with
other cultures. Animal husbandry became more important - Horses became
more important. The community transformed into a patriarchal structure.
Communities were also established on the Don and Volga rivers. Houses
were build differently, spiral ornaments disappeared from pottery, with
a new rope-like ornament becoming more popular. Different forms of
ritual burial were developed in graves with elaborate burial rituals.
The Cucuteni-Trypillia culture has been called the first urban culture in Europe. The later Cucuteni-Trypillia settlements were usually located on a plateau, fortified with earthworks and ditches. The earliest villages consisted of ten to fifteen households. In their heyday, settlements expanded to include several hundred large adobe huts, sometimes with two stories. These houses were typically warmed by an oven and had round windows. The huts had furnaces used to create pottery, which the Cucuteni-Trypillians are most known for.
Agriculture is attested to, as well as livestock-raising, mainly consisting of cattle, but goats/sheep and swine are also evidenced. Wild game is a regular part of the faunal remains. The pottery is connected to the Linear Pottery culture. Copper was extensively imported from the Balkans. Extant figurines excavated at the Cucuteni sites are thought to represent religious artifacts, but their meaning or use is still unknown.
As time progressed, the Cucuteni-Trypillians began creating better weapons using stronger metals, and the effort they put into pottery became less noticeable. The Cucuteni-Trypillians noticeably began fortifying their cities, when there was once no need for fortification or weapons. The sudden disappearance of many Cucuteni-Trypillian villages leads archaeologists to believe they were conquered and assimilated into another culture. The Cucuteni-Trypillian people, were likely Haplogroup I (Celts/Gauls). They were likely kurganized by the horse riding Indo-European (Nomadic White) tribes that are still living there today.
The largest collection of artifacts from the Cucuteni-Trypillia culture can be found in museums in Russia, Ukraine, and Romania, including the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg Russia and the Museum of History & Archaeology in Piatra Neamt.
Haplogroup I Haplogroup (I) is a branch of the mega-haplogroup (F) and its subsequent mega-haplogroup (IJ) around 35,000 years ago. Haplogroup (I) originated approximately 25,000 years ago, among the people of Eastern Africa and Southern Europe. As the ice receded after the last glacial maximum, it spread into Northern Europe. Nowadays elements of haplogroup (I) is found in almost half of the populations in Europe. It is divided into four main subclades. |
The Varna culture belongs to the late Eneolithic of northern Bulgaria. It is conventionally dated between 4,400-4,100 B.C, and is contemporary with Karanovo VI in the South. It is characterized by polychrome pottery and rich cemeteries, the most famous of which are at the Varna Necropolis, the eponymous site, and the Durankulak complex, which comprises the largest prehistoric cemetery in southeastern Europe (1,200 graves), with an adjoining coeval Neolithic settlement and an unpublished and incompletely excavated Chalcolithic settlement. Burial is normally flat on the back, sometimes covered with stones. Grave gifts include bracelets of Spondylus, carnelian beads, gold beads and pendants, and blades of blond balcanic flint. Over 3000 gold artifacts were found, with a weight of approximately 6 kilograms (over 13 lb.). Grave 43 contained more gold, than has been found in the entire rest of the world for that epoch - see skeleton below.
As stated above, there is a great reluctance on the part of "White people" to definitively identify the race of ancient populations. Even though, in many cases, it is quite easy to identify the race of the people in question. Here we shall demonstrate the ease with which it is done. See exhibits below. |
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For Grave 43
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(Blacks), as the ancestors of all modern Humans; logically must
encompass all Human phenotypes – you can’t pass on what you don’t have!
As can be seen in the display of Black phenotypes above - they do!
Black phenotypes run from noses with high bridges to noses with low
bridges – and all in between. From lips that are very thin, to lips
that are very full – and all in between. From hair that is very
straight, to hair that is tightly curled – and all in between. From
hair that is very Blonde, to hair that is very Black - and all in
between. From skin that is very Black, to skin that is very Pale- and
all in between. From eyes that are hooded and Almond shaped, to eyes
that are round - and all in between. From eyes that are very Black, to
eyes that are light colored - and all in between. That said, it must be
noted that in otherwise healthy Africans; pale hair, eyes or skin, as
with the child above: is a sign of a genetic disorder - in the case
above - Albinism.
Caucasians (Whites), and Mongols (Chinese), as sub-sets of the Black race: they lack the genetic diversity of the Black race, and as such; they carry only a few of the phenotypes of the Black race. For this reason, it is sometimes easy to differentiate between Caucasians (Whites) and Blacks, using cranial analysis. In order to determine the race of the occupant of Varna grave 43, a comparison was made of its skull, and the skull of a modern African and the skull of a modern White European. The results were readily apparent and conclusive - just from the nasal indices. The occupant of Grave 43 was an African Male. Note accompanying photographs. |
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Lake Durankulak is a very archaeologically important area; there Pithouses of the oldest known inhabitants of Dobruja; dating to 5,100 – 4,700 B.C, have been unearthed near the west shore. As well as 3,500 – 3,400 B.C. mound burials and a Sarmatian necropolis from Late Antiquity. The Big Island (no name) of Lake Durankulak is particularly important, as it is the site of an Eneolithic settlement from about 4,600 – 4,200 B.C. The island also features a 1,300 – 1,200 B.C. fortified settlement, also a later Hellenistic rock-hewn cave sanctuary of Cybele (dated 300 B.C.) and a Bulgar settlement from the 900 A.D. Because of its age and importance, the archaeological complex has been dubbed the "Bulgarian Troy".
Some say that the Varna culture seems to have come to a sudden end around 4,100 B.C, which Henrietta Todorova believes was brought about by a dramatic climatic change. Others like M. Gimbutas (1991) disagrees, saying, "The discontinuity of the Varna, Karanovo, Vinča and Lengyel cultures in their main territories and the large scale population shifts to the north and northwest, are indirect evidence of a catastrophe of such proportions that it cannot be explained by possible climatic change, land exhaustion, or epidemics (for which there is no evidence in the second half of the 5th millennium B.C.). However, direct evidence of the incursion of horse-riding warriors is found, not only in single burials of males under barrows, but in the emergence of a whole complex of Kurgan (White Nomadic) cultural traits.
Note: Here again, we must deal with the reluctance of Whites to definitively identify the race of ancient populations. In every one of these "Culture Sites" there are Skeletons; the Heads of those skeletons will indicate what race those people were. However, should that fail, DNA is easily extracted from the skeletons. However, things are not as we were led to believe. DNA Definitions(Just another White Lie) We were probably all "taken-in" by the White mans claims that DNA study could clearly define who-was-who in ancient history. And knowing the White mans track record of lying about such matters, we all just naturally assumed that the DNA of ancient Blacks in Europe, Asia, North Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas was already done, but Whites simply wouldn't release it, or would release it, while calling it something else. Well, we were partially right: the DNA of ancient Blacks in Europe, Asia, North Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas is already done, but Whites simply wouldn't release it, or release it, while calling it something else. But the White mans claims that DNA study could clearly define who-was-who in ancient history is a BUST! As we can see from the data on the linked page: that which we were told were the "White" haplogroups; like R1 and R2, are instead, indisputably "Black" haplogroups. As always; all roads lead "Back" to the Black man. There is a chart of Modern White European Y-DNA which clearly shows that there is NO uniquely "White" haplogroups; but rather, all White DNA is derived from Black haplogroups. But since this page is already very long: in order to save space, we are providing a link to the chart, instead of placing it on this page or on the linked page. Note: the chart has live links to the sources used for the chart. It is interesting and amusing; to read the conclusions drawn, and why they were drawn. It truly gives insight into the minds of these fabricators. Click here for the chart page. (The actual chart page itself, is linked to the following page at the bottom of the page). <<Click>>
Other related Cultures:
The Karanovo culture was a neolithic culture (Karanovo I-III 6,200 to 5,500 B.C.) named for the Bulgarian village of Karanovo
The Lengyel culture, ca. 5,000–4,000 B.C, was an archaeological culture located in the area of modern-day southern Moravia, western Slovakia, western Hungary, parts of southern Poland, and in adjacent sections of Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia. It was a successor to the Linear pottery culture, and in its northern extent, overlapped the somewhat later but otherwise approximately contemporaneous Funnelbeaker culture.
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The origins of the Thracian's remain obscure because of the absence of written historical records. Evidence of proto-Thracian's in the prehistoric period depends on remains found in tombs. Proto-Thracian tombs can be found dating back to 3,000 B.C, when what can be termed as 'proto-Thracian' culture began to form. It is generally proposed that a proto-Thracian people developed from a mixture of the indigenous Black people and the White Kurgan invaders during the Kurgan expansion in around 1,500 B.C.
By 300 B.C. Mulattos were commonplace. But from this mural, it appears Blacks retained Kingship. |
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The first historical record about the Thracians, is found in the Iliad (Iliad, ancient Greek epic poem attributed to Homer- see note below), where they appear as allies of the Trojans. By the 5th century B.C, the Thracian presence was pervasive enough to have made Herodotus (in book 5) call them the second-most numerous people in the part of the world known by him (after the Indians) - and potentially the most powerful - if not for their disunity. The Thracians in classical times, were broken up into a large number of groups and tribes, though a number of powerful Thracian states were organized, such as the Odrysian kingdom of Thrace, and the Dacian kingdom of Burebista.
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The Odrysian kingdom
Seuthopolis was a city founded by king Seuthes III, and was the capital of the Odrysian kingdom. The city was founded sometime between 325 B.C. and 315 B.C. It was a small city, built on the site of an earlier settlement. The ruins of the city were discovered and excavated in 1948 by Bulgarian archeologists during the construction of the Georgi Dimitrov (later renamed Koprinka) Reservoir - the city is now underwater in the Reservoir.
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Sometime in the Odrysian kingdom period, and close to the city of Seuthopolis: a magnificent Thracian tomb was built. It consisted of a vaulted brickwork "beehive" tomb, and contained among other things, painted murals representing a Thracian couple at a ritual funeral feast. The dark-skinned nature of the King or noble, suggests that Blacks still survived at this late date, in the form of mixed race royalty. The tomb was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.
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The Slavs
In the 6th century A.D. the Balkans were invaded by a new group of Whites, these were the Slavs and the Bulgars. The Slavs emerged from their original homeland in Asia in the early 6th century, and spread to most of Eastern Central Europe, Eastern Europe and the Balkans, forming in the process three main branches: the West Slavs, the East Slavs and the South Slavs. A portion of the eastern South Slavs, assimilated the Thracians, before being themselves incorporated by the Bulgars into the First Bulgarian Empire.
The Bulgars
The Bulgars were originally a semi-nomadic people, probably of Turkic descent, and originating in Central Asia. From the 2nd century A.D. onwards, they settled in different parts of Europe. In the 7th century, the Bulgars established the states of Great Bulgaria, Volga Bulgaria and the First Bulgarian Empire in three separate locations of the continent. The Bulgar language spoken by the Bulgar elites, was of the Oghuric branch of the Turkic language family, alongside with Hunnic, Khazar and Turkic Avar.
Initially the Bulgars conquered the steppes north of the Caucasus and around the banks of the river Volga (then Itil). Between 377 and 453 A.D. the Bulgars, alongside the Huns, conquered territories well into Central and Western Europe. After Attila's death in 453 A.D, and the subsequent disintegration of the Hunnic Empire, the Bulgars dispersed mostly to the eastern and southeastern parts of Europe. Archaeological finds from the Ukrainian steppe, suggest that the early Bulgars had the typical culture of the nomadic horse people of Central Asia, who migrated seasonally in pursuit of pastures. From the 7th century onward however, they rapidly began to settle down; they planted crops, and became skilled blacksmiths, stonemasons and carpenters.
The Eastern Black Sea region was home to the well-developed bronze age culture, known as the Colchian culture. In at least some parts of Colchis, the process of urbanization seems to have been well advanced by the end of the second millennium B.C, centuries before Greek settlement. The Colchian Late Bronze Age (15th to 8th Centurys B.C.) saw the development of significant skill in the smelting and casting of metals, that began long before this skill was mastered in Europe. Sophisticated farming implements were made, and the fertile, well-watered lowlands with their mild climate, promoted the growth of progressive agricultural techniques.
According to Greek mythology, Colchis was a fabulously wealthy land situated on the mysterious periphery of the heroic world. Here in the sacred grove of the war god Ares, King Aeëtes hung the Golden Fleece until it was seized by Jason and the Argonauts. Colchis was also the land where the mythological Prometheus was punished by being chained to a mountain while an eagle ate at his liver, for revealing to humanity the secret of fire. The Amazons also were said to be from Colchis. The main mythical characters from Colchis are Aeëtes, Medea, Absyrtus, Chalciope, Circe, Eidyia, Pasiphaë.
In about 730 B.C, Colchis was overrun by the White Kurgan tribes called Cimmerians and Scythians. But they appear to have done little permanent damage.
In about 600 B.C, the advanced economy of Colchis soon attracted the attention of the Milesian (White) Greeks in Anatolia (Turkey), who colonized the Colchian coast and established trading posts at Phasis, Gyenos, and Sukhumi.
about 580 B.C, the kingdom came under the control of (probably by the
dating); King Astyages of the Median Empire. Which would soon become
part of the first Persian Empire under Cyrus II, the Great. (The
Sassanian was the second Persian Empire).
Herodotus in Book 3 says: The tribes living in southern Colchis (the Tibareni, Mossynoeci, Macrones, Moschoi, and Marres) were incorporated in the 19th Satrapy of the Persian King Darius; while the northern tribes submitted “voluntarily” and had to send to the Persian court 100 girls and 100 boys in every 5 years.
The Tibareni - Called Tubal by Josephus Flavius (see below) - He identifies them with the (Eastern) Iberians and Cappadocians.
The Macrones (Makrones) were an original Colchian tribe.
The Moschoi - Josephus Flavius identified the Moschoi with the Biblical Meshech. Meshech is named with Tubal (and Rosh, in certain translations) as principalities of "Gog, prince of Magog" in Ezekiel 38:2 and 39:1, and is considered a Japhetite tribe, identified by Flavius Josephus with the Cappadocian Moschoi (Mushki, also associated with Phrygians or Bryges) and their capital Mazaca. Another Meshech is named as a son of Aram in 1 Chronicles 1:17 (corresponding to the form Mash in Genesis 10). In Hippolytus of Rome's chronicle (234 AD), the "Illyrians" were identified as Meshech's offspring. In addition, Georgians have traditions that they, and other Caucasus people including Armenians, share descent from Meshech.
The Mossynoeci - (Greek word Mossynoikoi "dwellers in wooden towers"). The Greeks of the Black Sea area applied it to the peoples of Pontus, on the northern Anatolian coast.
Josephus Flavius (37–100 A.D.) was a Hebrew (not Jewish - those are Khazar people), traitor named Joseph. He identifies himself as a priest from Jerusalem who fought the Romans in the First Hebrew-Roman War of 66–73 A.D. After the Jewish garrison of Yodfat was besieged by the Romans, thousands were killed and the survivors committed suicide. According to Josephus, he found himself trapped in a cave with forty of his companions. The Romans asked him to surrender once they discovered where he was, but his companions refused to allow this. He therefore suggested a method of collective suicide: they draw lots and killed each other, one by one, counting to every third person. After this was done, the sole survivor of this process was Josephus. The Roman forces were led by Flavius Vespasian and his son Titus, both subsequently Roman emperors - Josephus surrendered to them. Upon going over to the Romans, he was made a General. He subsequently commanded Roman troops in putting down the Hebrew rebellion in Judea. He later went to Rome with Titus, becoming a Roman citizen and a client of the ruling Flavian dynasty (hence the title "Flavius Josephus"). For his services - in addition to Roman citizenship, he was granted land in conquered Judea and a pension. |
Soon after the arrival of the Persians, the influence of the vast Achaemenid Empire with its thriving commerce and wide economic and commercial ties with other regions, resulted in the socio-economic re-development of Colchis.
East of Colchis, was the kingdom Iberia. After the fall of the Persian Empire, Colchis was annexed and became a part of the recently created Kingdom of Kartli (some sources reverse the order, with Kartli being the former) under Iberian king Parnavazin I, ca. 302 B.C. Parnavaz (whose name is Persian), is then reported to have embarked on social and cultural projects; he supervises two building projects: the raising of the idol Armazi – reputedly named after him – on a mountain ledge and the construction of a similarly-named fortress. He is also alleged to have invented (or reformed) the Georgian alphabet. (A Aramaic alphabet from pre-Christian Georgia has been archaeologically documented).
In about 100 B.C, the area was conquered by Mithradates VI, king of Pontus in northern Anatolia (Turkey). Mithradates is reported to have been of "mixed race" Greek and Persian origin, for he claimed descent from Alexander the Great and King Darius I of Persia.
Mithradates VI quelled an uprising in the region in about 83 B.C, and gave Colchis to his son Mithradates Chrestus; who was soon executed for being suspected of plotting against his father. During the Third Mithridatic War, Mithridates VI made another of his son "Machares" king of Colchis, but he held his power for only a short time. On the defeat of Mithridates VI by the Roman general Pompey in 65 B.C, Colchis was occupied by Pompey, who installed Aristarchus as king. On the fall of Pompey, Pharnaces II, son of Mithridates, took advantage of Roman king Julius Caesar being occupied in Egypt, and re-conquered Pontic territory. Under Polemon I, the son and successor of Pharnaces II, Colchis was part of the Pontus and Bosporan Kingdom. After the death of Polemon I (after 2 B.C.), his second wife Pythodoris, retained possession of Colchis as well as of Pontus itself; though the kingdom of Bosporus was wrested from her power. Her son and successor Polemon II of Pontus, was induced by Emperor Nero to abdicate his throne, and both Pontus and Colchis were incorporated into the Roman province of Galatia.
Soon the lowlands and coastal area of Colchis, began to suffer raids by White tribes from the surrounding mountains; the Soanes and Heniochi being the most powerful of them. After swearing allegence to Rome, the White tribes were allowed to create their own kingdoms in Colchis; which enjoyed significant independence from Rome. Christianity began to spread in the early 1st century A.D. Traditional accounts relate the event with Saint Andrew, Saint Simon the Zealot, and Saint Matata. However the previous religious beliefs, like the Hellenistic, the local pagan and the Mithraic beliefs, would still be widespread until the 4th century A.D. By about the 130s A.D. the new kingdoms of Machelons, Heniochi, Egrisi, Apsilia, Abasgia, and Sanigia, had sprung up from south to north. The Goths, dwelling in the Crimea and looking for new homes, raided Colchis in 253 A.D, but they were repulsed with the help of the Roman garrison of Pitsunda. By the 3rd-4th centuries A.D, most of the local kingdoms and principalities had been subjugated by the (Turkic) Lazic kings, and thereafter the country was generally referred to as Lazica. In the late 8th century A.D, Colchis was attached to Abasgia, which in turn was incorporated into Russian Georgia. Blacks however, are said to have survived in the area until the early 20th century.
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The ethnic composition of the Colchians, as described by Herodotus - was Egyptian. Remnants of the army of Senusret I (1971 to 1926 B.C. - Greek Sesostris also Senwosret) who was the second king of the 12th Dynasty.
Passing over these monarchs, therefore, I shall speak of the king who
reigned next, whose name was Sesostris. He, the priests said, first of
all proceeded in a fleet of ships of war from the Arabian gulf along
the shores of the Erythraean sea, subduing the nations as he went,
until he finally reached a sea which could not be navigated by reason
of the shoals. Hence he returned to Egypt, where, they told me, he
collected a vast armament, and made a progress by land across the
continent, conquering every people which fell in his way.
In the countries where the natives withstood his attack, and fought gallantly for their liberties, he erected pillars, on which he inscribed his own name and country, and how that he had here reduced the inhabitants to subjection by the might of his arms: where, on the contrary, they submitted readily and without a struggle, he inscribed on the pillars, in addition to these particulars, an emblem to mark that they were a nation of women, that is, unwarlike and effeminate.
[2.103] In this way he traversed the whole continent of Asia, whence he passed on into Europe, and made himself master of Scythia and of Thrace, beyond which countries I do not think that his army extended its march. For thus far the pillars which he erected are still visible, but in the remoter regions they are no longer found. Returning to Egypt from Thrace, he came, on his way, to the banks of the river Phasis. Here I cannot say with any certainty what took place. Either he of his own accord detached a body of troops from his main army and left them to colonise the country, or else a certain number of his soldiers, wearied with their long wanderings, deserted, and established themselves on the banks of this stream.
[2.104] There can be no doubt that the Colchians are an Egyptian race. Before I heard any mention of the fact from others, I had remarked it myself. After the thought had struck me, I made inquiries on the subject both in Colchis and in Egypt, and I found that the Colchians had a more distinct recollection of the Egyptians, than the Egyptians had of them. Still the Egyptians said that they believed the Colchians to be descended from the army of Sesostris. My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are black-skinned and have woolly hair, which certainly amounts to but little, since several other nations are so too; but further and more especially, on the circumstance that the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians (Nubians) , are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times.
Apollonius of Rhodes states that the Egyptians of Colchis preserved as heirlooms a number of wooden tablets showing Seas and Highways with considerable accuracy.
Apollonius of Rhodes, also known as Apollonius Rhodius, after 246 B.C, was a librarian at the Library of Alexandria. He is best known for his epic poem the Argonautica, which told the mythological story of Jason and the Argonauts' quest for the Golden Fleece. He did not come from Rhodes, but was a Greek Egyptian.
An abject lesson in when "Real" history, collides with Fake, made-up, Albino history.Where the nonsense of "Caucasians" comes from:Note: ancient Colchis roughly corresponds to modern Georgia From the Wiki "Georgians": The Georgian skull the German anthropologist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach discovered in 1795, he used to hypothesize origination of Europeans from the Caucasus. He wrote: Caucasian variety - I have taken the name of this variety from Mount Caucasus, both because its neighborhood, and especially its southern slope, produces the most beautiful race of men, I mean the Georgian; and because all physiological reasons converge to this, that in that region, if anywhere, it seems we ought with the greatest probability to place the autochthones (birth place) of mankind. |
Related: Short history of Caucasian Iberia: Click >>> |
The lineage of the Ancient Greeks is always a source of controversy. In the Histories of Herodotus, he clearly identifies the lineage of each major Greek tribe. These books are considered one of the seminal works of history in Western literature. Written from the 450s to the 420s B.C, in the Ionic dialect of classical Greek. Here we have excerpted quotes from Herodotus Histories to clearly ethnically define each tribe of the ancient Greeks. Click here >>>
Note: from the link above, we know
that the Hellenes were NOT Whites, they just accepted Whites into their
midst. Herodotus refers to the Whites as Barbarians, but if we used
that term, it would be confusing to those who know the Hellenes as
Whites. Since the Hellenes and others, came to be at least part White,
we will continue to use Hellene.
Notes: The ancient Whites of Europe, had no knowledge of history (they came as illiterate nomads), so they made it up as they went. They created "Myth" for everything that they didn't know or understand. But over time, as they did gain knowledge, the educated amoung them started to question their myths. The first Greek historian, Hecataeus of Miletus (550–476 B.C.), says this in his works, especially the Genealogiai, which shows a marked skepticism of Greek myth, it opens with this "Hecataeus of Miletus thus speaks: I write what I deem true; for the stories of the Greeks are manifold and seem to me ridiculous". Illustrative is an account from Herodotus (II, 143), of a visit to an Egyptian temple at Thebes. It recounts how the priests showed Hecataeus a series of statues in the temple's inner sanctum, each one set up by the high priest of each generation: After mentioning that he (Hecataeus) traced his descent through sixteen generations - from a god. The Egyptians compared his genealogy to their own - as recorded by the statues. Since the generations of their high priests had numbered three hundred and forty-five, all entirely mortal, they refused to believe his claim of descent from a mythological figure. This encounter with the antiquity of Egypt, has been identified as a crucial influence on Hecataeus's skepticism: The mythologized past of the Hellenes shrank into insignificant fancy next to the history of a civilization so ancient.
Continuing: But Herodotus was never one to let facts get in the way of a good story: For there can be no doubt that the people of Colchis, were an indigenous people, who had been there for thousands of years. But by the time of Herodotus (ca. 400 B.C.) most of the Blacks in that area, had already been assimilated by invading Whites, so to explain the presence of that lone kingdom of Black people still existing there, Herodotus gave them his own made-up history. (The Celts invaded Northern Dobruja after 300 B.C, which was AFTER Herodotus was already dead, so they would not have entered into his thinking). In his narrative, he describes Colchis as being west of Thrace - it is actually east of Thrace. Which brings us to the general worth of racial descriptions; as contained in White historical documents - or the White translations thereof. In Herodotus's "History of the Persian Wars" of the dozens of peoples that he describes in the book; he chooses to describe only three peoples by racial type. The Colchians above; whom he describes as "black-skinned and have woolly hair". And the The Budini of Gelonus (east-central Ukraine), whom he describes as (they have all deep blue eyes, and bright red hair). And quote: The eastern Ethiopians - for two nations of this name served in the army - were marshalled with the Indians. They differed in nothing from the other Ethiopians, save in their language, and the character of their hair. For the eastern Ethiopians have straight hair, while they of Libya are more woolly-haired than any other people in the world. Then in [4.183] he refers to "the Troglodyte Ethiopians".
That is actually a lie created by Albinos for some racist, simple-minded reason that normal minds cannot comprehend. Unfortunately - to the Albino trying to hide his true nature and true past, a lot of stupid, cruel, and murderous, things make sense. This particular lie is deconstructed here: Click here: >>> Libya - Africa exclusive of Egypt. Troglodyte - A member of any primitive race or tribe of cave-dwellers, a caveman. The immediate problem here, is that the original people of India; were straight haired Black skinned people called Dravidians - they were invaded by a White people called Aryans/Arian's - the admixture resulting in the Hindu. So who were the Indians that Herodotus was referring to? Then there is "the Troglodyte Ethiopians", if Herodotus was referring to "The Land of Punt" (modern Ethiopia or Somalia); From Egyptian sources, we know that they were an advanced culture. But strangest of all; is the fact that though the book is about "Persians": the last of the great Black Empires (Egypt having previously fallen to them.), Nowhere in the book are "Persians" described! The Greek writer "Xenophanes" circa 500 B.C. is quoted as writing quote: "The Ethiops say that their gods are flat-nosed and black, While the Thracian's say that theirs have blue eyes and red hair". The problem with that quote, is that modern academic studies have concluded that Thracian's had physical characteristics typical of European Mediterranean's. According to Dr. Beth Cohen, Thracian's had "the same dark hair and the same facial features as the Ancient Greeks. This is supported by the Thracian fresco (from about the same time as Xenophanes), from Seuthopolis: Which shows the Thracian's to be mostly dark Whites and mixed-race people. Click here for the fresco >>> In HAMMURABI'S CODE OF LAWS; as Translated by L. W. King: The Black Amorite ruler Hammurabi, refers to himself several times as being "White" i.e. "White wise" etc. Click here >>> And it is from this, that we get the clearest indication of what has been going on; From the general circumstance and his statues; we KNOW that Hammurabi was a Black man, so there is no way that he would refer to himself as White. Therefore, the only explanation is the liberties taken by modern White translators of the ancient writings. Keep in mind; for the last several hundred years, White academics have been trying to convince the world that all of the ancient peoples were White. More on Greek myth: Encyclopedia of World Biography on Homer Homer is the name that has come down through the centuries as the author of the two earliest surviving poetic works of ancient Greece, the Iliad and the Odyssey. Yet, nothing is securely known about the authorship of these poems. Such was the reverence with which the ancient Greeks approached these poems that Homer was often called "the holy poet"—not because he had produced sacred verse, but because the two poems established a view of humankind that was highly satisfying to their audience and because these texts, the earliest poetry the Greeks had, were suitable for recitation at the most solemn civic occasions. It is mildly ironic, therefore, that modern scholarship has established a theory of the origins of the Iliad and Odyssey that more or less dismisses the possibility of there having been any one author of both poems — or, for that matter, of either poem. Homer, it seems, was not an individual poet but, more likely than not, a group of singers who composed the works attributed to the name of Homer. So why do modern Whites still use Greek myth to tell history? They have no choice, the alternative would be to use Black history - and THAT would let the "Cat out of the Bag". |
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The people known as Illyrians to the Greeks, were a group of indigenous Black tribes who inhabited the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro) in antiquity. The territory the tribes covered came to be known as Illyria to Greek and Roman authors, corresponding roughly to the area between Adriatic sea in west, Drava river in North, Morava river in east and the mouth of Vjosë river in south. These tribes, or at least a number of tribes considered "Illyrians proper", are assumed to have been united by a common Illyrian language, of which only small fragments are attested enough to classify it as a branch of Indo-European.
As is normal, Greeks spun myth in substitute of history. In Greek mythology, Illyrius was the son of Cadmus and Harmonia who eventually ruled Illyria and became the eponymous ancestor of the whole Illyrian people. A later version of this myth has as parents Polyphemus and Galatea, who give birth to Celtus, Galas and Illyrius. The second myth could stem perhaps from the discovered similarities of Illyrians to Celts and Gauls - who were probably the same people.
the 7th century B.C, the Illyrians had developed the distinctive
culture and art form that aids in identifying them. By this time, many
Illyrian tribes appear to be under the influence of the Celtic Halstat
culture in Germany to the north. Illyrian chiefs wore bronze torques
around their necks, much like the Celts did. The cult of the dead
played an important role in the lives of the Illyrians, which is seen
in their carefully made burials and burial ceremonies, as well as the
richness of the burial sites. In the northern parts of the Balkans,
there existed a long tradition of cremation and burial in shallow
graves, while in the southern parts, the dead were buried in large
stone, or earthen tumuli (natively called gromile) which in
Herzegovina, were reaching monumental sizes, more than 50 meters wide
and 5 meters high.
The Illyrians formed several kingdoms in the central Balkans, the first known Illyrian king was Bardyllis. The Illyrian kingdoms were often at war with Greece, and Illyrian pirates regularly attacked their shipping. After the Dalmatian islands had been taken by the White Greeks, the Illyrians took them back. And later, Queen Teuta of Issa ( Vis Island) was made famous for having waged wars against the Romans.
At the delta of Neretva, there was the Illyrian tribe of Daors. Their capital of Daorson was located in Ošanići near Stolac in Herzegovina. It became the main center of classical Illyrian culture. During the 4th century B.C, it was surrounded by megalithic 5 meter high stonewalls (large as those of Mycenae in Greece), composed out of large trapeze stones blocks. Daors also made unique bronze coins and sculptures.
The initial make-up of classical Greek society - as well as Roman society: was of course, the indigenous Blacks, plus the White invaders. Over time, these people interbred and produced a "mixed-race" population. Herodotus in Book 1 - CLIO, describes the Hellenes thusly: [1.58] The Hellenic race has never, since its first origin, changed its speech. This at least seems evident to me. It was a branch of the Pelasgic, which separated from the main body, and at first was scanty in numbers and of little power; but it gradually spread and increased to a multitude of nations, chiefly by the voluntary entrance into its ranks of numerous tribes of barbarians (White invaders). The Pelasgi, on the other hand, were, as I think, a barbarian race which never greatly multiplied. Interestingly, by about 500 B.C, we can see that interbreeding is well on the way in Greece; that by the appearance of the Hellenic delegation of tribute bears to the court of Persian King Darius (Darius the Great). The picture above, is from reliefs on the staircase of Apadana, part of the ruins of the Persian capital of Persepolis; which was built by King Darius. The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, has done extensive excavations in Iran, and has a large collection of Persepolis reliefs on-line: see hyperlink below. http://oi.uchicago.edu/gallery/pa_iran_paai_per_apa/index.php/?page=1 |
Later, in the Illyrian Wars with Rome, circa 229 B.C to 219 B.C. and again in 168 B.C. Rome overran the Illyrian settlements and suppressed the piracy that had made the Adriatic unsafe for White commerce. There were three campaigns, the first against Teuta, the second against Demetrius of Pharos, and the third against Gentius. The initial campaign in 229 B.C. marks the first time that the Roman Navy crossed the Adriatic Sea to launch an invasion. The final conquest in 168 B.C, resulted in the creation of the Roman province of Illyricum. It stretched from the Drilon River in modern Albania to Istria (Croatia) in the west and the Sava River (Croatia) in the north. Its capital was located at Salonae near modern Split in Croatia.
Illyrian revolt in the 2nd century B.C. was crushed under Augustus,
resulting in the province of Illyricum being dissolved, and its lands
divided between the new Roman provinces of Pannonia in the north and
Dalmatia in the south.
The Illyrians were granted civil rights by the "Constitutio Antoniniana" issued in 212 A.D. by Emperor Caracalla (see note below). Moreover, Rome recruited Illyrian soldiers to guard its borders from barbarian tribes. Their squads grew in number to such an extent that the Illyrian military began to play an important part in Roman political life. It is said that there were seven Illyrian-born Emperors of Rome - though there were mixed race Emperors of Rome, there was also those who claimed that distinction for political benefit.
The Illyrians were mentioned for the last time in the Miracula Sancti Demetri during the 7th century. With the disintegration of the Roman Empire, Gothic and Hunnic tribes raided the Balkan peninsula, making many Illyrians seek refuge in the highlands. With the arrival of the Slavs in the 6th century, most Illyrians were conquered and Slavicized. A few of the Romanised Illyrians, from the Adriatic coast, did manage to preserve their blended culture, as they fled to the mountains surviving as shepherds; they are referred to as Morlachs. Others took refuge inside the defended cities of the coast, where they kept Roman culture alive for many centuries, but they too were eventually assimilated by the expanding Slavic population. Ultimately they were absorbed into the emerging Slavic states - the Bulgarian Empire, the Serb Archonty and the Croat Duchy. And then later on, in the 10th century A.D, into parts of the early Bosnian Kingdom.
The Constitutio Antoniniana was an edict issued in 212 A.D, by the Roman Emperor Caracalla. The law declared that all free men in the Roman Empire were to be given full Roman citizenship and all free women in Empire were given the same rights as Roman women were. Before 212, only inhabitants of Italia, Romans living in provinces, and small numbers of local nobles (such as kings of client countries), held full Roman citizenship. Though it is said that the reason Caracalla passed this law were mainly to increase the number of people available to tax and to serve in the legions, as only full citizens could serve as legionaries in the Roman Army. But the fact that Caracalla was of "mixed race" (Phoenician/Roman) ancestry, might have had something to do with it.
A supposed prehistoric Illyrian invasion of the Balkans, which involves a great movement of Illyrian tribes from the lowlands of central Europe (now modern Hungary), towards southeastern Europe and the Balkan peninsula, is estimated to have occurred around 1,300 B.C. The numerous Thracian names in Illyria have led many scholars to believe that the region was originally inhabited by Thracians, who were either displaced or submitted to the Illyrian invaders. The Illyrians were most likely in turn, pushed eastwards by Celtic tribes from Germany in the northwest. According to this theory, the Illyrian invasion most likely caused the Thracian expansion to the east and the Phrygian migration from Thrace into central Asia Minor (Anatolia/Turkey), and the movement of the invading Whites (Hellenes) into Greece in the south. The Hellenes invasion of the Peloponnese (the large peninsula in southern Greece) may have forced the Black Mycenaean Greeks, who lived there, to flee south, and colonize the coast of Asia Minor.
In Anatolia at Miletus - an ancient city on the west coast - this coincides with the arrival in the 13th century B.C. of Luwian language speakers from south central Anatolia, who call themselves the Carians. Later in that century, the first Black Mycenaean Greeks arrived, calling themselves Achaeans (as part of the Sea People exodus). The city at that time rebelled against the Hatti Empire, (no such thing as Hittite). After the fall of the Hatti Empire, the city was destroyed in the 12th century B.C. (by the Sea People). By about 1000 B.C, the Hellenes had consolidated their power in Greece, to the point were they could start to expand; the Dorians, a Hellenic tribe, resettled Miletus.
The Yamna culture, is a late copper age/early Bronze Age culture of the Bug/Dniester/Ural region (the Pontic steppe), dating to the 36th–23rd centuries B.C.
The Pontic steppe is the vast steppeland (Grasslands) stretching from the north of the Black Sea, as far as the east of the Caspian Sea, from central Ukraine across the Southern Federal District and the Volga Federal District of Russia to western Kazakhstan. The area corresponds to Scythia and Sarmatia of Classical antiquity, and forms part of the larger Eurasian steppe. Across several millennia the steppe was used by numerous tribes of nomadic (White) horsemen, many of which went on to conquer lands in the settled (by Blacks) regions of Europe and in western and southern Asia.
The culture was predominantly nomadic, with some agriculture practiced near rivers and a few hillforts. Characteristic for the culture are the inhumations in kurgans (tumuli) in pit graves with the dead body placed in a supine position with bent knees. The bodies were covered in ochre. Multiple graves have been found in these kurgans, often as later insertions.
Significantly, animal grave offerings were made (cattle,
pigs, sheep, goats and horse), a feature associated with both
Proto-Indo-Europeans (including Proto-Indo-Iranians). The recently
discovered Luhansk sacrificial site has been described as a hill
sanctuary where human sacrifice was practiced.
The Yamna culture is identified with the late Proto-Indo-Europeans (PIE) in the Kurgan hypothesis of Marija Gimbutas. It is the strongest candidate for the Urheimat (homeland) of the Proto-Indo-European language, along with the preceding Sredny Stog culture. The archaeological evidence of the culture and its migrations, has been closely tied to the evidence from linguistics.
See notes on the bogus term "Indo-European" in the Aryan/Arian section below.
However, Pavel Dolukhanov argues that the emergence of the
Pit-Grave culture represents a social development of various local
Bronze Age cultures, representing "an expression of social
stratification and the emergence of chiefdom-type nomadic social
structures", which in turn intensified inter-group contacts between
essentially heterogeneous social groups. It is said to have originated
in the middle Volga based Khvalynsk culture and the middle Dnieper
based Sredny Stog culture. In its western range, it is succeeded by the
Catacomb culture; in the east, by the Poltavka culture and the Srubna
Kurgan is the Russian word (of Turkic origin) for a tumulus, a type of burial mound or barrow, heaped over a burial chamber, often made of wood. The distribution of such tumuli in Eastern Europe corresponds closely to the area of the Pit Grave or Kurgan culture in South-Eastern Europe.
Kurgans were built in the Eneolithic, Bronze, Iron, Antiquity and Middle Ages, with old traditions still existing in Southern Siberia and Central Asia. Kurgan Cultures are divided, archeologically, into different sub-cultures, such as Timber Grave, Pit Grave, Scythian, Sarmatian, Hunnish and Kuman-Kipchak. Burial mounds are complex structures with internal chambers. Within the burial chamber at the heart of the kurgan, elite individuals were buried with grave goods and sacrificial offerings, sometimes including horses and chariots. Kurgans were first used in the Russian Steppes, but spread into eastern, central, and northern Europe, beginning in the third millennium B.C.
The monuments of these cultures coincide with Scythian-Saka-Siberian monuments. Scythian-Saka-Siberian monuments have common features, and sometimes common genetic roots. Also associated with these spectacular burial mounds are the Pazyryk, an ancient people who lived in the Altai Mountains, which lay in Siberian Russia, on the Ukok Plateau, near the borders with China, Kazakhstan and Mongolia.
Scythian-Saka-Siberian classification includes monuments from the 800 B.C. to 300 B.C. This period is called Early or Ancient Nomads epoch. "Hunnic" monuments date from the 300 B.C. to 600 A.D, and other Turkic ones from the 6th century AD to the 13th century AD, leading up to the Mongolian epoch. In all periods, the development of the kurgan structure tradition in the various ethnocultural zones can be distinguished by common components or typical features in the construction of the monuments.
The Kurgan hypothesis postulates that the Proto-Indo-Europeans (Whites) were the bearers of the "Kurgan" (Yamna) culture of the Black Sea and the Caucasus and west of the Urals. The hypothesis was introduced by Marija Gimbutas in 1956, combining kurgan archaeology with linguistics to locate the origins of the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) speaking peoples. She tentatively named the culture "Kurgan" after their distinctive burial mounds and traced its diffusion into Europe. This hypothesis has had a significant impact on Indo-European research. Those scholars who follow Gimbutas identify a "Kurgan culture" as reflecting an early Indo-European ethnicity which existed in the steppes and southeastern Europe from the fifth to third millennia B.C. Marija Gimbutas Kurgan hypothesis is opposed by Paleolithic Continuity Theory, which associates Pit Grave and Sredny Stog Kurgan cultures with Turkic peoples, and the Anatolian hypothesis which denies an Indo-European origin advocated by M. Gimbutas Baltic version of the Chalcolithic Invasion Kurgan hypothesis, and is also opposed by the Black Sea deluge theory. In Kurgan Cultures, most of the burials were in kurgans, either clan kurgans or individual ones. Most prominent leaders were buried in individual kurgans, now called "Royal kurgans", which attract the greatest attention and publicity.
The dates given above, are the conventional dates given by White historians. They cannot be correct, because as we shall see below, Whites first reach Greece and India at about 1,200 B.C. Bulgaria "Borders" Greece, so how could it take "thousands" of years, for these Kurgan invaders to travel only a few hundred miles? |
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Note: we do understand that the average person - after a lifetime of the Albino lie that they (Albinos) are native to the Black Mans Ancient Home of Europe - finds this material hard to believe. So, under the heading of: "Strange Bedfellows" We have this quote from the "Race Experts" at "STORMFRONT:"Quote: Today's Central Asians are extensively mixed-race with both White and East Asian blood and the White element is older since the Whites were there first and are the indigenous people of Central Asia. |
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It has long been known that the original "Fully Modern Humans" were Black people in Africa, as were the previous Humanoids Homo-Habilis and Homo- Erectus; and the subsequent hybrid Humanoids, Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon. But it is with the advent of the successful sequencing of the Neanderthal Genome that we see the latest rather pathetic attempts to obfuscate the reality of Race. The more foolish misinterpret the data to declare that because Africans don't have the residue of Neanderthal genes, like Europeans and Asians, then that means that Whites can't be the Albinos of Dravidians and original Africans - They forget that the "First" Europeans were Black Africans, as were the "First" Asians. Be mindful that Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon were hybrids born in the Levant among Humans, they then spread to Europe and Asia - new nonsense with this theory is that Humans evolved from them! Links to the actual studies follow:
Many people feel that because we call Europeans by their proper, ancient, and scientific name (Albino), as opposed to their "FAVORITE NAME" (White), we are racist or bigoted. An examination of the facts, (which is what this site is all about), proves that is not the case. Background:This subject of Albinism is particularly difficult to wrap our arms around because Albinos have used their visual media to make it seem like a normal and everyday fact of life – for everyone! How many times have we watched a program or movie where someone stayed in the Sun too long and wound-up looking like a cooked Lobster? Usually the sight is greeted with jokes or derisive comments, but never is it acknowledged as a possible danger to the person’s life. From; Healthline Media Quote: Even a single sunburn can increase a person's risk of skin cancer.
This is because when the skin absorbs ultraviolet radiation from
sunlight, it can damage the genetic material in skin cells. In the
short term, this damage can cause sunburns. In the long term, it builds
up and raises the risk of skin cancer. Amazingly; Albino media has been so successful in “Normalizing” their malady, that everyday Albino people think “Everyone” Sunburns. Even more amazing, some gullible Black people have been convinced that they too will Sunburn. Though the upper layer of Black Skin (the "Stratum Corneum") is damaged or destroyed by too much Sun: this is often called "Ashyness" when the colorless cells of the "Stratum Corneum" die and are discarded. However, Blacks have advanced repair systems in their skin which, with Melanin, limits the damage and repairs the skin before it can burn). The scientific study "UV Radiation and the Skin" (picture below) explains how Black skin works to protect Black people from Sunburn. << Click here for access to the study: >>
Note: A Mulattoes protection is dependant upon their level of admixture: A full Mulatto (1/2) Black, usually has very good resistance to Sunburn. However Quadroons (1/4) Black and Octoroons (1/8) Black: {White people usually call these "Dark White People"} find that their level of protection varies with complexion. But they do have the admiration of "Full" Albinos, who often say: Tall, Dark and Handsome. (Less than 1/4 Black is considered a "Full" Albino, because Octoroons (1/8) Black and less: Are - and are indistinguishable from the ordinary OCA2 Albinos).
<< Click here for access to this study: >>
Another way Albinos cause confusion is by false definitions of the symptoms ofAlbinism and by NOT attributing Albinism symptom’s to Albinism (like Blonde/Red hair and Blue, Green, Gray eyes).Their other trick was to acknowledge ONLY OCA1 Albinos (the White hair types) as Albinos; (there are seven types of Albinos). The Rocker Johnny, and brother Edgar Winter, are type 1 Albinos.
Start the real fun - if you like lies and B.S., by Googling "How many Albinos are in the U.S."NOAH - National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation Quote: Albinism is an inherited genetic condition that reduces the amount of melanin pigment formed in the skin, hair and/or eyes. Albinism occurs in all racial and ethnic groups throughout the world. In the U.S., approximately one in 18,000 to 20,000 people has some type of albinism (what a lie!). In other parts of the world, the occurrence can be as high as one in 3,000. Most children with albinism are born to parents who have normal hair and eye color for their ethnic backgrounds. A common myth is that people with albinism have red eyes.
Although lighting conditions can allow the blood vessels at the back of
the eye to be seen, which can cause the eyes to look reddish or violet, most people with albinism have blue eyes, and some have hazel or brown eyes. There are different types of albinism and the amount of pigment in the eyes varies; however, vision problems are associated with albinism.
Types of Albinism
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But what about Caucasians (White people) and the Chinese (Mongols)?
A genetic study done by researchers from all over the world: China, Japan, U.S.A. U.K. and other countries, and published in 2001; definitively answered the question of Chinese origins. The findings were that the original Chinese were 100% pure Black African, with absolutely no outside admixture - But here again, we are talking about the original Black Chinese, modern Chinese are quite different, that will be explained later.
Click here for link to Genetic study
The oldest "Life-like" images of the ancient Chinese are from the Terracotta Army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang: The Terracotta Army is of Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang, the First Qin Dynasty Emperor of China (221-206 B.C.) The terracotta Army was discovered buried underground in 1974 by some local farmers near Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China: near the Mausoleum of the Emperor. Current estimates are that there are three pits containing the Terracotta Army, with over 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses, the majority of which are still buried in the pits. The photo on the left is of a Chinese soldier of the Qin dynasty army, the dark paint which once covered the face was stripped off - the Chinese tend to be a bit sensitive on race too). The exhibit of loaned pieces, once at the British Museum, has been taken down, but a small sampling of pieces is posted on Wiki. Click here for link to Terracotta Army at Wiki.
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Click here for more pictures of the Terracotta Soldiers <<<CLICK>>> |
But what about Caucasians - White people, where do they come from? From previous genetic studies, we know that the biochemical systems of Asian and White populations, appear to be more similar to each other, than they are to African populations. Thus, Asians (Mongols) and Whites (Caucasians) may have shared a common ancestry with each other, some 40,000 years ago and a common ancestry with African populations earlier - this is consistent with the (OOA). But from the study above, we know that the original Mongols were Black people. Logically then, the first Whites MUST also have been Black people - How could THAT be?
Theories have abounded for centuries; some of a religious nature, some speculating on evolution, and some speculating on Albinism. But after many years of intensive research by researchers from all over the world, no one has yet presented a creditable non-Albinism theory as to how White people may have become White people.
In 2004, Nina G. Jablonski - then of the Department of Anthropology, California Academy of Sciences; published a study entitled "THE EVOLUTION OF HUMAN SKIN AND SKIN COLOR" which declared that White skin developed in Europeans because of a lack of vitamin "D". (She is now at Pennsylvania State University).
Though Nina G. Jablonski's nonsense was disproved by common sense and a myriad of related studies, it was officially discredited by Ashley H. Robins study of 2009; which said that vitamin "D" had nothing to do with it! (The American Journal of Physical Anthropology).
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Then there was a study published in 2005, by researchers from Pennsylvania State University, which declared that Black people in Europe, may have turned White suddenly, between 6,000 - 12,000 years ago. This is of course blatantly false; because we know that White people came to Europe from Asia, and that Blacks in Europe did not change color. Also, all the White people in Europe are already accounted for, as to when they CAME into Europe - they couldn't very well come into Europe, if they were already there. (Notice how both studies are associated with people at Pennsylvania State University - coincidence?).
Click here for study at ScienceMag.
Before moving on, it may be informative, and amusing, to delve into some of these White claims.
The original Black settlers of Europe TURNED WHITE because they became FARMERS, who ate only farm produce devoid of Vitamin D. And, the lessened solar duration and intensity in the Northern regions REQUIRED a Whiting of the skin for faster absorption of UV radiation and production of Vitamin D. So then, White skin absorbs Sunlight FASTER? Lets see.
1) Modern Whites in Europe are Germanics, Slavs, and Turks. They have nothing to do with ancient ANYBODY in Europe. They are migrants from Central Asia in the CURRENT era. Any encyclopedia will document their entry into Europe.
2) These Whites in Central Asia were Nomads - NOT FARMERS! Their diet was rich in Meats and FISH! Plus they had plenty of Sunshine - in Kazakhstan-south, for eight months of the year, the average UV intensity is level 8 out of a maximum 11. Thus there was no reason to turn White there!
3) Whites did NOT bring agriculture to Europe, Blacks from the South did, and they did NOT turn White.
4) European Whites in the early current era were NOT farmers - Farming is very RECENT to European Whites!.
5) The Whitest of the Whites in Europe - the Germans, inhabited Costal WESTERN Europe and Scotland - regions rich in fish and game animals - ancient Germany and modern Germany are different areas.
The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus (56-118 A.D.) said this about them: For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations, and that they appear as a distinct, unmixed race, like none but themselves. Hence, too, the same physical peculiarities throughout so vast a population. All have fierce blue eyes, red hair, huge frames, fit only for a sudden exertion. They are less able to bear laborious work. Heat and thirst they cannot in the least endure; to cold and hunger their climate and their soil inure them. Does THAT sound like FARMERS?
During the time of Tacitus, Germans inhabited Caledonia (Scotland), the rest of Britain was inhabited by Blacks, they were the original settlers of Britain, and STILL BLACK! Tacitus describes them thusly: "The DARK complexion of the Silures, their usually curly hair, and the fact that Spain is the opposite shore to them, are an evidence that Iberians of a former date crossed over and occupied these parts. Those who are nearest to the Gauls are also like them, either from the permanent influence of original descent, or, because in countries which run out so far to meet each other, climate has produced similar physical qualities."
See more on Britain and the Germans here: Click >>> |
6) A Human being requires ONLY 15 minutes of Sunshine, on face or hands, TWICE a week, for good health! Thus no reason for Black people to turn White.
But for the sake of argument, lets accept this bit of White myth, that Blacks TURNED White because of Vitamin D deficiency - Lets test it. Think of the absurdity of this: Black humans survived in Europe for about 35,000 years, then all of a sudden, their bodies were not getting enough vitamin "D": forcing them to lighten their skin. The problem is: logically, BEFORE there could be any evolutionary movement toward lighter skin - the population would have DIED OUT from Rickets!
Rickets is a softening of bones in children due to deficiency or impaired metabolism of vitamin D, phosphorus or calcium, potentially leading to fractures and deformity. The Roman physician Soranus reported deformation of the bones in infants as early as the first and second centuries AD. He attributed these deformities as resulting from the failure of Roman mothers to properly nurture and clean their children, but didn't directly implicate poor diet in the condition. Rickets wasn't defined as a specific medical condition until 1645, when an Englishman named Daniel Whistler gave the earliest known description of the disease while still studying medicine.
Rickets was very common in industrialized cities around the turn of the twentieth century, both in the United States and in Europe. It was most common among the poorer, less privileged people and often affected infants. Still, there was not a complete understanding that the condition was caused by poor nutrition, although it was considered a potential cause, along with lack of fresh air and sunshine. In the late nineteenth century, strides had been made toward finding a cure for rickets. At the London Zoo in 1889, lion cubs were fed a diet of boneless lean meat. When some cubs developed florid rickets, they were treated by the addition of cod liver oil and crushed bones to their meals, and made a full recovery.
What causes rickets? Regardless of the type of rickets, the cause is always either due to a deficiency of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate. Three common causes of rickets include nutritional rickets, hypophosphatemic rickets, and renal rickets.
So to carry the absurdity to it's logical conclusion: supposing that these Black people turning White, survived thousands of years of Rickets - in a non-deformed state, and then appeared as modern Whites. Then why would MODERN Whites STILL get Rickets? Wasn't the whole point of this MYTHICAL Evolution to develop White skin, just for the "SUPPOSED" reason that Sunlight could be quickly and efficiently absorbed by the White skin, just to AVOID such things?
One more laugh:
MONTREAL -- Rickets, a bone-wrenching childhood condition that virtually disappeared from Canada more than a generation ago, is making an alarming comeback, warns the Canadian Paediatric Society. At least 84 children - a number described as the "tip of the iceberg" - have been diagnosed in the past two years with rickets, according to data released yesterday. Ironically, the upsurge in cases is due principally to two health-promoting measures: breastfeeding; and sun screen, which interferes with the formation of vitamin D. Rickets is caused by vitamin D deficiency and breast milk is rich in many nutrients, but not vitamin D. This report goes on to mention Black children - Black children use SUN SCREEN?
The problem with such ridiculous claims like "White people are Black Europeans who turned White" is that it is difficult to get everyone to buy into the lie - it really is so stupid, that even institutions who in the past could hardly be called "Candid" on racial matters: can't abide with it. So many have decided to take the "Bull by the Horns" and accept the truth of White origins, indirectly, without saying that they have.
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
Indo-European languages
Family of languages with the greatest number of speakers, spoken in most of Europe and areas of European settlement and in much of southwestern and southern Asia. They are descended from a single unrecorded language believed to have been spoken more than 5,000 years ago in the steppe regions north of the Black Sea and to have split into a number of dialects by 3000 BC. Carried by migrating tribes to Europe and Asia, these developed over time into separate languages. The main branches are Anatolian, Indo-Iranian (including Indo-Aryan and Iranian), Greek, Italic, Germanic, Armenian, Celtic, Albanian, the extinct Tocharian languages, Baltic, and Slavic.
In Nov. 2013, Dr. Ravi Thadhani, a professor at Massachusetts General Hospital, et al. did a study "Vitamin D–Binding Protein and Vitamin D Status of Black Americans and White Americans" which proved once again, how totally silly, stupid, absurd, and ridiculous, the nonsense that White Europeans were Black people who turned White because of vitamin D deficiency really is.
Click here for the News article
Click here for the actual Study
In addition to the silly studies above: Whites also manufactured Bogus Cranial and Limb studies. They are Debunked on a separate page. Click Here >>> |
Some Whites have sought to explain their White skin by declaring that they became "Cold Adapted" Humans, owing to their adaptation to the Northern Climate, and that they have narrow noses to moisten and warm air as it enters the lung. Of course that is all patently false. ALL modern Humans are "Tropically Adapted" regardless of skin color, because we all evolved in the savannahs of Africa. Furthermore; The White mans true homeland (Central Asia) is not an extreme environment, it has a moderate UV index (5) and moderate Winters with Hot Summers. Also, Central Asia was UNAFFECTED by the last "Ice age". Therefore there was NO ENVIORMENTAL NEED for the White man to become "Cold Adapted" or White.
For those unfamiliar with the term "Cold Adapted":
It derives from the analysis of Neanderthal skeletons: Quote - "they
exhibit anatomic adaptations to cold, especially in Europe, such as
large body cores and relatively short limbs, which maximize heat
production and minimize heat loss". Of course, there are no Humans who
look like that - of ANY color! See Homo-2 section for more on
Humans do NOT adapt to extreme temperature environments by changing color, or growing narrow noses, here is how we do it.
As mammals, humans can generally be classified as physiological regulators: our physiology works to maintain a stable internal physiological environment in spite of changes in the external environment. Temperature is a crucial environmental variable, as it affects the occurrence and rate of physiological processes (e.g. enzyme digestion of food). Mammals are temperature regulators that generate heat and control their internal temperature to maintain a consistent internal body temperature so that the internal physiological processes continue as usual, in spite of external environmental temperature.
Mammals are endothermic: they generate their own internal heat. This enables them to survive in cold environments that are closed to ectotherms (animals that cannot generate their own internal heat and are dependent upon the environment) e.g. reptiles, insects. Humans therefore have a relatively wide temperature tolerance: they can survive in environments of varying temperature. Endothermy does have a cost: it requires a higher food intake to fuel the internal heat generators. Endothermy is a more energy costly physiological strategy than ectothermy. Humans therefore require a higher food intake per gram of body weight than a similarly sized ectotherm would.
Interestingly, the TRUTH is just the opposite of what Whites claim. The original inhabitants of the Arctic regions: people who have actually MASTERED living in Cold, low SunLight environments, are ALL Brown skinned, flat-nosed Mongol people, such as Eskimos and Nenets, (they have lived in these areas since about 15,000 B.C.). Note; White people did not migrate to Scandinavia until the 12, 13th. centuries A.D. The White Sami are recent to the Arctic.
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But for the sake of argument, let us "Test" the European hypothesis that they "Turned White" because of a lack of Sunshine and the resultant lack of Vitamin "D". The "BROWN" Nenets live mostly in the areas indicated on this map.
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Native Arctic tribes of the former Soviet UnionEstonians have compiled a book on the Arctic tribes of the former Soviet Union, in this book the Netets are described thusly. Quote from the Nenets: Due to dark pigmentation, hair and eyes are black or brown and the skin is swarthy. In appearance the Nenets resemble most the Ostyaks, displaying, however, more Mongoloid characteristics. Well, at least now we know exactly what the Albinos mean by swarthy. Everyone should keep the picture of the Nenet boy and this quote for reference. |
While some Nenets live on the coast and have access to Ocean Fish, many are Reindeer herders who live almost entirely off of the Reindeer (Note: Reindeer Meat does NOT contain Vitamin "D").
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Yet the Nenet are still "DARK-SKINNED".
Except for those who have admixed with the various Albino groups who have moved north in the modern era. Groups such as the The Albino Komi peoples.
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Now contrast the Nenets with the people of Ireland (known to have the highest percentage of "Redheads" in the world). Red hair of course being a classic symptom of type-2 Albinism.
Ireland is about 1,000 miles further SOUTH than the Nenets homeland, therefore it has much more, and STRONGER Sunlight than the Nenets homeland. It also has over 3,700 kilometers (2,300 mi) of coastline, affording the Irish people ample sources of Vitamin "D" from Ocean Fish. Yet the Irish are probably the PALEST Humans on planet Earth! (Note the almost total lack of Melanin in the following European females). Most Europeans today are of course not so pale, over the many thousands of years, they have gained pigmentation through admixture with the indigenous Blacks of Europe, and with Blacks around the world.
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Some even say that they're NOT Albinos because Albinos have "BAD EYESIGHT" and they don't. (They never explain why the Africans with "GOOD EYESIGHT" are still Albinos, but they aren't. (Shouldn't we call those many African Albinos who overwhelmingly have good eyesight "Europeans" or some such thing)? What foolishness these Albinism denials are.
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Though the Nenet, Eskimo etc, show great adaptation to the cold. They pale in comparison to the all-time greatest "Adapted-to-the-Cold" Humans - the people of Tierra del Fuego at the extreme tip of South America. The climate in this region is inhospitable. It is a subpolar oceanic climate with short, cool summers and long, wet, moderate winters in the south and west it is very windy, foggy, and wet for most of the year and there are very few days without rain, slush, hail or snow. The permanent snow-line begins at 2,300 ft. above sea level. Temperatures are steady throughout the year: in Ushuaia they hardly surpass 50 °F in summers and average 30 °F in winters. Snowfall can occur in summer. The southernmost islands possess sub-antarctic climate typical of tundra that makes the growth of trees impossible. Some areas in the interior have a polar climate. Regions in the world with similar climates to southern Tierra del Fuego are Iceland, the Aleutian Islands, the Alaska Peninsula, and Faroe Islands. Of course Humans live in such environments all over the world, what makes these people amazing, is that they lived in this environment sometimes TOTALLY NAKED!
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The area around Tierra del Fuego became known to Europeans in the early sixteenth century, but it was not until the nineteenth century that Europeans started to be interested in the zone and its peoples. In 1830, Captain Robert FitzRoy, on his first voyage with the Beagle, took a group of hostages from the Fuegian indigenous people after one of his boats was stolen. He decided to take four of the young hostages with him to England "to become useful as interpreters. One year later, the Beagle returned the three surviving Fuegians home, still captained by FitzRoy, he took with him a young naturalist, Charles Darwin.
One people, the Yamana/Yahgan may have been driven to this inhospitable area by enemies to the north: they were famed for their complete indifference to the bitter weather around Cape Horn. Although they had fire and small domed shelters, they routinely went about completely naked in the frigid cold and biting wind of Tierra del Fuego, and swam in its 48 degree waters. They would often sleep in the open completely unsheltered and unclothed while Europeans shivered under their blankets. A Chilean researcher claimed their average body temperature was warmer than a European's by at least one degree. Yaghans established many settlements within Tierra del Fuego; But the Yahgan, who never numbered more than 3,000 individuals, could not survive contact with diseases brought by Westerners. They allegedly became sick immediately if the missionaries persuaded them to put on some clothes. In the 1920s some were resettled on Keppel Island in the Falklands in an attempt to preserve the tribe.
The Selk'nam, also known as the Onawo or Ona people, were an indigenous people in the Patagonian region of southern Argentina and Chile, including the Tierra del Fuego islands. They were one of the last aboriginal groups in South America to be encountered by ethnic Europeans or Westerners in the late 19th century. With the discovery of gold and expansion of sheep farming, the Argentine and Chilean governments began efforts to explore, colonize and integrate the indigenous peoples of Tierra del Fuego (the "land of fire", named by early European explorers observing smoke from Selk'nam fires) into their cultures.
(Getty identifies the man below as a Selk'nam)
These newcomers developed a great part of the land of Tierra del Fuego as large estancias (sheep ranches), depriving the natives of their ancestral hunting areas. Selk'nam, who considered the sheep herds to be game rather than private property (which they did not have as a concept) hunted the sheep. The ranch owners considered this to be poaching:
Alejandro Cañas estimated that in 1896 there was a population of 3,000 Selk'nam. Martín Gusinde, an Austrian priest and ethnologist who studied them in the early 20th century, wrote in 1919 that only 279 Selk'nam remained. In 1945 the Salesian missionary, Lorenzo Massa, counted 25. In May 1974 Ángela Loij, the last full-blood Selk'nam, died.
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Then there are all of those studies by White scientists declaring that crural and brachial indices prove that White people are "Cold Adapted". Here is a typical one:
NOTE: The crural index is the ratio of thigh length to leg length. The Brachial index is the ratio of upper arm and lower arm.
Brachial and crural indices of European late Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic humans by TW Holliday Department of Anthropology, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118, USA. QUOTE: "The somewhat paradoxical retention of "tropical" indices in the context of more "cold-adapted" limb length is best explained as evidence for Replacement in the European Late Pleistocene, followed by gradual cold adaptation in glacial Europe.
All of that scientific sounding nonsense has one purpose, to explain away "White Skin". It's not Albinism, White people are "Cold Adapted" they say. Well here are some people, who together with the people of Tierra del Fuego, really are "Cold Adapted".
University of Illinois at Chicago - HUMAN ECOLOGY AND HUMAN ADAPTABILITY - III. Cold Tolerance (Harrison p 457).
BLACK SKINNED (my comment) Australian Aborigines can sleep without shelter or clothing at near freezing temperatures. This means that, while sleeping conditions cold enough to raise the metabolic heat production of Europeans by 15%, Australian Aborigines remain at basal metabolic levels. Their skin temperatures fall, too, thus decreasing heat loss.
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Before moving on; there is one more important lesson to be learned from those Humans who inhabit the Arctic regions. White people can NOT safely live there! Humans STILL need Dark Skin in those environments! White skin is NOT only destroyed in hot tropical environments.
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Winter activities, such as snow skiing and snow boarding, pose a high risk of sunburn because UV radiation is more severe in alpine regions than at sea level. Snow is also very efficient at reflecting UV radiation. Also, what many people assume is windburn is actually sunburn. The wind doesn't’t burn the skin, UV radiation does. There is no ‘safe’ tan.
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Rates greatly decline in Southern Europe, because those people tend to have "Darker" complexions.
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Even the coldest, most Sun-Deprived place on the Earth, is not safe for White people!Antarctic researchers need solid sun block: studyExpeditioners to Antarctic train for freezing temperatures and social isolation, but a study has found there is something else to be wary of -- SUNBURN! The recent joint study by the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) and the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency found that more than 80 percent of researchers to the South Pole were potentially exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays in excess of the recommended limits. Almost a third received more than five times these limits. The study showed that in some cases the UV exposure levels in Australian Antarctic stations can reach an index level of 8 or more, making exposure levels there similar to what lifeguards in Australia's sunny Queensland state potentially receive. http://www.reuters.com/article/2009/12/21/us-antarctica-sunburn-idUSTRE5BK10120091221 |
Probably the most galling thing about the claims that Whites are Blacks who "EVOLVED" into Whites in Europe, because of Vitamin "D" deficiency: or the other, that Whites are "Cold Adapted" humans, is not the obvious stupidity and falsity of the claims. Rather, it is the total, laughable, absurdity of the concept that Humans can "Evolve" in 6,000 - 12,000 years! And this is a claim being made by people who have the audacity to call themselves "Scientists". Compare those ridiculous claims to the reality: It took Homo-Habilis approximately one Million years to "EVOLVE" into Homo-Erectus. And it took Homo-Erectus about another one Million years to "EVOLVE" into modern Man.
No - man is not going to change his skin color in 6-12,000 years - At least not by "EVOLUTION". But; man with a hereditary gene defect like color-blindness, Sickle-cell anemia, or Albinism: who is forced by Societal abuse and climatic difficulty: to "SEGREGATE" themselves and "INBREED", well that's a different thing entirely. They could create an entirely new subspecies of Humans - all with that particular gene defect - in a relatively short time. The average Human female achieves reproductive maturity at 11 to 13 years of age: a community of inbreeding Albinos, according Thomas Malthus, in his "An Essay On The Principle Of Population": states, typical human populations, when unrestricted, double in an average of 25 years. It should also be noted, that after about three thousand years of increasing their numbers by admixture with Blacks and Mongols, Whites are still the least numerous Humans.
Obviously then, White skin and narrow noses has nothing to do with "Cold Adaptation" or "Evolution". So those research and theory failures have left the Albino theory, the only one still standing. That because it is the only theory whose accuracy is evident in everyday life - note the pictures below. The position of the Albinism scholars, was that White people did not actually "evolve" in Central Asia - their known homeland. But rather, were members of the "Second" Out of Africa migration event (OOA) which occurred circa 50,000 B.C. The "First" (OOA) migration, circa 60,000 B.C, saw Blacks with straight hair, taking a route along the coast of Asia, and then "Island hopping" across the Indian Ocean to Australia - the Australian Aborigine. And then making their way to South America - the remains called "Luzia" in Brazil.
The second (OOA) migration event, saw Blacks from Africa with straight hair and "Mongol features" take an "Inland route" through southern Asia and on up to China, where they settled. Included with this group, were straight haired Blacks "without" Mongol features - now called "Dravidians" who stayed close to Africa, and settled in India and other areas of southern Asia.
Also included with this second (OOA) group were Albinos, who were probably motivated by a quest for relief from the heat and burning Sunshine of southern Africa - and relief from the torment heaped upon them by normal Africans. Even today, superstitious Blacks of southern Africa; maim and mutilate Albinos in the ignorant belief that their body parts process magical properties, which they use in rituals.
These Albinos continued on to Central Asia, where they settled. It seems logical to assume that over the many thousands of years that it took for these migrants to reach northern Asia, that there would have been some interbreeding between the Mongols and the Albinos; which probably allowed the Albinos to gain some fixed degree of pigmentation. Proof of this admixture, is in the fact that Whites and Mongols (Chinese), both share the same founding Y-DNA haplogroup "K". Which seems to have evolved during their migration to northern Asia, but while they were still in Southern Asia. Haplogroup "K" is not found in Africa - of course the founding haplogroup of "K" is found in Africa. Further proof of White and Black Mongol admixture, is with the "Tarim mummies" which are a series of mummies (dating from 1,800 B.C.) discovered in the Tarim Basin in present-day Xinjiang, which is on the border with Central Asia, in northwest China. The oldest mummies are White people, but later, at about 1,100 B.C, they become "mixed-race". See below.
We realize that the concept of the White race originating from Albinos is difficult to comprehend; especially considering the amount of misinformation Whites have created in order to hide that fact. In order to help persons visualize that fact, please note the following graphics.
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Albinism Symptoms
Of course, Dravidians are not the only Black People who can produce European type offspring. | ANY Black couple with "Straightish" type hair and defective OCA2 genes, will produce offspring that is "Identical" to - and in fact is - a European type offspring. |
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Click here for the Newspaper story of the family above.
Careful note should be made here, that "Sometimes" Albinism causes straightening of the Hair! |
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Haplogroup R (Y-DNA)
Background on Haplogroup "R"
Origins of Y-dna Haplogroup "R"
From Wikipedia: According to the Genographic Project conducted by the National Geographic Society, Haplogroup R2a arose about 25,000 years ago in Central Asia and its members migrated southward as part of the second major wave of human migration into India. According to Sengupta et al. (2006), uncertainty neutralizes previous conclusions that the intrusion of HGs R1a1 and R2 [Now R-M124] from the northwest in Dravidian-speaking southern tribes is attributable to a single recent event. Rather, these HGs contain considerable demographic complexity, as implied by their high haplotype diversity. Specifically, they could have actually arrived in southern India from a southwestern Asian source region multiple times, with some episodes considerably earlier than others. The following is Manoukian's (2006) summary of the findings of the Genographic Project conducted by the National Geographic Society and directed by Spencer Wells (2001): Haplogroup R, the ancestral clade to R1 and R2, appeared on the Central Asian Steppes around 35,000 to 30,000 years ago. R1, sister clade to R2, moved to the West (READ EUROPE) from the Central Asian Steppes around 35,000 to 30,000 years ago. R1 pockets were established, from where R1a and R1b emerged. R2a [R-M124] made its first entry into the Indian sub-continent around 25,000 years ago. The routes taken are not clear, although the Indus and Ganges rivers are possible theories put forward. There could, of course, have been multiple immigrations of this haplogroup into the Indian sub-continent, both in the Paleolithic and the Neolithic |
The final proof that Europeans are Albinos derived from Dravidian Indians, is the Genetic Distance Maps created by the studies:"Genetic Distance Map from The History and Geography of Human Genes" by Cavalli-Sforza.And "The Genetic Structure and History of Africans and African Americans" by Sarah A. Tishkoff.Both genetic maps show that Black and Brown Indians, and White Europeans, are alone together, separate from all other humans, like two peas in a pod. The only difference is that one group is pigmented, and the other is not! One group is Albino, the other is not!
Snowflake the Albino Gorilla Was Inbred, Study Finds
Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer
Date: 14 June 2013 Time: 11:14 AM ET
A famous albino gorilla that lived for 40 years at the Barcelona Zoo got its white coloring by way of inbreeding, new research shows. Snowflake was a male Western lowland gorilla. He was born in the wild and captured in 1966 by villagers in Equatorial Guinea. As the only known white gorilla in the world, Snowflake was a zoo celebrity until his death of skin cancer in 2003.
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A few studies had attempted to get to the bottom of what caused Snowflake's color-free complexion, but the exact genetic mutation had never been found. Now, Spanish researchers have sequenced the gorilla's entire genome, revealing that Snowflake was probably the offspring of a pairing between an uncle and a niece.
Explaining albinism
In humans, four genetic mutations are known to cause albinism, a syndrome marked by a lack of skin, eye and hair pigment. People with albinism are at high risk for vision problems and skin cancers because of this missing pigment. Using frozen blood from Snowflake, researchers led by Tomas Marques-Bonet of the Institut de Biologia Evolutiva at the University of Pompeu Fabra sequenced the entire genome of the late ape. Comparing that sequence with those of humans and nonalbino gorillas, Marques-Bonet and his colleagues narrowed down the cause of Snowflake's albinism to a single gene, known as SLC45A2. Snowflake inherited a mutant form of this gene from both of his parents. The gene has previously been linked to albinism in mice, horses, chickens and a species of fish.
Next, the researchers combed through Snowflake's genome looking for stretches of DNA that were identical due to inbreeding. They found that 12 percent of the genes from Snowflake's mom and pop matched, a number that points to an uncle and niece mating as the most likely parentage for Snowflake.
Inbreeding threat?No one else has reported inbreeding in Western lowland gorillas, Marques-Bonet told LiveScience, though some other gorilla subspecies with small populations have been known to turn to family to mate. And with habitat loss, gorillas may struggle to find a place to disperse from their original family. "If we are reducing much more the space that they have now, it is more likely that they will be forced to stay in the group and that will increase the consanguinity," or shared blood, Marques-Bonet said. The sequencing of Snowflake's genome is just one portion of a larger project to sequence the genomes of wild-born chimpanzees and gorillas, Marques-Bonet said. The ultimate goal is to understand how much genetic variation is in the wild ape population, and how that compares with the variation seen in humans.
The researchers reported their findings May 31 in the journal BMC Genomics. Click here for full original study >>>
Dr. Orville Boyd Jenkins
The origins of Europeans have come into sharp focus in the past
year as researchers have sequenced the genomes of ancient populations,
rather than only a few individuals. By comparing key parts of the DNA
across the genomes of 83 ancient individuals from archaeological sites
throughout Europe, the international team of researchers reported
earlier this year that Europeans today are a mix of the blending of at
least three ancient populations of hunter-gatherers and farmers who
moved into Europe in separate migrations over the past 8000 years. The
study revealed that a massive migration of Yamnaya herders from the
steppes north of the Black Sea may have brought Indo-European languages
to Europe about 4500 years ago.
When it comes to skin color, the team found a patchwork of evolution in different places, and three separate genes that produce light skin, telling a complex story for how European’s skin evolved to be much lighter during the past 8000 years. The modern humans who came out of Africa to originally settle Europe about 40,000 years are presumed to have had dark skin. which is advantageous in sunny latitudes. The new data confirm that about 8500 years ago, early hunter-gatherers in Spain, Luxembourg, and Hungary also had darker skin: They did not have mutations in two genes—SLC24A5 and SLC45A2—that lead to depigmentation and, therefore, pale skin (Albinism) in Europeans today. [Edited to remove some Albino bull].
Explanation of the OMIM column below: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) is a continuously updated catalog of human genes and genetic disorders and traits, with a particular focus on the gene-phenotype relationship. OMIM is the online continuation of Dr. Victor McKusick's Mendelian Inheritance in Man (MIM) 1966-1998. MIM/OMIM is produced and curated at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (JHUSOM).
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Our Genes
BOTH alleles of a gene become recessive, then the gene cannot complete
its assignment. As an example: many Black people have alleles of their
“P” gene which are heterozygous and they look normal in every way: (The
“P” gene controls the production of Melanin in the skin for protection
from the Sun). But if TWO of these people with heterozygous alleles in
their “P” gene MATE, then one or more, of their children will be an
Albino. If two Albinos mate, there is only damaged or recessive “P”
genes to inherit; therefore ALL of their children will be White. The
trait for curly hair follows the same rules, two damaged or recessive
allele’s means straight hair, same for eye color and hair color. |
Just as some Whites have abandoned the nonsense of "Whites being Black Europeans who turned White": They are also abandoning the hope that White skin could in some way, be a "Normally" occurring mutation to address some environmental need. As we have clearly shown above, there is no place on the Earth where White people can safely abide without protection from the Sun. That particular frailty is unique to Albinos, and Albinos only! Having accepted this, some Whites have even taken to producing their own videos exploring this new-found truth. Origin of White People Race (North European) |
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The Huns were a nomadic pastoral people from Mongolia eastern Asia who invaded Europe circa 370 A.D, and created an enormous empire centered in Germany. They were possibly the descendants of the Xiongnu, a northern people who were frequently at war with the Shang of China. Note, the Turkic, so-called "White Huns" (Hephthalites) had no direct connection with the Huns, these were White tribes who deliberately called themselves Huns, in order to frighten their enemies.
The Huns caused the Great Migration of White tribes westward into Europe from Asia, a contributing factor in the collapse of the Roman Empire, and leading directly to the creation of the modern "White" Europe. The Huns formed a unified empire under Attila the Hun, but when he died in 453 A.D; their empire broke up the next year.
The Roman historian Jordanes, in his book on the history of the Goths, called "Getica" (circa 551 A.D), gives this account as to why the White tribes (Germanics and Slavs - Turks came later) started westward into Europe.
Quote: But after a short space of time, as Orosius relates, the race of the Huns, fiercer than ferocity itself, flamed forth against the Goths. We learn from old traditions that their origin was as follows: Filimer, king of the Goths, son of Gadaric the Great, who was the fifth in succession to hold the rule of the Getae after their departure from the island of Scandza,--and who, as we have said, entered the land of Scythia with his tribe,--found among his people certain witches, whom he called in his native tongue Haliurunnae. Suspecting these women, he expelled them from the midst of his race and compelled them to wander in solitary exile afar from his army. (122) There the unclean spirits, who beheld them as they wandered through the wilderness, bestowed their embraces upon them and begat this savage race, which dwelt at first in the swamps,--a stunted, foul and puny tribe, scarcely human, and having no language save one which bore but slight resemblance to human speech. Such was the descent of the Huns who came to the country of the Goths.
(123) This cruel tribe, as Priscus the historian relates, settled on the farther bank of the Maeotic swamp. They were fond of hunting and had no skill in any other art. After they had grown to a nation, they disturbed the peace of neighboring races by theft and rapine. At one time, while hunters of their tribe were as usual seeking for game on the farthest edge of Maeotis, they saw a doe unexpectedly appear to their sight and enter the swamp, acting as guide of the way; now advancing and again standing still. (124) The hunters followed and crossed on foot the Maeotic swamp, which they had supposed was impassable as the sea. Presently the unknown land of Scythia disclosed itself and the doe disappeared. Now in my opinion the evil spirits, from whom the Huns are descended, did this from envy of the Scythians. (125) And the Huns, who had been wholly ignorant that there was another world beyond Maeotis, were now filled with admiration for the Scythian land. As they were quick of mind, they believed that this path, utterly unknown to any age of the past, had been divinely revealed to them. They returned to their tribe, told them what had happened, praised Scythia and persuaded the people to hasten thither along the way they had found by the guidance of the doe. As many as they captured, when they thus entered Scythia for the first time, they sacrificed to Victory. The remainder they conquered and made subject to themselves. (126) Like a whirlwind of nations they swept across the great swamp and at once fell upon the Alpidzuri, Alcildzuri, Itimari, Tuncarsi and Boisci, who bordered on that part of Scythia. The Alani also, who were their equals in battle, but unlike them in civilization, manners and appearance, they exhausted by their incessant attacks and subdued. (127) For by the terror of their features they inspired great fear in those whom perhaps they did not really surpass in war. They made their foes flee in horror because their swarthy aspect was fearful, and they had, if I may call it so, a sort of shapeless lump, not a head, with pin-holes rather than eyes. Their hardihood is evident in their wild appearance, and they are beings who are cruel to their children on the very day they are born. For they cut the cheeks of the males with a sword, so that before they receive the nourishment of milk they must learn to endure wounds. (128) Hence they grow old beardless and their young men are without comeliness, because a face furrowed by the sword spoils by its scars the natural beauty of a beard. They are short in stature, quick in bodily movement, alert horsemen, broad shouldered, ready in the use of bow and arrow, and have firm-set necks which are ever erect in pride. Though they live in the form of men, they have the cruelty of wild beasts.
(129) When the Getae beheld this active race that had invaded many nations, they took fright and consulted with their king how they might escape from such a foe. Now although Hermanaric, king of the Goths, was the conqueror of many tribes, as we have said above, yet while he was deliberating on this invasion of the Huns, the treacherous tribe of the Rosomoni, who at that time were among those who owed him their homage, took this chance to catch him unawares. For when the king had given orders that a certain woman of the tribe I have mentioned, Sunilda by name, should be bound to wild horses and torn apart by driving them at full speed in opposite directions (for he was roused to fury by her husband's treachery to him), her brothers Sarus and Ammius came to avenge their sister's death and plunged a sword into Hermanaric's side. Enfeebled by this blow, he dragged out a miserable existence in bodily weakness. (130) Balamber, king of the Huns, took advantage of his ill health to move an army into the country of the Ostrogoths, from whom the Visigoths had already separated because of some dispute. Meanwhile Hermanaric, who was unable to endure either the pain of his wound or the inroads of the Huns, died full of days at the great age of one hundred and ten years. The fact of his death enabled the Huns to prevail over those Goths who, as we have said, dwelt in the East and were called Ostrogoths.
(131) The Visigoths, who were their other allies and inhabitants of the western country, were terrified as their kinsmen had been, and knew not how to plan for safety against the race of the Huns. After long deliberation by common consent they finally sent ambassadors into Romania to the Emperor Valens, brother of Valentinian, the elder Emperor, to say that if he would give them part of Thrace or Moesia to keep, they would submit themselves to his laws and commands. That he might have greater confidence in them, they promised to become Christians, if he would give them teachers who spoke their language. (132) When Valens learned this, he gladly and promptly granted what he had himself intended to ask. He received the Getae into the region of Moesia and placed them there as a wall of defense for his kingdom against other tribes. And since at that time the Emperor Valens, who was infected with the Arian perfidy, had closed all the churches of our party, he sent as preachers to them those who favored his sect. They came and straightway filled a rude and ignorant people with the poison of their heresy. Thus the Emperor Valens made the Visigoths Arians rather than Christians. (133) Moreover, from the love they bore them, they preached the gospel both to the Ostrogoths and to their kinsmen the Gepidae, teaching them to reverence this heresy, and they invited all people of their speech everywhere to attach themselves to this sect. They themselves as we have said, crossed the Danube and settled Dacia Ripensis, Moesia and Thrace by permission of the Emperor.
The Byzantine historian Zosimus (491-518), In his book "Historia Nova" gives this account as to why the White tribes (Germanics and Slavs) started westward into Europe.
Quote: While these affairs were so conducted, a barbarous nation, which till then had remained unknown, suddenly made its appearance, attacking the Scythians beyond the Ister. These were the Huns. It is doubtful whether they were Scythians, who lived under regal government, or the people whom Herodotus states to reside near the Ister, and describes as a weak people with flat noses, or whether they came into Europe from Asia. For I have met with, a tradition, which relates that the Cimmerian Bosphorus was rendered firm land by mud brought down the Tanais, by which they were originally afforded a land-passage from Asia into Europe. However this might be, they, with their wives, children, horses, and carriages, invaded the Scythians who resided on the Ister; and though they were not capable of fighting on foot, nor understood in what, manner even to walk, since they could not fix their feet firmly on the ground, but live perpetually, and even sleep, on horseback, yet by the rapidity with which they wheeled about their horses, by the suddenness of their excursions and retreat, shooting as they rode, they occasioned great slaughter among the Scythians. In this they were so incessant, that the surviving Scythians were compelled to leave their habitations to these Huns, and crossing the Ister, to supplicate the emperor to receive them, on their promise to adhere to him as faithful soldiers. The officers of the fortified towns near the Ister deferred complying with this petition, until they should learn the pleasure of the emperor, who permitted them to be received without their arms. The tribunes and other officers therefore went over to bring the Barbarians unarmed into the Roman territory; but occupied themselves solely in the gratification of their brutal appetites, or in procuring slaves, neglecting every thing that related to public affairs. A considerable number therefore crossed over with their arms, through this negligence. These, on arriving into the Roman dominion, forgot both their petition and their oaths. Thus all Thrace, Pannonia, and the whole country as far as Macedon and Thessaly were filled with Barbarians, who pillaged all in their way.
The historian Priscus was a Greek-speaking Roman citizen who often meant with Attila, and described Attila’s personal features: a short, square body with a large head; deep-seated eyes; a swarthy complexion with little facial hair. He wore plain, not luxurious, clothing.
According to Priscus, Attila had invited him to have dinner with him, the historian was then able to closely observe the ruler’s interactions with others. He was courteous to ambassadors, although he viewed only other rulers as his equal. He seemed to be a loving father, at least to one of his sons, and allowed his first wife to have a position of dignity.
Priscus writes: When the hour, 3:00 in the afternoon, arrived we went to the palace, along with the embassy from the western Romans, and stood on the threshold of the hall in the presence of Attila...Attila sat in the middle on a couch...A luxurious meal, served on silver plate, had been made ready for us and the barbarian guests, but Attila ate nothing but meat on a wooden trencher. In everything else, too, he showed himself temperate; his cup was of wood, while to the guests were given goblets of gold and silver. His dress, too, was quite simple, affecting only to be clean. The sword he carried at his side, the latchets of his Scythian shoes, the bridle of his horse were not adorned, like those of the other Scythians, with gold or gems or anything costly.
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Jordanes - The Roman historian, in his book on the history of the Goths, called "Getica" (circa 551 A.D). In his book, he describes the Huns as: They made their foes flee in horror because their swarthy (black skinned) aspect was fearful, and they had, if I may call it so, a sort of hideous lump, not a head, with pinholes rather than eyes. For they cut the cheeks of the males with a sword, so that before they receive the nourishment of milk they must learn to endure wounds. Hence they grow old beardless and their young men are without comeliness, because a face furrowed by the sword spoils by its scars the mature beauty of a beard. It is also said that another common custom of the Huns was to strap their children's noses flat from an early age, in order to widen their faces, as to increase the terror their looks instilled upon their enemies.
The historian Priscus (circa 450 A.D.) was a Greek-speaking Roman citizen who often meant with Attila, and described Attila’s personal features: a short, square body with a large head; deep-seated eyes; a swarthy complexion with little facial hair. He wore plain, not luxurious, clothing.
Ammianus Marcellinus (325–391) was a fourth-century Roman historian. In his book Res Gestae (Rerum gestarum Libri XXXI), The people of the Huns, but little known from ancient records, dwelling beyond the Maeotic Sea near the ice-bound ocean, exceed every degree of savagery. Since there the cheeks of the children are deeply furrowed with the steel from their very birth, in order that the growth of hair, when it appears at the proper time, may be checked by the wrinkled scars, they grow old without beards and without any beauty, like eunuchs. They all have compact, strong limbs and thick necks, and are so monstrously ugly and misshapen, that one might take them for two-legged beasts or for the stumps, rough-hewn into images, that are used in putting sides to bridges. But although they have the form of men, however ugly, they are so hardy in their mode of life that they have no need of fire nor of savory food.
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Genghis Khan came to power by uniting many of
the nomadic tribes of northeast Asia. After founding the Mongol Empire
and being proclaimed "Genghis Khan", he started the Mongol invasions
and raids of the Kara-Khitan Khanate, Caucasus, Khwarezmid Empire,
Western Xia and Jin dynasties, and Europe, as far west as Poland and
Kublai Khan was the fifth Great Khan of the
Mongol Empire from 1260 to 1294 and the founder of the Yuan Dynasty. As
the second son of Tolui and Sorghaghtani Beki and a grandson of Genghis
Khan. By the time of Kublai Khan, the racial make-up of modern China is
well on the way. From the partial scroll on the right above; we can see
that Kublai Khan's wife is very pale. And from the full view of the
scroll on the left above; we can see that of the eight representatives
of the various tribes, only two are pure Black men. {The Scroll
painting is located at the National Palace Museum, Taipei}.
Also with this group, were Black Africans with Khoi-san type features. They are represented by Y-DNA haplogroup "D". Which is found at high frequency among populations in Japan, Tibet, and the Andaman Islands (in the Indian Ocean) - and at moderate frequency in Han Chinese - the Han Chinese constitute 92 percent of China's population. This of course proves that as would be expected; the "D" people, crossbred with everyone else. This group, now known as the Jomon and Ainu, eventually migrated to Japan at about 35,000 B.C. They lived there undisturbed, until about 350 B.C, at which time, a now "admixed" Mongol group called the "Yayoi" leave China, and invade, conquer and destroy their civilization; those left alive, were of course absorbed. The Yayoi were the progenitors of modern Japanese.
Note: These migrants did not know that they were going to Australia or China or anywhere else, they were simply people looking for food. So when they came upon an area that could support them, they established settlements and stayed there. As the population started to outgrow the capacity of the land to support them, people would break-off from the existing group, and go looking for new lands of their own, once new lands were found, the same process would begin again. Neither Ocean nor Cold could stop them, they just kept going, and eventually, after many thousands of years, they had reached and settled, every corner of the world. That said, there is no doubt that conflict accounted for some movements. |
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Albinism is a form of hypopigmentary congenital disorder, characterized by a partial or total lack of melanin pigment in the eyes, skin and hair.
Albinism is hereditary; The principal gene which results in albinism prevents the body from making the usual amounts of the pigment melanin. Most forms of albinism are the result of the biological inheritance of genetically recessive alleles (genes) passed from both parents of an individual, though some rare forms are inherited from only one parent. Because organisms with albinism have skin that lacks (sufficiently or entirely) the dark pigment melanin, which helps protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation coming from the sun, they can sunburn easily from overexposure. Lack of melanin in the eye also results in problems with vision.
Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 1
Disease characteristics. Oculocutaneous albinism type 1 (OCA1) is
characterized by reduced synthesis of melanin in the skin, hair, and
eyes, associated with ocular findings of nystagmus, reduced iris
pigment with iris translucency, reduced retinal pigment, foveal
hypoplasia with significantly reduced visual acuity usually in the
range of 20/100 to 20/400, and misrouting of the optic nerves resulting
in alternating strabismus and reduced stereoscopic vision. Individuals
with OCA1A have white hair, white skin that does not tan, and fully
translucent irises that do not darken with age. At birth, individuals
with OCA1B have white or very light yellow hair that darkens with age,
white skin that over time develops some generalized pigment and may tan
with sun exposure, and blue irises that change to green/hazel or
brown/tan with age. Visual acuity may be 20/60 or better in some
Oculocutaneous albinism, type 2
Tyrosinase-positive oculocutaneous albinism (OCA, type II) is an autosomal recessive disorder in which the biosynthesis of melanin pigment is reduced in skin, hair, and eyes. Although affected infants may appear at birth to have OCA type I, or complete absence of melanin pigment, most patients with OCA type II acquire small amounts of pigment with age. Individuals with OCA type II have the characteristic visual anomalies associated with albinism, including decreased acuity and nystagmus, which are usually less severe than in OCA type I. OCA type II is the most common type of oculocutaneous albinism in the world.
The gene OCA2, when in a variant form, the gene causes the pink eye color and hypopigmentation common in human albinism. Different SNPs within OCA2 are strongly associated with blue and green eyes. Hair color is the pigmentation of hair follicles due to two types of melanin, eumelanin and pheomelanin. Generally, if more melanin is present, the color of the hair is darker; if less melanin is present, the hair is lighter. Blond hair can have almost any proportion of phaeomelanin and eumelanin, but both only in small amounts. More phaeomelanin creates a more golden blond color, and more eumelanin creates an ash blond. Blond hair is common in many European peoples, but rare among peoples of non-European origin. Many children born with blond hair develop darker hair as they age. Red hair ranges from vivid strawberry shades to deep auburn and burgundy, and is the rarest fully distinct hair color on earth. It is caused by a variation in the Mc1r gene and believed to be recessive. Red hair has the highest amounts of phaeomelanin and usually low levels of eumelanin, and is the rarest natural human hair color.
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Oculocutaneous albinism, type 3
Oculocutaneous albinism, type 3: A rare inherited disorder characterized by slightly reduced pigmentation in the skin, eyes and hair (due to a genetic mutation of the TYRP1 gene). Type 3 is characterized by some pigmentation of the iris despite the complete absence of tyrosinase which is needed for the production of melanin which gives the skin, hair and eyes their color. Those with OCA3 may have, Reddish-brown skin, Ginger hair, Red hair, Hazel iris, Brown iris. Type 3 also has the milder eye problems than the other types.
Light-skinned Whites with tyrosinase-negative albinism have pale skin and hair color ranging from white to yellow; their pupils appear red because of translucent irides. Blacks with the same disorder have hair that may be white, faintly tinged with yellow, or yellow-brown. Both Whites and Blacks with tyrosinase-positive albinism grow darker as they age. For instance, their hair may become straw-colored or light brown and their skin cream-colored or pink. People with tyrosinase-positive albinism may also have freckles and pigmented nevi that may require excision.
This form of albinism was referred to as 'rufous oculocutaneous albinism (ROCA)' when it was found in southern African blacks. In blacks the disorder is characterized by bright copper-red coloration of the skin and hair and dilution of the color of the iris. Manga et al. (1997) suggested that albinism caused by mutation in the TYRP1 gene should be referred to as OCA3
In New York City rather numerous cases are seen in Puerto Rican families from the Aguadilla-Arecibo area of northwestern Puerto Rico. Albinism in dark-skinned persons such as Puerto Ricans is not always obvious because freckled skin and reddish hair may be present. Red reflex on transillumination of the iris and nystagmus are important clues to the diagnosis.
In tyrosinase-variable albinism, at birth the child's hair is white,
his skin is pink, and his eyes are gray. As he grows older, though, his
hair becomes yellow, his irides may become darker, and his skin may
even tan slightly. The skin of a person with albinism is easily damaged
by the sun. It may look weather-beaten and is highly susceptible to
precancerous and cancerous growths. The patient may also have
photophobia, myopia, strabismus, and congenital horizontal nystagmus.
Oculocutaneous Albinism, Type 4
Disease characteristics. Oculocutaneous albinism type 4 (OCA4) is
characterized by hypopigmentation of the skin and hair plus the
characteristic ocular changes found in all other types of albinism,
including nystagmus; reduced iris pigment with iris translucency;
reduced retinal pigment with visualization of the choroidal blood
vessels on ophthalmoscopic examination; foveal hypoplasia associated
with reduction in visual acuity; and misrouting of the optic nerves at
the chiasm associated with alternating strabismus, reduced stereoscopic
vision, and an altered visual evoked potential (VEP). Individuals with
OCA4 are usually recognized within the first year of life because of
hypopigmentation of the hair and skin and the ocular features of
nystagmus and strabismus. Vision is likely to be stable after early
childhood. The amount of cutaneous pigmentation in OCA4 ranges from
minimal to near normal. Newborns with OCA4 usually have some pigment in
their hair, with color ranging from silvery white to light yellow. Hair
color may darken with time, but does not vary significantly from
childhood to adulthood. This form of albinism is rarer than OCA2,
except in the Japanese population.
Predicting Albinism.
The Punnett square is a diagram that is used to predict an outcome of a particular cross or breeding experiment. Mendelian inheritance is a set of primary tenets relating to the transmission of hereditary characteristics from parent organisms to their offspring. These are methods used to predict Albinism when one or both parents is a carrier of the recessive gene: When one parent is an Albino, and the other normal: when one parent is an Albino and the other is a carrier. In the case of European ancestors, where both parents were Albinos mating with each other, the resultant offspring will always be Albino.
Prevention of Albinism
Because albinism is inherited, two Albinos mating can only produce other Albinos, therefore genetic counseling is important. People with a family history of albinism or hypopigmentation should consider genetic counseling.
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Hiding Albinism
Albino (White) Europeans, are for the most part, not physiologically able to accept and admit that they are, or are derived, from Albinos. Thus they insist that they are "Normal" and even still encourage production of "Pure" Albino children like below: (Children like this are produced by parents who have acquired little or no Black admixture). This is a foolhardy behavior, the price of which, the children will have to pay.
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All of the above begs the question: why is there such a diversity of skin color and phenotype in Mongols - some are very dark, and some are as White as the Whitest European, (Some White Mongols shun the Sun, for fear of getting darker). But there is not a comparative diversity in White Europeans? The answer to that, lies in the dissimilar histories of China and Europe.
According to the Chinese Governments history of ancient China (at their website): The first civilization of China was the Xia, followed by the Shang: these were - as they call them - Slave societies. Wherein captured people, were enslaved to work for the privileged classes. It has long been known that the Zhou, a tribe from Central Asia, overthrow the Xia/Shang dynasties in China (circa 1,000 B.C.). The Chinese government doesn't say it; but modern researchers now agree that the Zhou was a Caucasian tribe.
This sets up a scenario where the populous of a country, accepts invaders as saviors, because they so hated the previous administration - even though the invaders are of a different race! In this context, it is easy to see how the White Zhou and the Black Chinese populous, would have accelerated the probably ongoing process of admixture. Freely intermingling and crossbreeding, thus producing the modern Chinese of today - with their wide variety of skin colors and phenotypes - see exhibit below.
Proving that reality is stranger than fiction: this very same scenario will be played out again in ancient Egypt. There Egypt is under the occupation of the hated Persians. In October 332 B.C, Alexander the Great, whose army is at war with Persia, is able to walk into Egypt, and take possession of its government, and be called a liberator, because the Egyptions so hated the Persians.
Click here for link to the Chinese governments history website
(Note: the translation is not the best, and they claim 5,000 years of civilization, but date the Xia to 2,000 B.C. - it should be 3,000 B.C.).
As we already know, Europe has a very different history, both at the time of the White invasion, and afterward. In Europe, a large part of the Black population fled the White invaders, (see the Sea People Exodus). Those that remained, fought wars of survival for many centuries. The Celts of Gaul being the last to fall, when Caesar's army defeated Vercingetorix in 46 B.C. Consequently there was not a great deal of Black people left in Europe for admixture; thus leaving White Europeans with little generic diversity.
Click here for link to the Sea People page: >>>
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Note above:You have Wide noses, Narrow high bridge nose, and in-between noses. ALL HUMAN PHENOTYPES ARE PRESENT ABOVE! |
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Click here to run the video: >>> http://www.msn.com/en-us/video/tunedin/why-do-you-have-blue-eyes/vi-AAfknvc?ocid=spartandhp
a) In the video they keep saying that Blue Eyes are due to a mutated OCA2 gene. But they never say what OCA2 stands for.
OCA2 means "Oculocutaneous Albinism II" (type 2).
b) It also says that all Blue-eyed people descend from a common (White) European ancestor 10k-20k ago.
What a silly lie - note the Black children above.
Whites and Mongols are NOT Races!The corollary to the above proofs and exhibits, is that the White mans division of the worlds people into the three Human races (Black, White and Mongol) is false and self-serving. When a group member of a species with a great variety of physical attributes - such as Black Humans - who exhibit ALL Human attributes: Black skin, White skin (Albinos), Broad noses, Narrow noses, Full lips, Thin lips, Wooly hair, Straight hair, Hair of all colors, Hair of all textures, Very tall people, Very short people, People with Mongol features - breaks away, and forms a "Supergroup" of ONLY those with a "Single" particular distinct attribute, and through some type of isolation - forced or otherwise, breed exclusively among themselves, thus producing offspring with only that one attribute. They create a Sub-species containing ONLY that attribute! So when isolate members of a species ALL share a common trait, such as (White Skin - Albinism). They do not form a "New" Race, they form a SUB-SPECIES. Thus Whites are NOT a RACE, they are a SUB-SPECIES! So when isolate members of a species ALL share a common trait, such as (Mongol features). They form a SUB-SPECIES. Thus Mongol is NOT a RACE, it is a SUB-SPECIES! So when isolate members of a species ALL share a common trait, such as (extreme small stature - Pygmy) . They form a SUB-SPECIES. Thus the Pygmy is NOT a RACE, it is a SUB-SPECIES! Therefore, there is only ONE RACE - the "All Encompassing" Black skinned Human race: all others are Sub-species. |
In identifying the White invaders of Europe and India, we run into an immediate problem, what to call the invaders of India. Today we call them Aryans or Arians, but that cannot be true. Because we know that Aryan is an English language loanword. As the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language states at the beginning of its definition, "It is one of the ironies of history that Aryan, a word nowadays referring to the blond-haired, blue-eyed physical ideal of Nazi Germany, originally referred to a people who looked vastly different (They were Black people). Its history starts with the ancient Indo-Iranians, a peoples who inhabited parts of what are now Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and India". (Note: the original country of India included the countries now called Pakistan and Bangladesh - it was broken-up after WW II).
Proof of this is found in Darius the Great's Behistun Inscription. Line (70) reads - King Darius says: "By the grace of Ahuramazda this is the inscription which I have made. Besides, it was in Aryan script, and it was composed on clay tablets and on parchment". (In other Persian writings, Persian Nobles are also called Aryans).
The term "Indo-European" cannot be used either, because it is a language designation, not a racial designation. The language group "Indo-European" is thought derived from "Proto-Sanskrit" which was the hybrid language that was created when the Black Dravidians of India were invaded by the "so-called" White Aryans of central Asia. Hybrid being the key word, because certainly the Indo-European languages have elements of the original languages of the invading Whites, but they also have elements of the languages of the Black people that they conquered; from the Black Sea and India, all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. And the many modern Indo-European languages no doubt reflect this. So to characterize Indo-European languages as White languages is of course incorrect - the truth be told, the White influence would logically be the least, that because they were on arrival, culturally inferior. In India, the resultant people of Aryan/Dravidian admixture - the Hindu's of northern India - are likewise: a hybrid people.
The Rig Veda: (The ancient Hindu sacred collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns - It is counted among the four canonical sacred texts of Hinduism known as the Vedas. Some of its verses are still recited as Hindu prayers, at religious functions and other occasions, putting these among the world's oldest religious texts in continued use). Is of no help to us either, because the White invaders of India, as well as those of Europe, were illiterate Nomads. They had no writing, they only had an oral tradition for history, consequently the Vedas were written hundreds of years after their arrival, when they had accepted writing. And we don't even know for sure when that was, some say around 1,100 B.C. and since that is roughly about the same time that Whites first appeared in Europe, perhaps we can use it as a time-frame. But the Vedas don't say what they originally called themselves, so we are still left without a name for the White invaders of India, so we must make do with Aryan, because the other generally used term "Indo-European" is even more bogus.
Dating the arrival of the Hellenes into southern Europe is much easier, (the nonsensical chronologies of Whites notwithstanding), because there are contemporaneous events in Greece, and other places, that herald the arrival of the White Invaders.
1) Sometime around 2,000 B.C. Cretans (Minoan's) in conjunction with Egypt, built the first city on the Greek mainland - Mycenae. Logically, they would not have built a new city in an undeveloped country, if there had been invaders of any kind marauding about. So we know that the White invasions started AFTER that time.
2) We know that at about 1178 B.C. the Blacks of Southern Europe and the Mediterranean Islands, fled in mass to Egypt, indicating that they themselves were being invaded. The account of their invasion of Egypt, is documented in "Medinet Habu" Ramesses III mortuary temple. It states that during the 8th year of the reign of Ramesses III (He reigned from 1186 to 1155 B.C.), Egypt was invaded by a conglomeration of Black "South Europeans" and "Mediterranean Islanders" called by the Egyptians "The Sea People". This invading group included Men, Women, Children, and all of their possessions that they could carry. Clearly then, this was not a military invasion for the spoils of War, but rather, people invading to get territory for new homes.
The Sea People were: The Peleset and Tjeker (Minoan's) of Crete, they would later be known as the “Philistines” after they had settled in Southern Canaan. Over time, this area became known by a form of their name “Palestine”. The Lukka who may have come from the Lycian region of Anatolia, The Ekwesh and Denen seem to be identified with the original (Black) Greeks, The Shardana (Sherden) who may be associated with Sardinia, The Teresh (Tursha or Tyrshenoi), the Tyrrhenians - the Greek name for the Etruscans, and The Shekelesh (Sicilians?). Note: Ramesses III defeated the Sea People; after which, they moved on to Anatolia (Turkey), where they conquered territory and settled in Central Anatolia.
3) We know that the original Blacks of Greece were a literate and artistic people - from earlier artifacts. We also know that the Invading Whites of Greece were illiterate Nomads and had no writing. Thus, the period when all writing and art stopped in Greece; can be considered the beginnings of the White invasions. And the time when writing and art begin again, can be considered the time of successful completion of the invasions. The conventional dating of the Greek "Dark Ages" corresponds to from about 1,200 to 900 B.C. So we can safely use 1,200 B.C. as the approximate time of the White Invasion of Greece.
Tribes of the Hellenes appear to be; the Dorians, Ionians and Aeolians; also the Latin's, see note below.
Note: It is said that the Greek Dark Ages were a time of Ionian settlement, and a consolidation into an alliance called the Ionian League. It is also said that the Archaic Period of Greece began with a sudden and brilliant flash of art and philosophy on the coast of Anatolia. And that the first Greek science was devised by the Milesian School of philosophy: Miletus was an ancient city on the western coast of Anatolia, that after being sacked by Carians? was later resettled extensively by the Ionian Greeks - about 1000 B.C. If the previous is true, then much of the science of the original Black Greek civilization must have been destroyed by the White invasion, and was subsequently learned by Whites in Anatolia from the Blacks there - who had a similarly advanced Black civilization - and then re-introduced into Greece by the White Greeks from Anatolia.
Note: Whites have written more nonsense and outright lies about Greece, than any other civilization - the sheer volume of which is mind boggling and impossible to follow. The reason for that is simple; Whites view Greece as the original "White" civilization; and are loath to admit that it was fundamentally a Black civilization - which the Hellenes simply continued. The White writer Martin Gardiner Bernal, Professor Emeritus of Government and Near Eastern Studies at Cornell University, has written about this in his series of books, "Black Athena".
White pride, nonsense and lies aside; When the modern-day people of Greece successfully fought for independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1828, they put aside the lies and pretense, and returned to their "Roots" they named their new Republic "The Hellenic Republic" though it is still commonly called Greece. Note, the White "collusion" on this sensitive matter: After already existing for almost 200 years; Has anyone ever seen a Map with the correct "Proper Name" Hellenic Republic on it?
Another mystery: Where does the name "Greek" come from? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines it as "the language used by the Greeks from prehistoric times to the present, constituting a branch of Indo-European". But as we have seen, that is part of the White nonsense and lies - and is patently false. There is nothing to indicate that the original Blacks of Greece called themselves Greeks, and the Hellenes certainly didn't call themselves Greeks, so where did it come from? It would be no surprise to find that the word was first coined by some White writer in the past, who saw it as an opportunity to melt the accomplishments of the original Blacks of Greece with the identity of the invading White Hellenes - and it has worked perfectly!
There is nothing to document the arrival of the Latin's in Italy, except the Sea Peoples exodus. And there is nothing to indicate their Tribe, except their relationship with the Hellenes, and the relationship of their languages. The Italic languages are first attested in writing from Umbrian and Faliscan inscriptions dating to the 7th century B.C. The alphabets used are based on the Old Italic alphabet, which is itself based on the Greek alphabet. The Italic languages themselves show minor influence from the Etruscan and somewhat more from the Ancient Greek languages. As Rome extended its political dominion over the whole of the Italian Peninsula, Latin became dominant over the other Italic languages, which ceased to be spoken perhaps sometime in the 1st century AD. From so-called Vulgar Latin the Romance languages emerged. That together with the fact that Latin's and Hellenes both show-up at about the same time in Europe, and were often allies, and indeed, joined forces to defeat the Etruscans, suggests that they were the same people.
Conclusion: The Latin's were originally a Hellenic tribe.
According to the "Eastern Homeland theory" prior to becoming known to the Roman world, Slavic speaking tribes were part of the many multi-ethnic confederacies of Eurasia - such as the Sarmatian, Hun and Gothic empires. The Slavs emerged from obscurity when the westward movement of Germans in the 5th and 6th centuries A.D. (thought to be in conjunction with the movement of peoples from Siberia and Eastern Europe: Huns, and later Avars and Bulgars): started the great migration of the Slavs, who settled the lands abandoned by Germanic tribes fleeing the Huns and their allies. They moved westward into the country between the Oder and the Elbe-Saale line; southward into Bohemia, Moravia, much of present day Austria, the Pannonian plain and the Balkans; and northward along the upper Dnieper river. Perhaps some Slavs migrated with the movement of the Vandals to Iberia and north Africa.
Around the 6th century, Slavs appeared on Byzantine borders in great numbers. The Byzantine records note that grass wouldn't regrow in places where the Slavs had marched through, so great were their numbers. After military movements, even the Peloponnese and Asia Minor (Turkey) were reported to have Slavic settlements. By the end of the 6th century A.D, Slavs had settled the Eastern Alps region.
The area of modern-day Germany in the European Iron Age was
divided into the (Celtic) La Tène in Southern Germany and the
(Germanic) Jastorf culture in Northern Germany. The
Germanic peoples during the Migrations Period came into contact with
other peoples; in the case of the populations settling in the territory
of modern Germany, they encountered Celts to the south, and Balts and
Slavs towards the east. The Limes Germanicus was
breached in 260 A.D, as migrating Germanic tribes commingled with the
local Gallo-Roman populations in what is now Swabia and Bavaria. The migration-period peoples who would coalesce
into a "German" ethnicity were the Saxones, Frisii, Franci, Thuringii,
Alamanni and Bavarii. By the 800s A.D, the territory of modern Germany,
had been united under the rule of Charlemagne. Much of what is now
Eastern Germany remained Slavonic-speaking (Sorbs and Veleti).
The Migration Period, also called the Barbarian Invasions or Völkerwanderung (German for "wandering of the peoples"), was a period of human migration that occurred roughly between the years 300 to 700 A.D. It marked the transition from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages. These movements were catalyzed by profound changes within both the Roman Empire and the so-called 'barbarian frontier'. Migrating peoples during this period included the Goths, Vandals, Bulgars, Alans, Suebi, Frisians, and Franks, among other Germanic, and Slavic tribes.
Migrations of other peoples continued beyond 1000 A.D,
marked by Viking, Magyar, Turkic and Mongol invasions, and these also
had significant effects, especially in Eastern Europe.
As shown above, to their credit, many Whites have abandoned the pretense of European origin, and have instead, tried to flesh-out their true history. Though we disagree with the time-frame below, it is nonetheless a good start in finding the truth for White people.
THE GERMANIC PEOPLES(From a Danish source). THE MIGRATIONS The first phase of migrations are of the Indo-Europeans; Indo-European is the general name given to the people thought to be originated from the steppes of central Asia. Around 5000-4000 BC., these people started to emigrate to the warmer places in the south or west. Most scholars think of this as the beginning of the distinction between Indo-European tribes. Tribes who emigrated to the west became the ancestors of Germans, Slavs, Greeks, Latins, and Celts. People who chose the south as their destination came to be known as Indo-Iranians. There are also a rather small group of people who most likely chose not to participate in this great migration. These later entered the pages of history as Scythians and Sarmatians, although they are also believed to be nomadic Indo-Iranians since their language and customes are closely tide to the Ancient Persians. The second phase, between 300 to 675 AD, set in motion the Germanic migration age and resulted in putting Germanic peoples in control of the societies of the former Western Roman Empire. The third phase, between 780 to 1100, saw Scandinavian Germans on the move in multiple waves of migration, conquest, and plunder. Settling large areas of northern Europe where their descendants remain today: Russia, England, Scotland, Ireland, Normandy, Iceland, the Shetland and Orkney islands. |
According to Chinese records, Turks appear in the political history of Asia with the Huns. The Huns were a coalition of various central Asian nomads, including Turks. The Hun State which first appeared in the 3rd century B.C. became a significant and powerful state during the reign of its founder, Mete Khan. Having a defined and special strategy, Mete Khan defeated the Mongols and then the Yuechis. And after having conquered the western gates and trade routes of China, gained significant economic power. When Mete Khan died, the Great Hun Empire was at its peak due to its military organization, domestic and foreign policies, religion, army, war strategies and arts.
After the collapse of the Asian Hun State, a new state called the Göktürk Empire was founded at the foot of the Altay Mountains. The Göktürks were the first to employ the word "Turk" in their official state name, they chose Ötüken, the former capital of the empire as a base and established khanates. Later they spread out and became an empire. They professed that a khanate could not be ruled by means of war and bravery alone and that wisdom was very important. Bilge (means wise) Khan and Kül Tegin are noted as the wisest and most heroic figures among Turkish statesmen in history. It was because of this that both these khans and Tonyukuk, another Göktürk Khan, immortalized their accomplishments with inscriptions.
The main migration (expansion) of Turkic people to Anatolia, occurred at the same time as Turkic migration between the 6th and 11th centuries A.D. when they spread across most of Central Asia and into Europe, and the Middle East. The Seljuk Turks were the first Turkish power to arrive in the 11th century as conquerors. They proceeded to gradually conquer the lands of the existing Byzantine Empire. In the following centuries the local populations began to be assimilated by the arriving Turkic migrants. Over time, as word spread regarding the victory of the Turks in Anatolia, more Turkic migrants came, which helped to bolster the Turkish population. The Byzantine Greeks living in Anatolia, left the region, returning to Greece, to prevent religious conversion.
The Khazars were another ancient Turkic people who first appeared in Transcaucasia, {the transitional region between Europe and Asia, extending from the Greater Caucasus to the Turkish and Iranian borders, between the Black and Caspian seas.} in the 2nd century A.D, and subsequently settled in the lower Volga region. They emerged as a force in the 7th century and rose to great power. By the 8th century the Khazar empire extended from the northern shores of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea to the Urals and as far westward as Kiev. Also in the 8th Century, the Khazars converted to the Hebrew religion and made Judaism the State religion. “Itil” the Khazar capital in the Volga delta, was a great commercial center. The Khazar Empire fell, when Sviatoslav, duke of Kiev (945–72), son of Igor and of St. Olga, defeated its army in 965 A.D. The Khazars are the progenitors of European Jewry, the entomology of the term Jew or Jewish probably relates to these people. {Hebrews were not known as Jews}.
Also important were the Mughals, who name is derived from the original homelands of the Timurids, the Central Asian steppes once conquered by Genghis Khan, and hence known as Moghulistan, "Land of Mongols". Although early Mughals spoke the Chagatai language and maintained Turko-Mongol practices, they were essentially Persianized. They transferred the Persian literature and culture to India, thus forming the base for the Indo-Persian culture
The Mughal Empire was an Islamic and Persianate imperial power of the Indian subcontinent which began in 1526 and ruled most of Hindustan (South Asia) by the late 17th and early 18th centuries, and ended in the mid-19th century. The Mughal Emperors were descendants of the Timurids, and at the height of their power around 1700 A.D, they controlled most of the Indian Subcontinent — extending from present-day Bangladesh in the east to Balochistan in the west, Kashmir in the north to the Kaveri basin in the south. Its population at that time has been estimated as between 110 and 130 million.
Beginning in 1725, the Empire declined rapidly, weakened by wars of succession, agrarian crises that fueled local revolts, the growth of religious intolerance, the rise of the Maratha Empire, as well as the Sikh Empire, and finally British colonialism. The last Emperor, Bahadur Zafar Shah II, whose rule was restricted to the city of Delhi, was imprisoned and exiled by the British after the Indian Rebellion of 1857.
The "classic period" of the Empire started with the accession of Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar, better known as Akbar the Great in 1556. It ended with the death of Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707 A.D, although the Empire continued for another 150 years. During this period, the Empire was marked by a highly centralized administration connecting the different regions. All the significant monuments of the Mughals, date to this period.
The successor of the Seljuks, was the Ottoman Empire (named after its first leader Osman Gazi), which began as a small tribe of nomadic Turks, but who would come to dominate the region for 600 years, its first capital was located in Bursa. In 1453 A.D, under Sultan Mehmed II, the Ottomans conquered the last stronghold of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople (later known as Istanbul). The Empire reached its peak under Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent between 1520–1555 A.D, where territories stretched from Hungary to the Persian Gulf, from Crimea to Algeria. Following the death of Suleyman, the Empire's expansion pace slowed with successive inept administrations and began a slow course of gradual decline in 18th century A.D.
Throughout the 19th and early 20th century, the Ottoman Empire began to lose its foothold on its territories, first with Algeria and Tunisia, then Greece, Egypt, Libya and the Balkans in the 1912–1913 Balkan Wars. Faced with territorial losses on all sides, the Ottoman Empire forged an alliance with Germany who supported it with troops and equipment. In World War I the Ottoman Empire was forced into the War, after granting two German warships refuge.
On October 30, 1918, the Armistice of Mudros was signed, followed by the imposition of the Treaty of Sèvres on August 10, 1920 - which was never ratified. These sought to break up the Ottoman Empire and force large concessions on territories of the Empire in favour of its rival Greece, who had switched sides against the Germans. Greece and Italy were awarded parts of the coast of Anatolia (Turkey), while France were granted lands south of the Taurus Mountains. The city of İzmir (Smyrna) was given to Greece.
The Republic of Turkey was the successor state of the Ottoman Empire, following the overthrow of Sultan Mehmet VI Vahdettin by the new Republican assembly of Turkey in 1922. This new regime delivered the 'coup de grâce' to the Ottoman state which had been practically wiped away from the world stage following World War I.
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(Note: Just as modern Christian culture is far removed from ancient Hebrew culture - it is now European culture. So too is modern Arab culture far removed from original Arab culture - it is now Turkish culture. During the time of the Turkish Ottoman Empire (1299 - 1922), Islam was not known as the Arab religion, it was known as the Turkish religion).
The Thawb (Arab Robes) Emblematic of Arab culture, is not
Arab at all. The original Arabs, like the Egyptians, Berbers,
Mesopotamian's, Elamites/Persians: had Black skin, they did not need
the Head to Toe protection from the Sun, that the Thawb affords. It is
not known who invented the Thawb, but it is known that even though the
Turks once ruled from Baghdad, they hated to go there because of the
hot climate and burning Sunshine. Being that the original Turks were a
very pale skinned people who needed protection from the Sun, it is
likely that they invented the Thawb.
Modern man of Turkic ethnicity in a Thawb |
Ancient Arab |
Ancient Berber |
Ancient Egyptian |
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Ancient Hebrew |
Ancient Persian |
Ancient Sumerian |
Ancient Assyrian |
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It cannot escape the careful reader, that nowhere in these histories, which represent all of the original Black civilizations, is there even the slightest hint of what the indigenous Blacks though, said, or wrote, about these strange White people invading their lands. Even the most simple-minded must understand that such a void can in no way be natural, as it is the basic nature of all people to talk about, and describe, that which is new. When it is such a monumental occurrence as millions upon millions of Albinos invading: well then, there was certainly written material to match that.
But then, where is that written material describing these invading Albinos? Certainly it is not available to us: was it destroyed, is it carefully hidden? Here again, we don't know. But clues can be gleaned from the more recent behavior of Whites. In Britain, even today, when the remains of Blacks are found, there is a great hoopla, how did they get here, were they Slaves? What a great mystery!
To demonstrate the stupidity of these lies, let us read a quote from The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus (56-118 A.D.) from his book: Germany Book 1.
11. Who were the original inhabitants of Britain, whether they were indigenous or foreign, is, as usual among barbarians, little known. Their physical characteristics are various, and from these conclusions may be drawn.
The red hair and large limbs of the inhabitants of Caledonia point clearly to a German origin. The dark complexion of the Silures, their usually curly hair, and the fact that Spain is the opposite shore to them, are an evidence that Iberians of a former date crossed over and occupied these parts. Those who are nearest to the Gauls are also like them, either from the permanent influence of original descent, or, because in countries which run out so far to meet each other, climate has produced similar physical qualities.
Clearly in Tacitus's time, except for the Caledonians (Scotland), all other Britons were Black people. But the depth of the lies and stupidity goes even deeper: Before modern times, much of Europe's Nobility was Black. Britain's last Black Queen was Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (19 May 1744 – 17 November 1818), she was a Princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and Queen of the United Kingdom as the consort of King George III. As we have already demonstrated the lying nature of White people in many other pages; it is suffice to say that Whites have spent a lot of time and energy, fabricating a false history for themselves, while at the same time, trying to write Blacks OUT of history.
To glean an understanding of that unseemly behavior, we must return to two items above: 1) The original Black Europeans were genetic Y-dna haplogroup "I". 2) The incoming Albinos from Central Asia (Y-dna haplogroup "R"), were as described by Herodotus (ca. 400 B.C.): "they have all deep blue eyes, and bright red hair".
Today, thought the female Mt-dna is quite varied in European Females: Almost every single White Male in the world, is either Y-dna haplogroup "I" or Y-dna haplogroup "R" AND they are no longer "Red haired, Blue Eyed" Albinos. Obviously something happened! Once again Tacitus provides the explanation.
The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus (56-118 A.D.) from his book: Germany Book 1.
4. For my own part, I agree with those who
think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of
intermarriages with foreign nations, and that they appear as a
distinct, unmixed race, like none but themselves. Hence, too, the same
physical peculiarities throughout so vast a population. All have fierce
blue eyes, red hair, huge frames, fit only for a sudden exertion. They
are less able to bear laborious work. Heat and thirst they cannot in
the least endure; to cold and hunger their climate and their soil inure
The Bhatti tribe of Pakistan still produces Albinos identical to the Germanics. (Pakistan was originally part of India). |
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From that quote we see that the Germans who migrated to Western Europe and Britain, were still "Red haired, Blue Eyed" Albinos - unmixed! But we know that at some point, Whites became a mix of Y-dna haplogroups "I" and "R". Further on Tacitus solves the mystery.
Germany Book 1
(On the Germans going into Battle)
7. They also carry with them into battle certain figures and images taken from their sacred groves. And what most stimulates their courage is, that their squadrons or battalions, instead of being formed by chance or by a fortuitous gathering, are composed of families and clans. Close by them, too, are those dearest to them, so that they hear the shrieks of women, the cries of infants. They are to every man the most sacred witnesses of his bravery--they are his most generous applauders. The soldier brings his wounds to mother and wife, who shrink not from counting or even demanding them and who administer both food and encouragement to the combatants.
8. Tradition says that armies already wavering and giving way have been rallied by women who, with earnest entreaties and bosoms laid bare, have vividly represented the horrors of captivity, which the Germans fear with such extreme dread on behalf of their women, that the strongest tie by which a state can be bound is the being required to give, among the number of hostages, maidens of noble birth. They even believe that the sex has a certain sanctity and prescience, and they do not despise their counsels, or make light of their answers.
Clearly the indigenous Black Europeans, were killing German Males, and taking their Females as spoils of War. Thus the offspring gained the ability to produce "Some" Melanin in their skin, and the Males gained a strengthening measure of genetic diversity. But most importantly, the German females were not taken as wives, they were simply "despoiled" and allowed to return to their tribes. Y-dna does not change, it is passed from father to son, regardless of whether the father is Black or White. Thus their "Mulatto" Male offspring would retain the Y-dna haplogroup "I" of their despoiler father. When these mulatto males bred with their tribal White females, their resultant male offspring would be Quadroons (1/4) Black, but still with the Y-dna haplogroup "I" of their despoiler grandfather. When these Quadroon males bred with their tribal White females, their resultant male offspring would be Octoroons (1/8) Black, but still with the Y-dna haplogroup "I" of their despoiler great grandfather - and so on. Of course the opposite is also true on the maternal Mtdna side, a Mulatto female breeding with an Albino Y-dna haplogroup "R" male, would produce Quadroon male offspring with the Y-dna haplogroup "R" of their Albino father.
Harold George "Harry" Belafonte, Jr. (born March 1, 1927) is an American singer, songwriter, actor and social activist. He was dubbed the "King of Calypso" for popularizing the Caribbean musical style with an international audience in the 1950s. Born Harold George Bellanfanti, Jr. at Lying-in Hospital in Harlem, New York: Belafonte was the son of Melvine (née Love) – a housekeeper of Jamaican descent – and Harold George Bellanfanti, Sr., a Martiniquan. |
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Perhaps surprisingly to some, this foolhardy pattern, (the word "delusional" can be used) return to Albinism breeding pattern, has continued into modern times. Up until the 18th century, Blacks were still prominent among European Royalty. More on that here: Click >>>
Whites have done countless studies on why they have pale skin, and also on Albinism. And as we have shown, every single explanation that they have offered for their pale skin has been proven false! Much has also been made of the fact that their studies do not say that they are Albinos - as if a people who have spent centuries, weaving a bogus history for themselves, would ever admit to that. The more salient fact is, that despite their many studies, and infinite minutia, they have failed to differentiate themselves from Albinos. And as the saying goes: If it Looks like a Duck...And it Quacks like a Duck...And it Waddles like a Duck...And lacking evidence to the contrary...The chances are really Good...THAT IT IS A DUCK!
We must be careful to remember that were are talking about "Two" different migrations of Asian Albinos into Europe. The first being the Hellenes and Latin's circa 1,200 B.C. By the time of the ancient writers Herodotus and Tacitus, they had already become a "mixed race" people owing to admixture with the indigenous Black Europeans. But having lost memory of their "Former" condition, they looked upon the new incoming Germanics and Slavs as being strange because of their Pale skin, Red hair, and Blue eyes.
Thus when these millions of "New" Albino Asians Invaded the Europe of Black and Mixed-race people, it of course, over time, changed the appearance of all future Europeans. As attested to by the observations of Herodotus and Tacitus: Today's Europeans are just slightly different from the original second-wave Albinos into Europe - but still changing. Whereas before, they ALL had Red hair and Blue Eyes: today Red hair is the Rarest hair color. Likewise, Blue Eyes are slowly being "Bred-out" by admixture with Normal people:
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"Since the turn of the century, people born with blue eyes in the United States have dramatically decreased, with only about 10 percent having blue eyes today. According to Mark Grant, an epidemiologist from Loyola University in Chicago. During the turn of the last century, the percentage of people with blue eyes stood at 57.4% for those born between 1899 through 1905; and 33.8% for those born between 1936 through 1951. According to Grant, in a study titled "Cohort effects in a genetically determined trait: eye color among US whites." This decrease in the occurrence of blue eyes is due to many factors, with the majority pointing to the increase in brown-eyed immigrants, mainly Hispanics and Asians, as well as heightened interracial relationships: as the other determinant. Blue eyes, next to green, are the rarest eye color in the world, as people of counties in Asia and Africa possess brown eyes."
The reason why modern Europeans are still so close to the "Pure Albinism" of the original Germanics, Slavs and Turks; as opposed to the admixture readily apparent in Asians, Middle-Easterners etc, is that the population of Blacks in Europe was not nearly as large as the Black population in those other places. That was compounded by the flight of Blacks from Europe, when hostilities between Blacks and the first incoming Albinos began: (See the Sea Peoples Exodus circa 1,100 B.C.). Keeping in mind that the "Entire" Dravidian type Albino population was driven out of Asia by the Mongols. This represented untold millions of people: here again, note what Tacitus said concerning just the Germans. Quote: hence too, the same physical peculiarities throughout so "vast" a population. All have fierce blue eyes, red hair, huge frames. Clearly then, just the Germans by themselves, represented an overwhelming influx of people.
However, one can easily see the results of a more evenly balanced admixture - 1:1 Mulatto| 1:4 Quadroon etc - within the demographics of China, Turkey, the Middle East, and North Africa.
Please note: as is always the case, as more research is done, new information is found, and new revelations become known. According to Herodotus, the Hellenes were originally a native Black tribe, who accepted the White barbarians into their midst. Franks among others, were native Black tribes, not Germanics. There is evidence that European Blacks were NOT assimilated, but rather, there was a Black Genocide event in medieval Europe. Click: Herodotus - Lineage of the Ancient Greeks ___________ Click: History of the Holy Roman Empire |
Further proof of irrational thinking regarding the issue of Albinism is their (the common European mans) rejection of simple logic.
i.e. As demonstrated in the following scientific article: White scientists look for the presence of the mutated Albino genes SLC45A2 and SLC24A5 to tell whether or not a particular ancient human was White like modern Europeans.
"P" gene mutations causes Oculocutaneous Albinism type 2, (OCA2).
SLC45A2 = OCA4
4Q24 = OCA5
SLC24A5 = OCA6
C10ORF11 = OCA7
Strangely, there are currently seven known mutations which causes Oculocutaneous Albinism in humans. Why these White scientists chose to key-in on only two types is unknown, but experience tells us that they are hiding something.
See the following example sources.
Example Source 1:
Quote: When it comes to skin color, the team found a patchwork of
evolution in different places, and three separate genes that produce
light skin, telling a complex story for how European’s skin evolved to
be much lighter during the past 8000 years. The modern humans who came
out of Africa to originally settle Europe about 40,000 years ago are
presumed to have had dark skin, which is advantageous in sunny
latitudes. And the new data confirm that about 8500 years ago, early
hunter-gatherers in Spain, Luxembourg, and Hungary also had darker
skin: They lacked versions of two genes—SLC24A5 and SLC45A2—that lead
to depigmentation and, therefore, pale skin in Europeans today.
Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is a heterogeneous and autosomal recessive disorder with hypopigmentation in the eye, hair, and skin color. Four genes, TYR, OCA2, TYRP1, and SLC45A2, have been identified as causative genes for nonsyndromic OCA1-4, respectively. The genetic identity of OCA5 locus on 4q24 is unknown. Additional unknown OCA genes may exist as at least 5% of OCA patients have not been characterized during mutational screening in several populations. We used exome sequencing with a family-based recessive mutation model to determine that SLC24A5 is a previously unreported candidate gene for nonsyndromic OCA, which we designate as OCA6. Two deleterious mutations in this patient, c.591G>A and c.1361insT, were identified. We found apparent increase of immature melanosomes and less mature melanosomes in the patient's skin melanocytes. However, no defects in the platelet dense granules were observed, excluding typical Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS), a well-known syndromic OCA. Moreover, the SLC24A5 protein was reduced in steady-state levels in mouse HPS mutants with deficiencies in BLOC-1 and BLOC-2. Our results suggest that SLC24A5 is a previously unreported nonsyndromic OCA candidate gene and that the SLC24A5 transporter is transported into mature melanosomes by HPS protein complexes.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 5
Sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger 5 (NCKX5), also known as solute
carrier family 24 member 5 (SLC24A5), is a protein that in humans is
encoded by the SLC24A5 gene that has a major influence on natural skin
color variation. The NCKX5 protein is a member of the
potassium-dependent sodium/calcium exchanger family. Sequence variation
(read mutation) in the SLC24A5 gene, particularly a non-synonymous SNP
changing the amino acid at position 111 in NCKX5 from alanine to
threonine, has been associated with differences in skin pigmentation.
Oculocutaneous albinism - caused by mutations in the SLC45A2 gene
More than 20 mutations in the SLC45A2 gene are responsible for oculocutaneous albinism type 4. The most common SLC45A2 mutation in the Japanese population switches a single protein building block (amino acid) in the SLC45A2 protein. Specifically, this mutation replaces the amino acid aspartic acid with the amino acid asparagine at protein position 157 (written as Asp157Asn or D157N). Other mutations, including changes in single amino acids and deletions or insertions of genetic material in the SLC45A2 gene, have also been reported in several populations worldwide. Mutations in this gene reduce or eliminate the function of the SLC45A2 protein in melanin production. Because this protein is important for normal pigmentation, its loss leads to changes in skin, hair, and eye coloration and problems with vision that are characteristic of oculocutaneous albinism type 4.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Membrane-associated transporter protein (MATP) also known as solute
carrier family 45 member 2 (SLC45A2) or melanoma antigen AIM1 is a
protein that in humans is encoded by the SLC45A2 gene.
SLC45A2 is a transporter protein that mediates melanin synthesis. SLC45A2 is also a melanocyte differentiation antigen that is expressed in a high percentage of melanoma cell lines. A similar sequence gene in medaka, 'B,' encodes a transporter that mediates melanin synthesis. Mutations in this gene are a cause of oculocutaneous albinism type 4. SLC45A2 has been found to play a role in pigmentation in several species. In humans, it has been identified as a factor in the light skin of Europeans
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